huyuekun 发表于 2010-5-5 14:52

球员属性详解(翻译了Fm Genius中的解释,加入了自己的一些看法)

本帖最后由 huyuekun 于 2010-5-6 10:09 编辑

PLAYER_PROFILE_ADAPTABILITY=How well player adapts to living in a country that isn’t his own.适应性,球员居住在外国,适应性太低容易闹别扭,一回去最少一个月……PLAYER_PROFILE_AMBITION=How much ambition player has to play at the highest level he can.野心:实际上翻译成“雄心”更合适,野心是个贬义词……这保证了球员能否在高级别的联赛打比赛,否则会有自信心不够,“不知道会否成功”的疑虑PLAYER_PROFILE_CONTROVERSY=How controversial player is off the field. This is a negative attribute.争论:场外和教练的争论,争论高的话,教练批评他,他会很不爽,和你闹别扭(是一个负面属性,越高越危险)PLAYER_PROFILE_LOYALTY=How loyal player is in general.忠诚:不容易想跳槽PLAYER_PROFILE_PRESSURE=How well player is able to handle pressure on and off the field.压力:球员在场上和场下处理压力的能力PLAYER_PROFILE_PROFESSIONALISM=How professional player’s conduct is on and off the field.职业素养:球场内外的职业素质,太低的话会出现夜不归宿到外面鬼混的情况。PLAYER_PROFILE_SPORTSMANSHIP=How sporting player’s conduct is on and off the field.体育精神:比如对方门将受伤,俺们球员会将要打空门的球踢出场外……PLAYER_PROFILE_TEMPERAMENT=How well player keeps his temper on and off the field.气质:场上脾气的控制能力,太低的话,容易在球场内外一哭二闹三上吊PLAYER_PROFILE_AERIAL_ABILITY=This is a goalkeeper’s ability to deal with the ball in aerial situations – punching and catching. Goalkeepers with higher ratings here will be able to deal with these potentially tricky situations more capably. Taller goalkeepers may have an advantage as well, but that isn’t to say smaller ones will struggle.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: The capacity to pluck the ball out of the air. A keeper who comes out and flaps at a ball will cause panic among his defenders. A good aerial ability is helpful against teams who get lots of crosses in or use the long ball tactic.制空能力:决定了门将能否摘下或击出空中的球,太低的话就会出现对方高中锋和我方门将撞一块儿,然后门将倒地进球的状况。PLAYER_PROFILE_COMMAND_OF_AREA=This affects how well the goalkeeper takes charge of his penalty area and works with his defensive line. A goalkeeper who commands his entire box (i.e. has a high rating) will be instinctive and look to take charge of situations, especially coming for crosses (therefore working in tandem with Aerial Ability). Do note, however, that a high rating only increases his penchant for coming for crosses and not necessarily claiming them all.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: A ‘keeper with good command of his area is mobile and gets around the box rapidly. He will display this attribute best at set pieces – knowing when to come for the ball and making sure he gets it when he does.指挥防守:门将指挥自己的球员在禁区内排出有效防线,这在定位球(任意球和角球)和传中球的情况下比较重要,配合高制空能力比较有效。PLAYER_PROFILE_COMMUNICATION=How well a goalkeeper communicates with his defensive line and organizes the defensive side of the team. A higher rating reflects a better communicator and will allow your back five (or more) to work better together, ensuring better defensive stability.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: A ‘keeper with good communication skills is essential if you want to possess an organized defense. Think Peter Schmeichel…交流:门将和后卫的交流能力,更好的组织防线,他举例说舒梅切尔,我举例说卡恩PLAYER_PROFILE_ECCENTRICITY=This attribute represents the likelihood of the goalkeeper to do the unexpected and typically act completely un-like a goalkeeper. Things like dribbling out of his area will be commonplace if the eccentricity attribute is high.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: An eccentric keeper is a double-edged sword. He might be capable of moments of genius, but equally you may find him scampering out of his box with no hope of getting to the ball before the opposition striker. If you like a player with a bit of character, a low rating, in my opinion, is not necessarily a good thing.激情:这对于门将来说是一柄双刃剑,你不想你的门将时不时的来个写字摆尾的话,这个数值还是低一点的好PLAYER_PROFILE_HANDLING=How securely the goalkeeper holds onto the ball when making a save or coming for a loose ball. Greater handling will be beneficial in unfavorable weather conditions, but in general a goalkeeper who doesn’t give up rebounds will be useful.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: This is the attribute you really want to look out for in a ‘keeper. No handling = no good.手控球:数值低的简称“黄油手”,顾名思义,门将手上的功夫,进行扑救的话不容易丢球,门将最重要的技术能力。PLAYER_PROFILE_KICKING=The physical capability of a goalkeeper to kick the ball - this purely defines the distance he can reach. His Passing and Technique ratings will define how accurate his kicks are.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If you play the long ball tactic, make sure your ‘keeper has a good kicking attribute. He’ll be able to stick it on your target man’s head from his six yard box. If your ‘keeper has a poor kicking rating, have him distribute the ball straight to your defenders.开大脚:能开多远的距离,比如雷纳和torres之间的配合……PLAYER_PROFILE_ONE_ON_ONES=The ability of the goalkeeper to do well when faced with an opponent in a one on one situation. Higher attributes will see goalkeepers attempt to impose themselves and win the ball with confidence.一对一:没有想象中那么有用,这是门将扑抢对方前锋脚下球的能力,清道夫门将适用,但容易被对方速度快、技术好的前锋调戏,很重要,但并不是最重要的能力,门将站好位置发挥金手指的能力也是可以的。PLAYER_PROFILE_REFLEXES=How good the goalkeeper is at making instinctive reaction saves. If he has a high reflexes rating he will be able to respond to the unpredictable with more success and be able to pull off the highlight reel saves.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: This is a great attribute for your ‘keeper to have, denoting how good he is at making instinctive saves – particularly from close range. This combines with good Handling and Agility to keep your goals conceded to a minimum.反应:门将对于射门的本能反应,非常重要,和手控球一样重要,可以说反应、手控球和灵活,三项数值是一金手指的必备三大属性PLAYER_PROFILE_RUSHING_OUT=How good the goalkeeper is at coming off his line to react to through balls and similar situations. A goalkeeper will benefit from Pace and Acceleration here as well.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: This is a good stat to have if your team plays the offside trap or if the opposition has a particularly fast striker (aka Michael Owen). Your ‘keeper will be out to meet them before you can say “Rushing Out”… errr….出击:离开禁区去接应或抢断的能力,配合造越位比较合适,需要速度和加速度,一对一也不能太差,清道夫门将的独门绝技PLAYER_PROFILE_TENDENCY_TO_PUNCH=This determines whether a goalkeeper will catch the ball when he can, or punch it clear. A higher rating reflects a tendency to punch most things clear even when it may be possible to hold onto the ball.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Something we’ve seen more of in the English Premiership in recent seasons as more teams employ continental keepers. Looking for this stat is purely a personal choice – punching can clear the danger immediately but it still remains a risky business. Not recommended with a weak and shaky defense.击球倾向:门将处理射门并不需要每次都稳稳拿下,碰到危险情况,双手击出禁区也是可以的PLAYER_PROFILE_THROWING=How good the goalkeeper’s distribution with his arms is. A higher rating will increase the accuracy of his throws, although Strength imparts on the distance he is able to reach.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If you like your team to play Counter Attack football, a keeper with good Throwing ability is essential. Once in possession he’ll have the ball out to your striker on the halfway line in no time...手抛球:门将手抛球的力量和准确度,相对于大脚开球要快很多,这对于快速反击球队比较合适,有时候他甚至于能丢向在中场等待进攻的前锋……PLAYER_PROFILE_CORNERS=This attribute reflects how well the player takes a corner. Taking advantage of set-pieces is important, and having a capable corner taker to put the ball into key areas is useful.角球:角球的准确度PLAYER_PROFILE_CROSSING=This indicates a player’s proficiency at crossing the ball from wide areas into the penalty box.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If you like to employ wingers and fullbacks marauding down both flanks it’s vital that they have the ability to get quality balls into your strikers. No point in doing this if your attackers are 5ft nothing though. The Crossing schedule in training is a good way to improve their stats.传中:从边线传向禁区的能力,边路球员该能力越强越好,当然,前提是禁区内有高中锋的情况下PLAYER_PROFILE_DRIBBLING=This refers to the player’s ability to dribble with the ball. This is purely his proficiency with the ball at his feet - his Pace, Acceleration, Agility, and Balance will all aid his dribbling in different circumstances, and whilst a higher dribbling attribute will also help him in different situations, dribbling alone isn’t enough to get by.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Coupled with Agility and Balance, I consider it essential you have a good dribbler in your side – especially in the more advanced roles with room to run at defenders. Be careful you don’t have too many dribblers though as they’ll tend to ignore any passing tactic you might have. Although a dribbler has the potential to be a match winner, he could also give it away in his own penalty area and lose you the game.盘带:盘带突破的能力,过人!过人!球场上最让人热血沸腾的场面,但盘带能力必须和速度、加速、灵活和平衡相结合,速度太慢容易被人回追断掉,加速太低过不去,灵活太低对于横向的移动不利,而且该球员还可能根本不能转身,平衡太低的话,容易被人一拉就倒。PLAYER_PROFILE_FINISHING=The player’s ability to put the ball in the back of the net when presented with a chance. A high finishing attribute will put the shot on target a majority of the time as a bare minimum but compared to a player with poorer finishing will find the places where the goalkeeper can’t save it. This is purely the ability of the player to perform an accurate shot - Composure and Decisions will also impart on the ability of a player to score consistently.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Nothing simpler here. Bad Finishing = Missing a Sitter. Mind you, your player has to be in the right position to score a goal, so ensure your player also has good Off the Ball movement, Balance and Strength.射门:比赛进攻阶段的终结方式,越高,射门越准(禁区或小禁区内?),但这种能力是和其他能力密切相关的,毕竟隔着10个人射,基本都会被挡下,面对空门,射门为1也基本能进球;因此射门能力和是否能够在恰当的位置密切相关,由此无球跑动异常重要;如果对方球员在拉扯、干扰呢?此时球员还需要平衡和强壮,不至于让自己的射门机会轻易丧失。PLAYER_PROFILE_FIRST_TOUCH=How good a player’s first touch is when receiving possession. A higher rating will ensure that the player can trap the ball quicker and put it in a useful position to then act upon. Players with lower ratings here will struggle to control the ball as adeptly and may be prone to losing the ball if closed down quickly.停球:原来翻译为“一脚触球”,就是球员的球感,球员的基本功,特别是在高对抗的比赛过程中,该能力越高,越能在接球的第一时间作出回避抢断或过人、射门的动作。否则一传就飞出底线,这样的球员不就是个祸害吗。PLAYER_PROFILE_FREE_KICKS=This reflects how good at taking free kicks the player is. It applies to both direct shots at goal and deliveries into dangerous areas from wider or deeper positions. A player who is proficient in taking free kicks can be a valuable commodity - scoring five free kicks a season and adding five more assists from them can be a huge bonus.任意球:包括任意球射门和从边路向禁区吊球两种情况PLAYER_PROFILE_HEADING=This is a player’s competence in aerial situations. Heading applies to all situations and is only about the player’s ability to head the ball well. Jumping (and to a lesser extent Strength) plays a big part in combination with heading to utilize the attribute to a greater level, as well as a player’s height.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: As crucial for players you want to use as Target men as it is for Central Defenders. Any team either playing the long ball tactic or being confronted by it will want some good headers in the side. Look for this attribute combined with Jumping.头球:头球能力,越高,头球射门和摆渡越准,但需要和弹跳配合,1米6的球员和2米的球员争头球?成功率机会为零。PLAYER_PROFILE_LONG_SHOTS=This is the player’s prowess at shooting from distance - from outside the penalty area. It is largely a stand-alone attribute but pay attention to any PPMs the player may have which complement their long shots rating.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If you don’t get shots on goal, you’re never going to score. A few long shots now and then can also really test a dodgy keeper. Once you’ve established that you have a midfielder like Hamann who can bullet them from the halfway line, instruct him to take a few long pots. He might be good at freekicks too...远射:点球点以外的射门能力(并不以禁区线为标准),但同射门一样,同样需要拉开空当,否则打飞机的几率和射向对方球员的几率差不多。PLAYER_PROFILE_LONG_THROWS=The ability of the player to perform a long throw, which can be taken advantage of in attacking situations.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Long Throwing ability is a particularly good attribute for a fullback to have as you will probably be wanting them to take most of the attacking throws, thereby freeing up your more attacking players.界外球:比如德拉普的超级手榴弹界外球,数值越高,距离和精确度越高,后卫来丢比较合适——增加前场攻击球员。PLAYER_PROFILE_MARKING=How well players, mainly defensive types, mark an opponent. Marking alone will see them do a good job if the attribute is high, but remember that other attributes - Strength, Off the Ball, Anticipation - will play a part in the effectiveness of the marking, as well as the comparable physical statures of the two players.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If a defender has poor Marking it doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be a load of rubbish. However, you’ll definitely want to avoid playing a Man-Marking tactic. If your defenders can’t mark for toffee, perhaps consider a Sweeper system or have them defend deeper than you would otherwise like. A Hard Tackling ploy goes nicely with Marking to soften up the opposition...盯人:防守技能,盯防,限制对方进攻球员的活动,让对方球员不能轻易找到空当,这和球员盯人、强壮、无球跑、预判密切相关,配合高铲抢,威力惊人。盯人较低的球员就不适合用盯人战术了,否则会轻易丢失自己的防守位置,此时他用区域防守比较合适。PLAYER_PROFILE_PASSING=How good the player is at passing the ball. His technique and ability will determine his success at passing over longer distances.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If you’ve got a midfielder posse who would give the Real Madrid midfield a run for their money, then you’ll be in a good position to use a Short or Mixed passing tactic to good effect. However, your midfield are more likely to be a bunch of muppets, so have them long ball it for all they’re worth.传球:长距离传球的准确度,这也是为什么每年的传球准确率最高的总是传球个位数的中后卫和后腰(这些哥们经常是后场倒脚,成功率能不高么),中场组织者的基本技能,长距离传球还需要创造性(视野)配合。PLAYER_PROFILE_PENALTY_TAKING=The ability of the player from the penalty spot. A player with a high rating here will be more confident and capable from 12 yards.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Although this stat speaks for itself, I’ve often found that a player with high Influence (e.g. club captain) will also come up trumps and have the guts to take a good penalty. Think Beckham...点球:点球能力,此数值越高,球员越自信,应该还和影响力、压力等相关。PLAYER_PROFILE_TACKLING=How successfully the player is at winning tackles and not conceding fouls from such situations. Players with a high tackling rating will consistently win the ball cleanly and be a more capable defensive player.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If you combine this attribute with Strength, Marking and particularly Aggression and Bravery, you’ll have a great defender on your hands. Essential for defenders and battling defensive midfielders.铲球:数值越高成功率越高,且不容易犯规,铲球效果和强壮、盯人、侵略性、勇敢相关PLAYER_PROFILE_TECHNIQUE=Technique is the aesthetic quality of a player’s technical game - how refined they appear to be with the ball. A player with high technique will be more likely to pull off a tricky pass or a cross-field ball with greater ease than someone less technically able. This in turn affects a number of technical attributes – poorer technique will let a player down.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Technique is perhaps one of the more important attributes a player can have and refers largely to natural skill rather than an expertise in a particular area or position. Look for good technique in your more attacking players if you want to impress the opposition.技术:球员将球控制在脚下的能力,更容易作出假动作、更容易传出传中球,由此突破、传中、传球等技术动作都和技术相关。PLAYER_PROFILE_AGGRESSION=This reflects a player’s attitude in terms of playing mentality but is not necessarily a dirtiness indicator. A more aggressive player will look to involve himself in every incident and get stuck in, perhaps at the expense of a yellow card or two. A less aggressive player may shy away from situations and merely drop into his comfort zone.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: This attribute is a measure of how enthusiastic a player will be when involved in a confrontation with an opponent or when challenging for a 50-50 ball. Aggressive players will get cautioned more often (which will make them miss matches) but they won’t half get stuck in for your team!侵略性:拼抢的意愿和“肮脏”不是一码事,球员为了拼抢球,宁愿得牌在所不惜;低侵略性的球员则会躲避拼抢,不愿意更多的身体接触(足球是男人的运动,少了拼抢还有什么意思?)PLAYER_PROFILE_ANTICIPATION=How well a player can predict and react to an event. If a player has a high attribute here he can read the game well and react to situations quicker than others. This attribute works well with ‘Off the Ball’.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If your midfield players have good anticipation, then they will be likely to manage more interceptions during a match and therefore give your team more possession. Good anticipation is a vital ingredient for defenders and attackers alike though - best coupled with good Off the Ball movement and Decisions.预判:泛指“球商”,是对球场情况的判断能力,尤其是对于球的落点等判断非常重要,配合上很好的无球跑动能够轻易地判断出球的落点及时解围或者快速的插入空当形成有威胁的进攻。这是防守和进攻都非常重要的能力。PLAYER_PROFILE_BRAVERY=How committed and indeed, brave, a player is. Braver players will risk injury more in situations a lesser-minded player may shy away from. They’ll go in where it hurts and lay it on the line for the team.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Bravery should be an essential part of any player’s vocabulary. A high Bravery rating will increase the likelihood of your player winning 50-50 balls and generally getting in where it hurts. As previously mentioned, at its best with Tackling and most goalkeeper stats you care to mention.勇敢:有利于1对1的拼抢成功,但容易受伤;数值较低的球员则会尽量避免这种身体对抗。PLAYER_PROFILE_COMPOSURE=The player’s steadiness of mind and ability, particularly with the ball.
When faced with a big goalscoring chance or heavy pressure defensively, a player with high composure will be able to keep his head and more often than not make an intelligent decision which is beneficial to the team.镇定:球员(尤其是在有球状态下)精神和技术能力的稳定发挥,对于有球的前锋非常重要,但无球队员(比如中后卫)并不像想象中那么重要吧。PLAYER_PROFILE_CONCENTRATION=This reflects a player’s concentration on an event-by-event basis. A high rating here will mean the player can concentrate harder for longer and be able to respond to incidents late in the game just as well as he did early on. Lower concentration will see players lose focus and perhaps become liable to mistakes at crucial times in the match.集中:球员对于攻防的集中程度,越高越能长时间保持状态,否则会越往后越容易出错,对于后卫和门将会比较重要,因为他们一旦出错往往就是丢球。PLAYER_PROFILE_CREATIVITY=This refers to a player’s vision and ability to see a potential opening, not necessarily exploit it. A player might be able to see something to take advantage of but also requires the technical proficiency to pull it off.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Creativity is the ability to make things happen. You’ll score more goals if you get a creative midfielder operating in the centre of the park. It might be wise to support him with a defensive midfielder though as creative geniuses don’t tend to be great tacklers. There are exceptions of course...创造性:也就是视野,和传球能力密切相关PLAYER_PROFILE_DECISIONS=The ability of a player to make a correct decision a majority of the time. This attribute is important in every position but perhaps more so for central defenders and midfielders, who will see a lot of the ball and have a number of options when in possession.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Quick thinking is crucial in a hectic game of football. You want players who can make the right decisions in the heat of the moment. Look for a good Decisions attribute to be combined with Creativity, Passing and to a lesser extent Anticipation.决断:让球员在正确的地点、正确的形势下做出正确的判断,对于中后卫和中场比较重要,毕竟他们要组织、策应、防守,对于进攻组织者该能力就更重要了,毕竟他要做的更多,而前锋往往只要承担射门或策应的责任,要求要少一些。PLAYER_PROFILE_DETERMINATION=A commitment to succeed. A determined player will give everything in order to win. This ties in with Bravery - players with a high attribute in one of these attributes may also be high in the other as the traits necessary are similar.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Determination is a measure of your players’ desire to win and it’s a good attribute to possess throughout your team. You might particularly look for Determination in players if you manage a lowly club and often find you’re having to come back from a goal or two down. Players with Determination will keep battling to the final whistle.决心:决心高的球员容易逆转,即便比分落后,也会一直奋战到终场哨响,否则会轻易放弃,不是被人打倒的,而是被人吓倒的。PLAYER_PROFILE_FLAIR=A natural talent for the creative and occasional unpredictability. A player with a lot of flair will be one of the key attacking components in any team but at the same time may need tactical restraint to get the best out of him. Flair and Creativity work well together.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: A player with a lot of flair can cause you a lot of frustration but equally can be a match winner. There will be times when you wished he’d tried the simple pass rather than blazing a bicycle kick into the stands. There will be other times however when you rise from your seat and applaud the best piece of individualism you’ve ever seen. Not recommended for managers who like their team to play George Graham Arsenal long ball.天赋:在球场上不容易被人预见的动作,比如踩单车、牛尾巴、蛙跳等,花哨的动作确实NB,但这也是一双刃剑,这种动作做的越多,出错的几率可能越大,倒是一些简单朴实的动作更有效。PLAYER_PROFILE_INFLUENCE=Influence is the player’s ability to affect events or other players without any intentional effort. Players with high influence will be leaders on the pitch and team-mates will tend to rally around these players.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: A player with a high Influence attribute will undoubtedly be a prime candidate for the role of captain. Yet choose wisely. A player who has high Influence but doesn’t seem to command the respect of the players around him will not make a good choice. Remember, even when you’ve chosen your captain it’s good to have Influence in every area of the pitch.影响力:队长的选择标准,但很多队员讨厌的球员并不合适。PLAYER_PROFILE_OFF_THE_BALL=A player’s movement without the ball. Similar to Anticipation, this is how well a player, particularly attacking ones, can assess a situation and then move off the ball, making themselves available to receive a pass in a dangerous position.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Off the Ball is perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of the game of football, yet FM regards it as one of the most important. A player with good Off the Ball movement (aka Jeffers perhaps) can draw defenders and generally cause the opposition a lot of problems. Try to find a player who combines a high Off the Ball attribute with good Pace, Positioning and Anticipation.无球跑动:对于进攻球员非常重要,进攻球员的无球跑动能够牵扯对方防线,如果无球跑动球员较多的话,更容易出现空当,从而有效进攻,无球跑动能力还和速度、位置感和预判相关。PLAYER_PROFILE_POSITIONING=Positioning is the ability of a player to read a situation and place himself in the best possible position to deal with the unfolding events. Anticipation will help him in the first stage but in terms of his actual positioning, it comes down to this attribute. A higher rating will ensure the player takes up a better position.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If you’ve ever entertained the idea of your team playing the Offside trap, you will know that Positioning is the main attribute you want your defenders to bring to the game. Combines well with Strength and Anticipation to create an air of solidity.位置感:是球员对于场上的形势进行判断,从而将自己置身在最好的位置的能力,防守球员非常重要,无论是中后卫、边后卫还是后腰;进攻球员也很重要,特别是控球较少的球员。PLAYER_PROFILE_TEAMWORK=How well the player follows tactical instructions and works for and alongside his team-mates. A team full of players with a high rating here will work better as a unit. Players with lower ratings will slack off and not ‘buy in’ to the team ethos.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: If you not the sort of person who likes to rely on one player to win matches, you’ll need players with strong Teamwork to get your team gelling. High Teamwork throughout your team will see your side working their socks off for each other. Blends nicely with high Work Rate and Determination.团队合作:团队合作较低的球员容易单干,这样的话,进攻球员容易浪费机会,防守球员容易造成大错。PLAYER_PROFILE_WORK_RATE=This reflects the player’s mental drive to work hard. A high rating will ensure a player wants to work his socks off from start to finish, but he will need the necessary physical attributes to actually be able to pull it off. Nonetheless, it is an admirable trait to have in your team.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: As mentioned, this is an attribute which compliments a high Teamwork ethic. If you like your team to Close Down your opponents, then a high Work Rate attribute throughout your midfield will be highly useful. Don’t forget to ensure they’ve got a bit of Stamina though…工作投入:努力程度,工作投入越高,越能跑动,需要耐力来支持PLAYER_PROFILE_ACCELERATION=Acceleration is how quickly a player can reach top speed (pace) from a standing start. It therefore ties in very closely with the Pace attribute.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: As a measure of how quickly a player can reach top speed, Acceleration is a must-have attribute for wingers and pacey attackers. You might also consider having defenders with good Acceleration if you’re faced by a team who are aiming to hit you on the break. Good Stamina is a must and a little bit of Work Rate won’t go a miss either.加速:从静止加速到最快速度的能力,和速度密切相关(也就是说如果你的速度为10,加速为20的话,最快速度也就10),对于速度型前锋、边锋至关重要。后卫也比较重要,以防止对方的强行突破。速度快也要能跑才行,所以为了保证球员充分发挥它的跑动能力,耐力和工作投入必不可少。PLAYER_PROFILE_AGILITY=Agility reflects how well a player can start, stop, and move in different directions at varying levels of speed (pace). It ties in with the Pace, Acceleration, and Balance attributes as they work together in the match engine, especially when a player is running with the ball.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Agility is an attribute which is most necessary for players in top-flight football. You can get away with being a cumbersome lump in the lower leagues but the top divisions demand that even the central defenders have a bit of dexterity. Combined with Acceleration and Dribbling a high Agility rating can make for a great attacking footballer.灵活:球员跑动的启动、停止以及各种速度的变向跑都和灵活相关,他和速度、加速、平衡密切相关,在顶级联赛中哪怕是中后卫也要有一定的灵活。PLAYER_PROFILE_BALANCE=Balance reflects simply how well a player can keep his balance in situations both with and without the ball. With the ball, it refers to how balanced he is running with it and evading opponents, without it, it refers to his balance when facing a player running at him, or his stability when turning/jumping.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Although by the very nature of their profession all footballers could do with a bit of Balance, the ones who’ll need it most are the ones who are going to be on the receiving end of a few tackles and kicks. You’ll predominantly like your wingers and other attacking players to have high agility, coupled with good Agility, Dribbling or Strength to make it difficult for the opposition to knock them off the ball.平衡:有球状态下容易在带球跑的时候规避防守者,不易跌倒;无球状态下(防守)时则不容易被对方进攻球员晃倒或撞倒,同时该能力还保证了他能够在转身和弹跳的时候更好的保持稳定。PLAYER_PROFILE_JUMPING=This attribute relates to how high a player can jump from a standing start.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: An easy one this one. You’ve got to link it with a good Heading attribute and be sure if you ever want to play long ball or crossing-intensive tactics that your players are good at springing off the ground. If, say, your players are also high on Bravery and Aggression as well as Jumping, make sure you’ve got them putting in some Hard Tackling to really dominate the opposition.弹跳:球员能跳起来达到最高的高度(应该和身高相关),精确度和头球相关;一个好的头球手还应该有一定侵略性、和勇敢。PLAYER_PROFILE_NATURAL_FITNESS=How fit a player is as standard - his base level of fitness. It affects how many games he is likely to be able to perform to peak physical fitness in before becoming noticeably tired and susceptible to injury.体质:身体天赋条件,体质较低的球员在高对抗、高疲劳的情况下容易受伤。PLAYER_PROFILE_PACE=Pace is a player’s top speed. Whereas Acceleration reflects how quickly a player can attain their top speed, pace is that top speed and together with Stamina and Natural Fitness, is how long they are able to maintain that pace in both short bursts and over the course of a match. A player will naturally be a shade quicker without the ball than with it.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Pace can actually be a bit of a misnomer so be careful. Your player might be lightening quick but if he can’t do anything with the ball then he’ll soon become a bit of a liability. Look to link Pace with Flair, Dribbling, Agility and of course Acceleration. Have your fastest players run from deep to really scare the opposition defense.速度:实际上指的是最高的速度,和耐力以及体质相关确保了了他的跑动能否持续,速度快的球员需要有球,否则这哥们如果一直在空跑的话,会很不爽滴~~~~速度巨快的球员如果在边路下底的话,因为有效地规避了越位的威胁,如果有两到三个人进入禁区接应,进球会很多的~~PLAYER_PROFILE_STAMINA=Stamina is a player’s ability to endure high-level physical activity for a long period of time. With the demands placed on a player over a nine month season, players with high attribute ratings for Stamina will be able to perform at their top levels for longer. It ties in directly with Natural Fitness.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: The importance of Stamina cannot be underestimated – particularly if you play an effort-intensive style such as Closing Down, Gung-Ho or have players set to making lots of forward runs. You’ll find that if your team has a low level of Stamina in general, you will tend to concede goals late in the game. You have been warned...耐力:没耐力,球员跑不动,也不愿意跑PLAYER_PROFILE_STRENGTH=A player’s strength is his ability to exert his physical force on an opponent to his benefit. A player with a high strength rating will be able to use it to his advantage against weaker opponents.\n\nMarc Vaughan && Nick Habershon: Strength is an important issue when challenging for the ball, so you’ll be keen to have a fair few players in your side who can mix it when the going gets rough. Tackling, Jumping and Marking are augmented by Strength and you will find that stronger players don’t give away fouls so often as they can generally muscle players off the ball instead of having to slide in.力量:身体对抗的必要条件,力量越大,一对一对抗的能力越强,因为能力强所以也用不着额外的犯规。PLAYER_PROFILE_CONSISTENCY=How consistently he performs from match to match.\nOn the basis that there is no player that will perform to his current ability 100% of the time, the ratio of what consistency means in terms of how often a player plays at his CA is as follows\n\n- 20 Consistency = 20/25 games played at CA\n- 10 Consistency = 10/25 games played at CA\n- 1 Consistency = 1/25 games played at CA\n\nThe way consistency is used in the full match engine is that the average "off day" will be 10 below the CA. A random factor will be used to determine how much this is less or more than 10.\n\nPlease note that physical attributes are not taken into consideration when it comes to consistency. Only the technical and mental attributes are marked down depending on consistency.\n\nConsistency is a particularly important attribute.稳定性:稳定性是球员精神和技术能力发挥的系数,球员发挥的能力=稳定性/25,也即是稳定性20的球员有20/25的几率发挥100%的能力,而稳定性为1的球员只有1/25的几率发挥100%的能力,在发挥不稳定的期间,发挥的能力要比100%低10点左右的CA,而到底是超过10点还是低于10点,取决于一些偶然事件,比如训话、门将救险、门将丢球、点球、黄牌、进球、乌龙等情况。另外,稳定性只和技术和精神属性相关,和身体属性无关。PLAYER_PROFILE_DIRTINESS=How dirty player is on the pitch.肮脏:球员在场上出现恶意犯规或下流动作的情况,该数值越低越好,否则极容易得牌PLAYER_PROFILE_IMPORTANT_MATCHES=How well player performs in important matches.大赛发挥:该数值越高,在重要比赛中表现越稳定PLAYER_PROFILE_INJURY_PRONENESS=How likely player is to get injured. The higher the number the more likely the player will get injured (1=very unlikely to get injured, 20=very likely to get injured)受伤倾向:该数值越高越容易受伤PLAYER_PROFILE_VERSATILITY=How easily player adapts to playing in unfamiliar positions.多位置性:该数值越高越容易练好新位置PLAYER_PROFILE_MATCH_EXERCISE=Player’s match practice rating. The rate reaches 100% only when a player is involved in the games constantly.比赛经验:比赛状态,球员只有打了一定比赛后才能很快的进入比赛状态,否则就会慢热PLAYER_PROFILE_JADEDNESS=Player's season tiredness. A large number of games increases this rate. After '1000' value is reached, the player gets 'Jdns' status, which means that he needs to have a rest.疲劳度:大量的比赛会造成这种状态,当疲劳超过“1000”时,该球员会“疲劳”,此时该球员就该休息了,否则状态保证不了,且容易受伤PLAYER_PROFILE_FITNESS=Player’s physical condition体能状况:很好理解,100%是最好PLAYER_PROFILE_CONDITION=Player’s general condition. Reaches 100% with regular match practice and a superb physical condition.竞技状态:实际表现似乎低于80%就会出现“缺乏比赛锻炼”,某个数值以下就会出现“缺乏比赛需要的体能”,到100%的时候会出现“体能极佳”

jastinluan 发表于 2010-5-5 15:03


308178731 发表于 2010-5-5 15:06


abcv 发表于 2010-5-5 15:09


ccopto 发表于 2010-5-5 15:12


xiake1109 发表于 2010-5-5 15:27


jjzhangjian 发表于 2010-5-5 15:28


klasjdi 发表于 2010-5-5 16:02


huyuekun 发表于 2010-5-5 16:04

回复 8# klasjdi


米心水青冈 发表于 2010-5-5 16:35


纽卡小卒 发表于 2010-5-5 16:49


本帖最后由 纽卡小卒 于 2010-5-5 16:57 编辑


GhosTzy 发表于 2010-5-5 16:53


huyuekun 发表于 2010-5-5 17:08

回复 11# 纽卡小卒


zomofi 发表于 2010-5-5 17:43


bendan0215 发表于 2010-5-5 17:46


213 发表于 2010-5-5 17:50

打字那么多不容易 支持下

马竞KUN 发表于 2010-5-5 18:05


huyuekun 发表于 2010-5-5 18:18

回复 17# 马竞KUN


吃菜的鸟 发表于 2010-5-5 19:16


ly01147 发表于 2010-5-5 20:25

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查看完整版本: 球员属性详解(翻译了Fm Genius中的解释,加入了自己的一些看法)