狐疑 发表于 2009-3-17 13:47

FM Real Time Editor V2.0.0252!3月17日更新

SPECIAL FEATURE: PLAYERS FUTURE TRANSFER, now you can edit the future transfer of a player, you can change his future club, the transfer fee, and if you want you can change the player to be transfered.

Changelist (251 to 252) :

[*]Fixed some minor bugs that i've forgot to fix in the previous release :P[*]修正了在上一版中忘记修正的小Bugs。
Changelist (250 to 251) :

[*]Fixed bug in Nations Information Screen for users with FM/WSM with 9.3 Patch installed[*]修正了升级930后的国家队信息界面Bug。[*]Fixed some minor bugs reported by some users by mail ( tks ;))[*]修正了由一些用户通过邮件汇报的Bugs。[*]Changes in Mini FMRTE[*]Mini FMRTE的变化。[*]I've swapped the Value field with Ask Value[*]用要价替换了身价。[*]The columns were resized, so now the ask value of players can fit in the screen ;)[*]栏目改变了大小,现在球员要价可以直接显示在界面中http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/1b9ec13d-12a1-11de-bd11-0014221b798a/

chenmeanrain18 发表于 2009-3-17 14:07


莫名 发表于 2009-3-17 15:16


liufeng5868 发表于 2009-3-17 23:38

谢了楼主   收下你的好东西

aking 发表于 2009-3-19 18:45


mikeivy 发表于 2009-3-20 09:38


Michasky 发表于 2009-3-22 14:38

有错误,用不 l ~~
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查看完整版本: FM Real Time Editor V2.0.0252!3月17日更新