TCM19 – Logos FM19.2发布啦,很漂亮的一款队徽(2019.04.07)
本帖最后由 狐疑 于 2019-4-7 21:44 编辑Download the TCM19 Logopack, megapack of more than 33.300 logos of clubs and competitions for Football Manager 2019!
This is the 6th edition of the TCM Megapack for Football Manager.
After more than 1.5 Million downloads for previous versions, we want to offer more! Adopt the brilliant TCM19 Logo megapack for Football Manager 2019 by
Megapack : 220 Nations : 29268 Clubs + 3485 Competitions + 548 MiscellaneousAfrica : 2145 Clubs – 203 Competitions
North America : 2434 Clubs – 276 Compétitions
South America : 2941 Clubs – 215 Compétitions
Asia: 3214 Clubs – 630 Compétitions
Europa : 18170 Clubs – 1904 Compétitions
Oceania : 364 Clubs – 76 Compétitions
+ Confederations, Federations, International Competitions & Flags.
All the details by Nations in the Megapack.
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