Andromeda FM 19 Skin Final
本帖最后由 狐疑 于 2019-3-17 18:58 编辑Andromeda FM 19 Skin Final
High Resolution only (1920x1080p). Small sidebar version included. Just add both Andromeda files to your skins folder
Add this by the genius that is Flut to get the kits working on player overview
If you want to change the attributes colours or remove the boxes then here is a mod pack with instructions and images
If you prefer to have you're clubs logo always in the centre of the screen then open the skin/ then open the panels folder/ then open the client_object folder. Now replace that file with this one
In the game clear the cache then reload the skin
Credits & special thanks:
In the preparation of this skin, I used xml & gfx files as well as ideas of various skinmakers. Therefore I would like to thank them and credit their work and creativity.
My good friend Henrik Reinholt Lund
Flut, Vitrex, CFM, Wannachup, Clinched, OPZ, GZskin, Neub Skin, YACS, michaeltmurrayuk, TCS, Art
Also, I would like to thank The tester and the Andromeda community for helping me and reporting any issues. Thank you! & a big thank you to them that donated, Much appreciated
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感谢分享。 xiexie谢谢分享!!!!!!! 快快快坎坎坷坷 谢谢分享! 1234567890-= 66666666666666666666666666666666666 这个挺漂亮的,下载试试,谢谢 1111111111111111111111 这个挺漂亮的,下载试试,谢谢 ganxie
sda da d 试了好几个皮肤了,都对1920*1080同时放大125%不友好,笔记本小屏幕,不放大看得又累,一直用df11的皮肤。。。不知道这个怎么样。 下载试试,谢谢 感谢楼主分享66666666 感谢狐姨! 挺好看的皮肤 还挺漂亮的 ssssssssssssss 支持一下 下来看看,谢谢分享!