FM 2019 FLUT skin light&dark - Version 1.9(2019.08.03更新)
The Skin pack includes:
1. “Round country flags”, “round continents logos” and default logos specially made in metallic style by brian-q from sourtitoutsi. Those graphics will be displayed in the title bar.
2. Background maps for confederations, also made by brian-q. Thank you brian by your great work and for your collaboration!!!
In this version I do not include the pack for regular sidebar (not hidden sidebar) and for regular sidebar, coloured according the club colour. However, you can use it from the 1.8 version.
The "major" changes (in fact I think the changes are minor) of FlutSkin 1.9 are:
- Target list panel
- News item panels:
Contract expiring player/non player list (tweaked)
Match post match analysis (rating and player popup included)
- Tactics opposition instructions panel and match tactics chalkboard1 (xmls) (bug solved)
- Team Social groups panel (“new”)
- Team hierarchy panel (tweaked)
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谢谢分析,下载来看看 太棒了,感谢分享 代入感好强。试一试。谢谢 谢谢分享! 这才是胡姨! 6666666666 感谢发布!!!!!!!!!1 值得拥有0 6666666666666666 感谢支持下载 fffffffffffffffffff 谢谢分享! 吃撒多付出多大砂石厂as 多谢分享。。 感谢。。。。。。。。。。。。 31231231231212312 谢谢分享, ,,,。。。。 感谢{:16_800:}