间宫小樽 发表于 2020-1-5 03:16

zodiacg 发表于 2020-1-4 23:34
先在SI论坛看到这事儿的,一开始感觉tff道歉还算可以,说不上特别诚恳不过意思到了。但点主楼进去看tff在fm ...


danwol 发表于 2020-1-5 09:17

danwol 发表于 2019-12-29 22:12
Sorry not sure what you mean?


Ah, thank you. Meant for the reply on that message :(

danwol 发表于 2020-1-5 09:20

zodiacg 发表于 2020-1-4 23:34
先在SI论坛看到这事儿的,一开始感觉tff道歉还算可以,说不上特别诚恳不过意思到了。但点主楼进去看tff在fm ...


It is what it is and I am sure he will get caught again.
We have already proven that one alt is active on the SI Forums


youhongyu 发表于 2020-1-9 10:16


danwol 发表于 2020-12-9 01:18


由于我在PlayGM上的水平 我无法回复您的Pm 并且一直在寻找无法在其他地方取得成功的出色战术 尽管我需要休息一下 但这些天我并不是FMBase的一部分

I couldn't reply to your Pm due to my level on PlayGM, and always looking for awesome tactics that haven't made the rounds elsewhere. I'm not a part of FMBase as much these days though as I needed a break.
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查看完整版本: 知名战术制作者TFF水军行为被抓现形(TFF现已被FMBASE论坛封禁)