stzephyr 发表于 2013-1-13 04:21


本帖最后由 stzephyr 于 2013-1-13 06:38 编辑


推荐文章来自一名FM玩家的博客 原帖地址 http://www.supportsinteractive.c ... 28-reactive-tactics



Every now and then you face a team who utilise a tactic, which can, on occasion, over power you. What can you do in order to try and overcome such situations?

Hopefully within this article, I will lay down some basic methods and strategies for you to deploy inside of Football Manager, taken from a recent FM match. These little hints are not version based and can be applied to each and every version, and while not ground breaking (I'm sure many people have written about such situations), will hopefully explain how I reacted and responded to various in-game situations; formation adjustments and tweaks throughout the course of an entire match.

While Football Manager can be tricky and a pain the backside on occasion, simply tweaking a few basic things such as your shape, can have dramatic effects. Of course things can go wrong, with your changes not having the desired effect, but sometimes the best form of defence is offence. It's often better to take a chance than to retreat to your own penalty area, sitting deeper and deeper, spiralling towards your impending doom. England take note.

Like all of my articles, I won't list steadfast rules that will work for every occasion, nor will I try to dictate a way of playing; I'm a firm believer of doing things your own way. However, with a little glimpse into how I approach the game, perhaps you can pick up a few things along the way. Without further ado, let's press on.

The Match

Firstly, let me explain who I was managing at the time of taking the screen shots, so you get a better understanding of the level of football being played. Vauxhall Motors are displayed in white (managed by Mr Tactikzz), leaving Bradford Park Avenue in the green strip, competing in a Blue Square Bet North fixture.
首先,让我说说这个截屏中我带的球队,以便让你对这场比赛的级别有所了解。Vauhall Motors身穿白色球衣(由Tactikzz执教)【译注:就是作者啦……ps这是啥队……作者是LLM?】,在一场英格兰北部联赛中,与身穿白绿间条衫的Bradford Park Avenue的对决。


At first glance, hopefully you can spot a few interesting features, tactically, before the game has even kicked off – the formations in particular. It's not often you come across such an 'exotic' formation in the lower leagues with what could be a sweeper/libero situated in a narrow three man defence, and five bodies packing the midfield. I only have two natural central players and an advanced playmaker behind the solitary striker. Possession will probably be poor from my perspective, meaning a battle for control of the game, and possibly winning the match, will stem from an intense midfield struggle.

Having said all of the above, at the time, I didn't do anything. I wanted to play the game wait out the first 10-20 minutes and see what would unfold. It was only the second match of the season so scout reports were mediocre at best; hardly helpful given the circumstances. Bradford PA could have been a poor team, meaning we would simply overpower them regardless of their formation. I clicked Continue, having blind faith in my boys.
虽说如此,一开始我什么都没有做。我想让比赛先进行个10-20分钟看看情况如何再说。这还只是联赛的第二场比赛,球探的球队报告质量平平,难堪大用。Bradford PA可能是个烂队,我方可能轻松压倒对手不管他们排出什么奇葩阵型。点击继续,抱着对队员盲目的信心。

Watching the game on Full Match (which I recommend when fleshing out a new tactic), I quickly realised what we were up against. Time and time again Bradford PA would halt our attacks, steal the ball, and pass the ball dangerously forward throughout midfield; we really couldn't get hold of the ball, and at this level that's incredibly dangerous. Asking your semi-pro players to keep defending throughout an entire match will only end one way – badly.
以整场模式观看比赛(在开发一个新战术时我推荐使用这个模式),我很快意识到我队将面临的困难。Bradford PA总能阻断我的进攻,断球,并通过中场将球传递到危险区域;我方很难拿到球,这在这个级别的比赛中是十分危险的。让你的半职业队员防守整场比赛只有一种结果——玩蛋。

In the above picture I've tried to indicate and highlight the problem we currently face. My four man midfield has the light coloured straight line drawn throughout their angelic souls, while our enemy's midfield is circled in devilish orange/red.

It's clear what the problem is; we lack bodies throughout the midfield. The opposition have more players spread throughout the midfield to close and shut down space, as well as having enough players present to recycle possession horizontally and vertically. We're facing a human wall when in possession; chasing shadows without.

What threatens us further is Bradford PA's wide players; the wingers in their 3-5-2. As they push forward, my Wide Midfielders have a tendency to drop deeper, tracking their runs, leaving us with no out-ball. In essence, Bradford PA are forcing their formation upon us, suffocating my tactical philosophy (the 3-4-3 is another formation very capable of doing so I might add). They're playing their natural game, while we're forced to try and adapt; as it stands right now, we're simply playing the game of football that they want us to play.
更具威胁的是,Bradford PA的边路球员:他们3-5-2中的翼边。【译注:这一定是万恶的2013引擎】当他们推进时,我的边路中场倾向于后撤,追着对手跑,使我方失去出球的策应。关键在于,Bradford PA把阵型整体推向我方阵线,掐住了我战术的咽喉(我想补充的是3-4-3同样能做到这一点)。他们在踢他们的足球,让我们无球可踢,我们只能按他们的节奏来。

Have a quick glance at the image below as it highlights yet another problem; their striker is also dropping deeper to harass my midfield as well as linking up their passing options further. Effectively then, Bradford PA are utilising six midfielders on occasion (as highlighted) – in contrast, I'm playing with four. It's no surprise that we soon concede a goal and go 1-0 behind.
再看看下面这张图,图示的问题在于:他们的前锋回撤很深来骚扰我方中场同时将他们自己的传球串联起来。也就是说Bradford PA相当于有6个有效中场(如高亮标识)——相比之下,我只有四个。所以当我方很快丢掉一球落后时并没有什么好奇怪的。

Assertively: “Show me something else!”

As the match progresses and the same 'outnumbered situations' keep occurring, I start thinking of how to change things. There's an abundance of space down the flanks to take advantage of as their three man defence is incredibly narrow. Bradford PA may have numerical superiority throughout midfield, but if we are able to snatch possession from them, we could, in theory, spring a rapid counter attack down the flanks. Do I risk throwing another striker onto the pitch so that my forward isn't battling three players alone; do I push further up to try and choke their space, or do I squeeze play and instruct my team to play narrower? Many questions remain unanswered, and many tactical tweaks could be utilised.
随着比赛的深入,“数量被压倒”不断出现,我开始思考【人生= =】如何改变局面。由于对方三人防线收束的十分狭窄,两翼有充足的空间可以利用。Bradford PA或许在中场有着数量优势,但如果我们能够从他们脚下断到球,我们就可以,理论上来说,从两翼发起高速反击。我是应该再派上一名前锋这样我的前锋不用单打三呢;还是应该让阵型前压,压缩对手空间呢;或者我应该收束阵型宽度呢?许多问题等待解答,许多战术选择可供使用。


We're awarded a free kick quite far our, and Grice decides to loft it into the opposition's penalty area; hit and hope more than anything. As the ball is cleared, Grice continues to run across the penalty area in a horizontal fashion so that he can re-position himself as my right Wide Midfielder.

He eventually finds himself in acres of space, receiving a delicious pass, and whips in a threatening cross into the classic danger area between goalkeeper and six yard box – goal!

Vauxhall Motors 1-1 Bradford PA

Now that the scores are once again level, I set about making a few adjustments. Firstly, I needed to do something about the numerical advantage in midfield. In need of an extra central player, I decided to match their central midfielders 3v3, withdrawing my Advanced Playmaker, with the wingers marking each other 1v1 – effectively 5v5 throughout midfield.

As you can see from the image below, we are finally competing! They weren't getting time and space on the ball now that my Advanced Playmaker had been withdrawn from behind the striker. I still gave him the Advanced Playmaker role, so he would still look to exploit the space in front of their defence, but his starting position meant that he would be a lot more central on many more occasions. The flip side of packing my midfield also meant that my Wide Midfielders were pushed wider, which in turn threatened that enormous space afforded to us by their narrow three man defence.

The match progressed and we started to take a grip of possession. Passes were sprayed around the length and width of the pitch (okay, I made it sound better than perhaps it was; we are Vauxhall Motors after all) and most importantly we started to threaten the space down either flank. This was of key significance I might add, as you'll see further on in the article. At that time in the match however, I was happy to be controlling the game on a far more frequent basis; our attacking intent, and final tactical tweak, could wait for the time being.
随着比赛继续我们逐步获得球权。传球也在纵深和宽度上覆盖整个场地(好吧,是我说的好听;毕竟我们是Vauxhall Motors)【作者又开始在文章里自high了……】,最重要的是我们在两翼的进攻充满威胁。我想补充,随着本文的深入,你将会看到这是非常关键的一点。不过在当时,我对本对在场面上的控制已经很满意了;而进攻的尝试以及最终的战术调整,可以再等等。

Minutes passed and we were still in the match. After conceding that early goal, the momentum was beginning to swing the balance in our favour.

Montgomery, my left back, rushed forward from defence. The ball found it's way to the left flank, and he darted into the space beyond my left midfielder. Looking up for a brief moment, he bent a wicked cross into the six yard box, locating a diving header much like a precision heat seeking missile, which resulted in the ball finding the target like an arrow from an expert marksman.

Exploit the Flanks

So, having gone 1-0 down early on and grabbing an equaliser and another goal from pinpoint crosses, I had to exploit that space even further; it was their weakness and exploit it I shall!

Deciding to “Exploit the Flanks” via a touchline shout, I opted for a slight formation change as I thought it would give me far greater options as we advanced further up field and down either touchline. The new formation can be seen below:

Sorry if the image looks a bit wild and scruffy, but it was the best I could think of in the early hours of the morning. Anyway, hopefully you can see that Vauxhall Motors, managed by myself and donning the white kit, have altered our shape, while the boys in green, Bradford PA, are yet to make any sort of formation change, even after going 2-1 behind.
如果觉得这图有全屏打码之风范,那真是对不住大家,这已经是我在凌晨寒夜能想到的最好的办法了。总之,希望你能发现Vauxhall Motors,有我指教穿着白色球衣,已经变阵了。而对手白绿间条衫的Bradford PA在1-2落后情况下还没做出任何调整。

My wingers, Mahon and Grice, have been told to push further forward and take up position behind the opposition wingers. Now this could be risky as it could very well leave my fullbacks exposed in 1v1 situations, but as stated in the introduction, sometimes that the best form of defence was offence. If a weakness has presented itself to you, then why not take it? We had taken the lead, and many FM managers would be happy to settle for that after going 1-0 behind, but I decided to keep on attacking to perhaps give us the cushion of an extra goal.

Let me further discuss that tactical change and our change of shape in greater detail for all you tactical junkies out there.

After making the positional change, we now have 3v3 in midfield, so neither team have advantage. We now have 1v1 down the flanks, this time from the opposition wingers competing against my fullbacks, not my wingers, and it's still very much 2v2 in defence – my defenders versus their two strikers, although we do have to be wary of their striker dropping deep. While I am relying far greater on the ability of my players in this instance, I'm also making Bradford PA's wingers think about their role in the defensive phase and transition. Do they continue to push forward and battle it out against my fullbacks, or do they track back and help out defensively. If they're flair type wingers, then they'll probably pass up the chance to help their team defensively. If they're defensive type wingers, then they'll help out defensively, but offer little in the way of offensive pressure. Either way, the presence of my wingers in the 'danger zones' down either flank should surely give them cause for concern; after all we've scored from two previous crosses!
在做出位置改变后,中场有3对3,两边都不占什么便宜。边路1对1,现在是对手的翼边对上我的边后卫而不是我的翼边。后防依然是2对2,我的两名后卫对对手的两名前锋。虽然对手的前方有回撤的可能。不过这次我就极大程度的依赖于我球员的能力吧。我也迫使Bradford PA的翼边开始考虑他们在防守和攻防转换中所需要扮演的角色了。他们是应该继续前压战翻我的边后卫呢?还是应该回追去帮助防守呢?如果他们是更具想象力的那类翼边,估计会无视本方后防的窘境吧。如果他们是防守型翼边,大概就会回防而放弃在进攻上施压。他们选哪样都成,反正我的翼边在两翼肯定会给他们制造极大的麻烦;毕竟我们已经利用传中打入两球了!【这大概就是如何利用13这个边路引擎吧,让我想起我自己打桑普多利亚,连续三场意杯和意甲恰好都是他,结果三场都是3-0,因为桑队用的是442菱形中场这个悲催的无边战术,果断被引擎虐了……】

Eventually as the final ten minutes approach, Grice is afforded far too much space down the right flank and the ball makes its way back inside to Mahon who has travelled in off his left flank, acting very much like an inside forward, even though he was not instructed to cut inside. Either way, he does so, takes hold of possession, and slots the ball into the back of the net; the resulting score ending up 3-1 to us. A home victory resulting from tactical tweaks throughout the match.


What can you take from this? Hopefully you'll see that you don't need to be a tactical guru in order to achieve the result you need from a specific match. With a few simple formation tweaks to respond, react and attack the opposition's formation, you too can gain the upper hand. Where can your players cause most harm when analysing the other team's shape? Perhaps you'll feel like doing this for each and every match; experimenting a little. Marcelo Bielsa reacts and responds to the various formations he faces, always making sure he has an extra man in defence; will you be the same?
从中各位有何感悟?希望你能看到,你不必是一个战术达人但照样可以从一场特定比赛中取得你希望的结果。只需要几个简单的阵型调整来回应,反制并攻击对手的阵型,你也可以站得先机。在分析对手阵型是考虑你的球员在什么位置上可以制造最大的威胁?或许你会想要每场球都这样做,一点点的实验。Marcelo Bielsa【毕尔巴鄂竞技主教练】在面对各种阵型时的应对和反制措施是,总是保证在防守中比对方多一人,你也会这么做吗?

If you do decide to try these methods in FM be sure to let me know in the comments section below, or via Twitter - @tactikzz. Thanks.
如果你决定在FM中尝试这些措施,请在下面评论告诉我,或者通过推特【404 Not Found】 @tactikazz。谢谢。

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