robertomancini 发表于 2012-11-5 19:45


本帖最后由 robertomancini 于 2012-11-5 21:37 编辑

Positioning, tackling, pace and anticipation are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good full-back.
防守站位, 抢断, 速度和预判这几项数值对于边后卫非常重要.

Pace, dribbling, passing, off the ball, creativity, stamina and crossing are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good winger.
速度, 盘带, 传球, 无球跑动, 创造力, 耐力和传中这几项数值对于边路球员非常重要.

Passing, off the ball, creativity, technique, dribbling and stamina are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good attacking midfielder.
传球, 无球跑动, 创造力, 技术, 盘带和耐力这几项数值对于攻击型中场非常重要.
Pace, acceleration, dribbling, technique, finishing and off the ball are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good pacey striker.
速度, 加速度, 盘带, 技术, 射门和无球跑动决定了一名速度型前锋的水平高低.
The ratings for reflexes, handling, communication, jumping and positioning are generally a good indicator for how good a goalkeeper is.
反应, 手控球, 指挥防守, 弹跳和位置感一般来说是作为门将的重要属性.
If you're looking for a good wing-back pay special attention to an individual's positioning, tackling, stamina, pace and acceleration.
如果找到了一名进攻型边后卫, 你应该留意一下他的位置感, 抢断, 耐力, 速度和加速度等能力.
A good centre-back will usually have high ratings for tackling, jumping, positioning, heading, strength, marking, bravery and team work.
一名好的中后卫通常会有很高的抢断, 弹跳, 位置感, 头球, 强壮, 盯人, 勇敢和团队合作等能力.
A good defensive midfielder will most likely have high ratings for tackling, work rate, stamina and positioning.
一名好的防守型中场应该拥有很高的抢断, 工作投入, 耐力和位置感.
Jumping, heading, strength and off the ball are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good target man.
弹跳, 头球, 强壮和无球跑动是一名进攻核心应当拥有的重要属性.

Goalkeepers will generally peak and enjoy their best footballing years between the ages of 31 and 35.

Defenders will generally peak and enjoy their best footballing years between the ages of 27 and 32.

Midfielders will generally peak and enjoy their best footballing years between the ages of 27 and 32.

Strikers will generally peak and enjoy their best footballing years between the ages of 26 and 31.

Physical attributes decline naturally and sometimes dramatically towards the end of their playing careers.
When choosing your captain, the most important attribute to consider is his influence.
当选择队长的时候, 最重要的一条标准应该是影响力.

A player with a high penalty-taking attribute is likely to be a good choice to take your spot-kicks.
Sometimes placing a left footed striker in the right attacking slot increases the chances that he will score goals. Swapping strikers also makes them hard to man-mark.
安插左脚前锋到右路进攻位置, 有时能增加进球机会. 换位的前锋也使对手难以盯防
If you find you're leaving too much space behind your defence, try setting your centre-backs mentality to 'Ultra Defensive' or using a deeper defensive line.
如果你发现你的队伍防线太靠上了, 试着把中后卫的心态调成 '全力防守' 或者回收防线.

When playing against a strong team, you may get some success by playing on the counter attack. This can be particularly effective when playing away from home.
当与强队交手时, 使用防守反击战术是个好办法, 尤其是在客场.

When trying to hang onto a result, a good way to wind down the clock is to employ time wasting tactics in the latter stages of a game.
如果你想把当前比分坚持到终场, 那么就要在后面的比赛中采用拖延时间战术.

Defenders with low concentration are more prone to making costly mistakes in defence.
后卫如果精神不集中, 就有可能在比赛中犯下大错.

Strikers with low composure are more prone to buckling under the pressure and missing one-on-one opportunities to score.

New signings need time to settle in and gel with their new team-mates.

Too many new signings in a short space of time can upset the balance and rhythm of your team.

Allowing too many players to have a high level of creative freedom will likely see your team fail to adhere to your tactical instructions. Use creative freedom sparingly for full effect.
允许多名球员随意发挥会让阵型变得松散. 给球员适当的自由度才是正道.

Passing style and tempo are linked. A short passing game works best with a slower tempo, whilst a direct, counter attacking style needs to be swift and quick.
传球方式与比赛节奏息息相关. 短传打法要用慢节奏, 而长传防反打法就得加快节奏.


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robertomancini 发表于 2012-11-5 21:32

游戏是有啊不过每次都闪的太快了哦 希望能帮到不知道的人哦
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