master_wu 发表于 2013-2-12 13:05

FM 2013 13.2.3修正列表

本帖最后由 master_wu 于 2013-2-12 14:30 编辑

CHANGE LIST 13.2.3 (ME 1339)


- Fixed runtime error when viewing other users match in network game


- Fixed rare FMC crash in February 2015


- Fixed rare edited Dutch competition crash


- Fixed rare instance of save not loading with edited db


- Fixed No Transfer Windows achievement/unlockable completion



- Fixed sorting of player training focus columns


- Fixed display of competition news screen


- Fixed potential rating of youth candidates displaying incorrectly





- Tuned dribbling generally
- Fixed issue that counted too many dubious instances of running past opponent
- Toned down poor decision long shots
- Fixed some instances of short, under hit passes
- Made keepers more aggressive in meeting short back passes
- Slight improvement to defender positioning for short goal kicks
- Fixed bug that could cause players to try to clear ball from in front of own goal instead of scooping it clear
- Improved last ditch tackling and engaging of ball close to own goal
- Slightly reduced defender reactions at lower levels
- Improved engagement of ball player to reduce effectiveness of running with ball
- Fixed some instances where defenders don’t engage ball player around own area until it’s too late
- Further tuned kick and header accuracy
- Reduced aimless passes into channel from high up pitch
- Fixed rare instances of dead ball not being delivered correctly into opposing area
- Further tweaked defending against ball player
- Fine-tuned run past opponent counts slightly further
- Made dribbling slightly harder to achieve at higher speeds
- Made most players a favour more direct passes slightly
- Small fix to player reactions to loose balls
- Made defenders more aggressive in terms of looking to tackle ball player
- Fixed players with low closing down settings doing it so high up the pitch
- Fixed players set to specifically man mark opponent from leaving him too eagerly to engage ball player
- Small fix to specific man marking when opponent goes close to opposition d-line
- Fixed some interceptions being logged as tackles
- Fixed some instances of players playing opposition onside when defending free kicks
- Fixed some more instances of players not reacting to loose balls
- Fixed corner phase of play not ending when ball cleared way outside area, causing some bizarre knock-ons
- Fixed rare occurrence of play not restarting after a goal
- Fixed player not trying to turn and shoot when close to goal
- Fixed rare instances of unrealistically inaccurate kicks and passes
- Fixed some further issues with players closing down or not closing down properly
- Fixed some headers being unrealistically unchallenged due to collision avoidance code
- Fixed too many unrealistically weak penalty kicks
- Fixed some instances of unrealistically poor first touch
- Fixed players getting stuck in nets when retrieving ball
- Fixed rare issue causing keepers not to pick up routine ball near edge of own area
- Reduced crowding of players going for same ball on some crosses/corners
- Fixed assigned throw in takers not always being used for throws in attacking areas
- Further refinements to closing down and engagement of the ball player
- Some fine tuning of the weighting of short passes
- Made wide midfielders pay a bit more attention to opposition full backs
- One minor ball physics related fix
- Fixed unrealistic dallying on ball
- Less aimless clearances up field when not under pressure
- Couple more tweaks to closing down logic
- Fixed bug where keeper fumbles ball then doesn’t react properly
- Reduced risky passes across defence line
- Fix for ball passing through net occasionally
- Couple more small tweaks to closing down logic
- Further improved wide midfielder tracking of full backs
- Fixed goal kicks not being taken short
- Fixed quick free kicks rarely being taken
- Fixed bug where keeper moves a long distance to retrieve ball at free kick and is caught out of position when it’s taken quickly
- Fixed bug where keepers’ don’t always try to dive at attackers' feet
- Fixed players dropping too deep on some free kicks
- Fixed a couple of bugs causing keepers not to intercept speculative balls properly
- Fixed a couple of bugs causing players not to react to loose balls or passes correctly
- Fixed bug causing player not to attempt jump for ball that he cannot quite reach
- Tweak to off ball movement
- Slightly encouraged high reward lofted passes
- Made players who have just done a burst of running more prone to miscontrol
- Fixed bug where player may over-run ball unnecessarily
- Slight toning down on accuracy of more difficult kicks
- Further fix for incorrect players taking attacking throw-ins
- Team talk fix relating to overfamiliarity with manager talk
- Improved challenging for headers on long kicks
- Fixed nasty knock on relating to players switching off when taking control of ball
- Fixed some lofted passes being a bit extreme
- Reduced power of ball bounce off post and crossbar
- Fixed rare instances of players dallying on ball
- Yet further tweaks to closing down logic
- Fixed some instances of keeper short distribution not working
- Couple more fixes relating to player reactions to ball
- Reduced some instances of dangerous passes in defensive areas
- Fixed rare bug where play freezes when two players close to stationary ball
- Fixed rare bug where quick free kick is decided upon but never taken resulting in deadlock until end of period
- Fixed unrealistic instances of players deciding to take over receiving ball from team mate
- Very slight increase in width of defensive unit to try to open play up slightly
- Fixed bug in pass choice AI that should now result in a bit better decision making
- Slight reduction in 50:50 challenges for lower aggression players
- Small ball collision fix
- Fixed a couple of bugs causing keeper to not try a save
- Fixed a rare bug causing players to double up on closing down an attacking player prematurely
- Made first touch a key attribute for sweeper keeper
- Fixed a bug with players going for the ball too early in the animations

vehicle 发表于 2013-2-12 13:08

好吧,我已经看了几个这样的帖子了。。。。。。。好歹也给翻译出来嘛。。75 我不会E文是不是?:ljh060)

313468 发表于 2013-2-12 13:09


FSL 发表于 2013-2-12 14:04

更改清單 13.2.3 (我 1339年)一般-修復執行階段錯誤在網路遊戲中查看其他使用者匹配時-2015 年 2 月在 FMC 少見固定-修正了罕見的編輯荷蘭競爭崩潰-固定罕見的保存不裝編輯 db-修正了沒有轉讓 Windows 實現/解除鎖定完成GUI-修正了球員訓練重點列排序-固定的競爭新聞螢幕的顯示-固定潛力評級的青年候選人顯示不正確匹配引擎 V1339(1326-1333部分引擎更新已翻譯:HTTP://WWW.PLAYGM.CN/THREAD-657870-1-1.HTML,HTTP://WWW.PLAYGM.CN/THREAD-660453-1-1.HTML,1334-1338未翻譯:HTTP://WWW.PLAYGM.CN/THREAD-661500-1-1.HTML)調諧一般運球-固定的計入太多可疑情況下運行的問題過去的對手-緩和貧窮決定遠射-修正了某些情況下的短下命中的刀路-製造飼養員更積極地滿足短背傳-後衛定位為短門球略有改善-修復 bug 可能會導致球員試圖明確自己的目標,而不是舀下那一雙雙球清除-改進的最後一個溝處理和利用接近自己的目標球-略減的後衛反應在較低級別-球的球員更好地參與,減少球與運行的有效性-修正了某些情況下,在捍衛者所不從事自己周圍的球球員直到很晚-進一步調整了蹬腿和頭精度-從高處間距減少毫無目的進入通道-固定罕見的死球不成反對方面正確地傳遞-進一步調整了防禦球球員-過去的對手計數微調運行稍進一步-取得運球稍難實現更高的速度-取得大多數玩家更直接的恩惠略傳遞-小修復對松球球員反應-製造捍衛者更加雄心勃勃找來處理球的球員-修正了玩家與關閉設置做它太高了音調低-修正了玩家設置為具體男子馬克對手離開他太急切地進行球球員-小固定到特定標記時對手已近乎反對黨 d 線的男子-修正了一些攔截被記錄為鏟-固定的球員在防守任意球時打反對派支援一些實例-修正了一些的玩家不做出回應,松球的更多實例-固定角階段的播放未結束時球清除方式以外地區,造成一些奇怪的 knock-ons-固定罕有地播放進球後不重新開機-修正了球員不試圖打開,當接近目標射擊-固定罕見的不切實際地不准確踢和刀路-固定與玩家關閉或不正確地關閉一些進一步的問題-修正了某些不切實際地正在由於碰撞避免代碼不受挑戰的標頭-修正了太多不現實弱點球-修正了有些不切實際地差的第一次觸摸-修正了玩家困在網中檢索球時-固定的罕見問題造成飼養員不來拿起自己區域的邊緣附近的例行球-減少擁擠的上一些十字架/角為同一球會的球員-固定分配的拋在考生不總是用於引發攻擊領域-進一步改進關閉和球球員的參與-一些微調的短傳的權重-取得廣泛的中場球員有點更注重反對派後衛-一個小球物理相關的修復-修正不切實際空轉球上-少毫無目的間隙向上時不在壓力下的欄位-情侶更多調整到關閉邏輯-修復 bug 畜養在那裡把手球然後不適當的反應-減少風險的刀路跨防線-修復偶爾路過網的球-情侶更多小調整到關閉邏輯-進一步改進的廣泛中場跟蹤的後衛-固定門球不正在採取短-固定少採取的快速任意球-修復 bug 其中畜移動長途來檢索在踢自由球,是陷入困境的位置時它迅速地採取-修復 bug 位置飼養員們不要總是試圖俯衝攻擊者的腳下-修正了玩家太深放一些任意球-修正了幾個 bug 導致守護者不正確截獲投機球-修正了幾個 bug 導致玩家不作出正確反應松球或刀路-修復 bug 導致玩家不要企圖跳,他不能完全達到的球-調整為 off 球運動-略有鼓勵升遷的高回報刀路-製造球員只是做了爆裂的運行更容易 miscontrol-修復 bug 玩家可能會不必要地攻佔球-輕微的準確性更難踢的淡化-進一步修復不正確的球員採取進攻 throw-ins-團隊談修復有關的經理談 overfamiliarity-改進的挑戰性長踢頭-固定髒兮兮敲有關發揮

master_wu 发表于 2013-2-12 14:08


804041547 发表于 2013-2-12 14:11


ooke 发表于 2013-2-12 14:42


leungyiusing 发表于 2013-2-12 14:42


shuai0731 发表于 2013-2-12 14:45


kykaiser 发表于 2013-2-12 15:27


frossmann 发表于 2013-2-12 15:58

好吧,我已经看了几个这样的帖子了。。。。。。。好歹也给翻译出来嘛。。75 我不会E文是不是?
vehicle 发表于 2013-2-12 13:08
好吧 我花了12分鐘給你譯了

holycloud2012 发表于 2013-2-12 16:05


vehicle 发表于 2013-2-12 16:09

回复 11# frossmann

    :tsj9] 这么认真。。。。。

dingjiany 发表于 2013-2-16 09:15

很好 谢谢啊
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