卡拉古尼斯 发表于 2010-7-18 08:34


本帖最后由 卡拉古尼斯 于 2010-7-24 20:17 编辑

浅谈德国联赛结构(转载)注:笔者一向喜欢研究德国联赛 甚至一些丙级球队甚至丁级球队也会关注一下。其实丙级联赛也不是一无是处的,大家仔细看下,在三,四级联赛经常有一些没落的老牌球队出没。更重要的是,很多德国新星都是出自低级联赛,并不是每个球员都能够像Schweini这样出身FCB这样的名门的(其实小猪12,3岁时也曾效力过TSG霍芬海姆TSG Hoffenheim这样的小俱乐部)。可以说,低级联赛就是德国新星的摇篮;即使一些老球星没落了,也会投身低级联赛,继续发挥余热,像前国脚海因里希目前就在丁级的柏林联队(Union Berlin)效力;“铁锤”阿尔贝茨在丙级杜塞尔多夫。。。。。。低级联赛水平虽然不如甲乙级联赛 但给人的感觉会更亲切 因为大家都可以在低级联赛一展身手 你可能不能代表拜仁这样的俱乐部在德甲征战,但你也可以替FCB在第15级联赛出场。。。。。。去年看体坛周报报道中青队在德国参加当地联赛 感觉那个叫李绍州的记者同志总搞不清德国的联赛结构 昨天还说斯图加特踢球者青年队是丁级 今天又说是丙级 让人云遮雾绕的 其实明眼人就知道Kicker一队才是丙级队 青年队怎么可能也是丙级?事实上他连Kicker业余队与青年队的区别也没搞清 所以我近些天看了些资料 觉得受益匪浅 在这里就献丑谈谈德国联赛的结构问题(也许绝大多数人都不会看低级联赛,除了我这种外星人种 呵呵) 德国联赛的水平在欧洲一向都是属于顶级水平的,在世界范围甚至也是名列前茅的。你可能会争辩意甲会更具有知名度。但是你也可能是错的。从上到下,德甲应该算是最艰难的联赛之一。当然像米兰,尤文,国米,皇马这样的超级大班在德甲并不多见,但是在其他联赛你见过沙尔克04这样边保级边拿联盟杯的吗?你见过像亚琛,柏林联这样的二级甚至三级联赛参加联盟杯 而且表现不错的俱乐部吗?看现在的德国联赛体制,德国足协(DFB)总是在不断进行着改革。不像英格兰,总是一成不变的(最起码德国联赛不会把二级联赛叫“甲级联赛”英国人的确发明了现代足球 但这方面他们做得不怎样)德国历史上,早期的德国冠军都是由各州联赛冠军进行附加赛决出的。然而到了20世纪50年代,随着德国俱乐部被其他诸如意大利 西班牙等联赛远远的甩开,俱乐部堪忧的财政状况使得本土的优秀球员大量外流,德国足协开始酝酿大的改革下面是德国联赛结构的演变情况
癸Kreisklasse A
11级Kreisklasse B
12级Kreisklasse C
甲级联赛(BUNDESLIGA)甲级联赛(Bundesliga)是德国的顶级联赛,成立于1963年。自从1998年科隆队惨遭降级后,从没有降过级的首届联赛参赛队只剩下汉堡(HSV)队。汉堡队历史上有过几次险些降级的纪录,但总算都挺过来了。第一届德甲共有16个队,几年后扩军到18支,也就是现在联赛的球队数量。起初联赛的班长,副班长降级,后来逐渐演变为后三名降入乙级。甲级联赛是德国足球40年来唯一没有大变化的职业联赛。无疑,德甲联赛是金钱的比拼。近年来,德甲联赛的单场平均上座人数超过30,000人,在全欧洲无人能及。成功的俱乐部得益于此然后又不断扩建体育场。乙级联赛(ZWEITE BUNDESLIGA)德国二级联赛通常叫做ZWEITE BUNDESLIGA 和其他国家的二级联赛一样,它也聚集了一些志在冲甲的以及一些国外都没听说过的俱乐部四十年来,德足协(DFB)在二级联赛上的动作一直不小。起初德甲的十年,二级联赛叫做地区联赛(Regionalliga)由各地区举办,各州的优胜队要打升级附加赛。后来,二级联赛被分为南北两个赛区 叫法也有了变化分别叫做 2.Liga Nord 和 2.Liga Süd 。 再到后来两个赛区又合并到一起 成了单一乙级联赛(唯一例外的是1990-1991赛季 由于东德球队的加入 联赛被重新划为南北两赛区,但之后又变成单一乙级联赛)从财政上看,二级联赛的球队也算是富裕的。当一些德甲的传统强队降入乙级时,他们仍能有不俗的观众上座率。例如上一次凯泽斯劳滕降级时,他们每个主场比赛仍能有45,000人的观众到场助威。由于前几名球队经常是传统强队,所以联赛的上座人数通常保持在惊人的15,000人左右。丙级联赛第三级联赛
地区联赛   第四级联赛地区联赛北区:覆盖勃兰登堡,柏林,梅克伦堡-前波美拉尼亚,萨克森-安哈尔特,图林根,萨克森,下萨克森,石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因,不来梅及汉堡。  地区联赛南区:覆盖巴伐利亚,黑森及巴登-符腾堡。  地区联赛西区:覆盖莱茵兰-普法尔茨,萨尔及北莱茵-威斯特法伦。

当时有很多的议论,地区联赛是否应被算作丙级联赛,因为这个联赛看上去有点像过去的业余联赛。近年来一个比较有趣的现象是越来越多的甲级俱乐部的业余队加入到地区联赛(REGIONALLIGA) 按照现行的德国足协规定,23岁以下的职业球员可以在俱乐部的业余队比赛,只要他不在同一周末参加一队的比赛。球队里通常有一帮优秀的青年职业球员再辅以一些业余球员。这些业余队在过去几年里一直是地区联赛的主心骨。不过为了避免假球,甲乙级俱乐部的业余队最多只能打到丙级联赛。所以FCB的业余队拿过南部赛区的冠军 但是也不能晋级这又带来了另一个问题,关于业余球员概念的界定。在德国,甲乙级联赛的球员都是职业球员,地区联赛以下级别的球员均为“业余”。德足协计划把地区联赛的球员全变成职业球员,但一直没有大的动作。不过事实上,地区联赛的确有些拿薪水的业余球员。这些业余球员还可以边拿球队薪水边从事其他行业的工作。在一些情况下,一些有野心的俱乐部往往会给球员比乙级俱乐部还高的薪水(例如,1997-98赛季,美因茨队的球星Bruno Akrapovic从乙级转到丙级的柏林网球队TeBe税后年薪达到200,000马克之多)这些的确影响了“业余”概念的定义,不过也证明了地区联赛的水平也非很低。1997-98赛季丙级队特里尔(Eintracht Trier)在德国杯中连斩欧冠卫冕冠军多特蒙德和联盟杯得主沙尔克04;2001赛季,第三级联赛球队柏林联盟(Union Berlin)甚至杀到德国杯决赛获得了参加联盟杯的资格!就在今年,圣保利队德国杯也已经杀进了四强很可能成为第二个柏林联盟队 更令人咂舌的是圣保利这两年尽管在丙级联赛 每场都有15,000人去给他们助威(比中糙上座率还高)州级联赛(OBERLIGA)第五级第四级联赛包括许多地区的州级联赛,大部分情况这些联赛是严格按照州的划分进行州联赛的(除了前东德地区被划分为南北两个赛区)。这个州级联赛(OBERLIGA)千万不要和德甲建立(1963年)以前的州级联赛(OBERLIGA)混淆,那时州级联赛是顶级联赛,水平要比现在高的多。州级联赛的观众通常是很少的,一些较著名的球队大概每场能有1,500人观看。小俱乐部通常只有每场几百人的上座率基本的州级联赛划分为汉堡州/石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州(Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein), 下萨克森州/不来梅州(Niedersachsen/Bremen), 威斯特法伦(Westfalen), 北莱茵(Nordrhein), 西南Südwest, 黑森州(Hessen), 巴登-符腾堡州(Baden-Württemberg), 巴伐利亚州(Bayern), 北-东北(Nordost-Nord), 东北-南(Nordost-Süd)从2004赛季开始,汉堡州/石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州(Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein)和下萨克森州/不来梅州(Niedersachsen/Bremen) 合并为 北部联赛(Oberliga Nord)第六级联赛 VERBANDSLIGA第五级联赛通常被叫做VERBANDSLIGA 有时也叫LANDESLIGA这里面就有一点复杂,因为在一些地区,LANDESLIGA是第六级联赛(总体来讲,VERBANDSLIGA是在20世纪70年代开始流行的,因此LANDESLIGA被推到了第6级)这些联赛通常是地区性质的比赛,每场大概几百人观看其他级别如果继续往下推的话,我们可以一直数到第12级联赛,中间包括Kreisliga, Bezirksliga, Oberunterundherumliga等等 经常有许多名字类似的联赛,而他们的区别就在于Liga与Klasse的区别。Liga的水平更高一些,例如Bezirksliga就比Bezirksklasse 级别要高不是所有地区都有齐全的联赛的,但通过这个,大家可以看到个大概意思。青年联赛青年联赛和上面的十二级联赛在组织上是类似的,只是没有职业运动员。青年联赛没有全国性制的联赛。只有各赛区的冠军才可以角逐全德国的冠军。A级(A-Jugend)是顶级年龄组(19岁)B级(B-Jugend)是17-18岁年龄组 C级(C-Jugend)是16岁年龄组。。。一直到三,四岁年龄组。。。通常德国的小孩在交了一小部分钱以后都可以加盟个俱乐部参加某个联赛
这个是根据这个体系做的补丁,经自己测试有效V2.1 德国llm,六级补丁

卡拉古尼斯 发表于 2010-7-18 08:38

本帖最后由 卡拉古尼斯 于 2010-7-24 17:15 编辑

[*]A massive database update to make a realistic experience in Germany's amateur leagues down to level 6 (Verbandsliga). It's the result of a collaborative effort of the German forum meistertrainerforum.de

Status: Version 2.1 released, with quite a few changes and bug fixes (see change list)

The 2.1 update can be found here:http://www.mediafire.com/?j1tu4zjmvm4, and on http://www.meistertrainer-downloads.de, where you can also find supporting files and graphics.

The 1.1 update is still available at http://www.file-upload.net/download-...g.xml.zip.html, and is sufficient for people who wish to only go as far down as the 4th tier (Regionalliga). Even though 1.1 includes the 5th tier, anybody who wants to play there is encouraged to download 2.0 which overhauls the 5th tier substantially. Update: Older versions no longer recommended if you have patched to 10.2.

It's recommended to use this in conjunction with the supporting files (fake.Inc and Langnamendatei) from meistertrainer-downloads.de. An updated logo pack addon for the popular FMG09 logo pack is also available, adding logos for all the new clubs and competitions.

All German divisions down to the 6th tier (Verbandsliga) are playable.
The structure slightly deviates from real life because it can't be modeled in the editor. However, a good comprise was arrived at, taking into account a future change in the Oberliga system next season and drawing from historical data:
3 Regional Divisions (North, South, West) with 3 relegation spots each.
9 Oberliga Divisions (Nord, Niedersachsen, NOFV-Nord, NOFV-Süd, NRW-Liga, Hessen, Südwest, Baden-Württemberg, and Bayern) with 1 promotion and 3 relegation spot each.
Below that you have 27 divisions with one promotion and relegation spot each.

Oberliga Nord combines Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, the way it used to be in the past, and Oberliga Niedersachsen combines the current Niedersachsen Ost, Niedersachsen West and Bremen, which is similar to what will happen next year anyway. This is a better approach than keeping all 12 Oberligas and give a promotion spot to each, for a variety of reasons, but mainly because long-term games will see more realistic (and regionally accurate) movements between leagues and because it allowed for a cleaner way to add the 6th tier.

The 6th tier is mostly true to life, but some real-life divisions have been combined because there are 33 6th tier division in real life, and only 27 in the update.

A lot of work went into making the regional promotions and relegations work as realistically as possible by setting regional boundaries for the leagues and editing each club's regional division preference.

Other changes include added regional cups, missing stadiums, all the missing clubs from the 6th level and some from below, real-life managers for all clubs down to the 5th tier (the 6th tier is managerless), kits, and correct attendances.

Tested in various holiday games, up to 2025 without errors. The only thing that can occasionally happen is that a club ends up in a different regional division than it's supposed to, but after analyzing dozens of seasons this is not very often and typically not too annoying, because they're not too far off. (It's not completely avoidable anyway because some reshuffling sometimes needs to occur in the game and we can't model the provisions from real life where the league size or number of relegated teams change based on who gets relegated from above, so the game takes matters into its own hands).

put the dbc file in My Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2010 > editor data
When clicking 'New Game' inside FM, you will get a dialog box appear called Choose Database.
Notice in this box it will have section saying Editor Data Files and a 'Change' tick button.
Clicking this button will allow you to select which of your files to load into your game.

Make sure not to load more than one file for the German leagues. Untick any previous versions of this update that you may have installed.

Change list
compatible with patch 10.2
added some more clubs so that all existing 6th tier divisions are filled with the correct clubs.
fixed problem of some free-transfer players playing games for another club, even after signing for a new one.
fixed bug that caused a crash in network games when clicking on certain clubs.
made German-Turkish clubs behave more like in real-life. they now create Turkish regens (with German 2nd nationality) and sign more Turkish players.
tuned region borders of divisions.
added managers for more 6th tier clubs.
added 2nd teams for all playable clubs and some 7th tier clubs.
fine-tuned attendances of lower leagues with real-life data.

added the 6th tier with 27 divisions, and created all the missing clubs.
created managers for all clubs down to 5th tier. The 6th tier clubs are still managerless at the start of a game.
added regional cups.
finetuned the borders and regional preferences of the clubs again, for an even more consistent behavior.
added second teams for all clubs down to 5th tier, and the most important 6th tier clubs.
finetuned finances, reputations, and attendances.

fixed bug of no winter breaks for the 4th and 5th tier.
fixed a bug with missing reputation of the Oberliga Niedersachsen, causing bizarre board expectations when managing in that league.
fine-tuned regional settings for many of the smaller clubs, so they appear in the right divisions.
added some awards for the lower divisions.
slightly changed scheduling to have fewer matches going on at the same time, thereby reducing the need to move fixtures due to shared stadiums.

Known Issues
Once in a while a club ends up in the wrong regional division. Great care has been taken to minimize these occurrences, but until SI fix a bug in the game it can't be avoided entirely. The good news is, even games you've started will be fine with a future patch, so you don't need to shy away from starting a long-term career.

What's being worked on for the next Version:
- we'll probably add the remaining missing managers to the 6th tier and update the rosters.

Anybody who is speaking German and wants to get involved is welcome to follow our thread at the German forum.


Here's a screenshot of the Oberliga Nordost-Nord in 2025. Notice how the clubs are still regionally accurate.

Here's a new screenshot of v2.0:

sega1126 发表于 2010-7-19 18:02


江海孤舟 发表于 2010-7-19 20:58

回复 1# 卡拉古尼斯


卡拉古尼斯 发表于 2010-7-20 00:07


sega1126 发表于 2010-7-20 16:22

欧洲主流联赛的 预备队都有完善的体制保证的,中国在这上面就太差了。,每年流失的足球人才太多了。很多球员没有球踢不得不退役。

zsf 发表于 2010-7-20 16:33


左手天涯 发表于 2010-7-20 16:57

感谢楼主 我被这里那个联赛补丁搞得要疯了 我测试下你这个补丁怎么样···

zsf 发表于 2010-7-20 17:43


卡拉古尼斯 发表于 2010-7-20 20:58


卡拉古尼斯 发表于 2010-7-24 17:18


ddtfyou 发表于 2010-7-24 20:05


sega1126 发表于 2010-7-24 23:42


江海孤舟 发表于 2010-7-26 13:33

回复 11# 卡拉古尼斯


卡拉古尼斯 发表于 2010-7-26 15:18


sega1126 发表于 2010-8-24 19:25


左手天涯 发表于 2010-8-25 08:47

能否汉化一下 看得有点晕额···
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