SSD'19 Skin v2.3 by更新)
本帖最后由 狐疑 于 2019-3-17 19:04 编辑Download the SSD'19 Skin (Shark's Skin Dark), a dark 1920x1080 dark skin for Football Manager 2019!
This is the skin than Shark making for himself, but later decided to improve and share it with community !
"Instant Result" Button
Backgrounds compatibility
Team panels optimized to show stadium and city pics
Player & Staff panels optimized to be used with DF11 Faces of our partner
We let you discover the others options we offer to you.
-6/11/18 : v2.2 :
- New Background opacity selector,
- New match titlebar
- New resume (end match)
- Transparent boxes fixed
- Player Panels fixed
- Others some minor tweaks
-20/11/18 : v2.3 :
- New Player Box (tactic assets)
- New Player Training Box
- New Player Profile (some minor fix)
- New Match Panels
- New Backgrounds (Dressing Room Added / Tunnel / Press Conference)
- New Colours for some text
WORK IN PROGRESS This skin could be updated, as soon as Shark decided to made new versions.
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