leojn 发表于 2009-7-27 22:54

FMRTE v3.0 Preview Version 3.0.006


Download the preview version of FMRTE v3.0

Changes from FMRTE v2.0


   1. Fixed some general bugs..
   2. Auto Update - Auto Update feature has changed, now FMRTE will display more information about New Versions (changelist, known bugs...), and it if there is any new special information that FMRTE users needs to know, FMRTE will show it by loading the information from our website..
   3. Skins - FMRTE is now Skinnable, it means that you will be able to download other skins to use in FMRTE
   4. Presets - Now you can edit the Presets that FMRTE uses, and you can create your own presets in the new "Preset Manager"
   5. Favorites - Now FMRTE has a menu item in the menu bar that will add automatically a quick link to the gamer Nation, Profile, and Team(if has any..), it adds also a quick link to the available presets.
   6. Favorites - Run a Preset, when you run a preset by the Favorites Menu you are applying the Preset to the item ID that is defined in the Preset properties.. if that ID is (0 or -1) the preset wont be visible in the Favorites Menu as there is no player/staff... with ID 0 (its useful for presets that we only want to apply to a bunch of players/staff....)
   7. Other small features..

官网是说FOR fm2010的

10INTER 发表于 2009-7-28 11:11


125057878 发表于 2009-7-28 11:28


leojn 发表于 2009-7-28 12:09


    1 。固定一些一般性错误..
    2 。自动更新-自动更新功能已发生了变化,现在FMRTE将显示的信息所引起的新的版本( changelist ,已知错误...),而且如果有任何新的特殊信息FMRTE用户需要知道, FMRTE将显示它的载入中信息从我们的网站..
    3 。 -皮肤FMRTE现在Skinnable ,这意味着你将能够下载其他皮肤使用的FMRTE
    4 。预置-现在,您可以编辑预置FMRTE使用,您可以创建自己的预置,在新的“预设管理器”
    5 。收藏-现在FMRTE有一个菜单项在菜单栏中,将新增自动快速链接玩家民族,简介,以及小组(如果有任何.. ) ,这也增加了一个快速链接到现有的预置。
    6 。收藏-运行预设,当您执行预设的收藏夹菜单中,您的应用中,将预设的项目编号是指在预设属性..如果该编号是( 0或-1 )预置习惯可以在收藏夹菜单,因为没有播放/工作人员...与编号0 (其有用的预置,我们只想适用于一群球员/人员....)
    7 。其他小功能..

wangkun5310 发表于 2009-8-25 11:29

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