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[转载] FM 2014的一些亮点

发表于 2013-8-15 11:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
FM 2014的一些亮点 转自官网
http://www.sigames.com/news/1423 ... le+To+Pre-Order+Now

Some significant FM 2014 highlights include:

Improved Match Engine
The 3D Match Engine has seen extensive improvements, including enhanced AI, improved lighting and player animation, individual player character and kit models, more realistic player reaction to on-field incidents and a range of optimisations which combine to make this the best looking and fastest FM Match Engine yet.

Tactical overhaul
There has been a complete redesign of how tactics are created, selected and implemented with player roles and team strategies becoming even more prominent, definable roles for players for multiple positions, new player roles and instructions and improvements to rival managers' AI so that they’ll adapt their tactics more readily over time.

More realistic transfers and contracts
FM 2014 features a revamped transfer module where opposing clubs and managers adopt a more realistic approach when making or responding to transfer offers. In addition, a number of new ‘real world’ transfer clauses have been added, such as the facility to loan a player back to the club he’s just been bought from and the option to offer a combination of cash and loan players, as well as new contract clauses such as a sub bench appearance fee. On top of this, the old ‘turn-based’ system of transfer negotiations can now be done two ways, the tried and tested system and a new ‘live’ system, similar to that used in FM’s contract negotiations.

More sophisticated board interaction
Contract negotiations are more realistic in FM 2014, as managers and boards can now make demands and lay down their respective visions for the club in both initial job interviews and contract renewal discussions. Managers can also attempt to renegotiate transfer and wage budgets as a reward for staying loyal if they’ve been offered a job by another club, with the outcome helping aid their decision on whether to move or not.

Improved interaction with players, staff and media
There is now better interaction between players, managers, their rivals and the media; for example, members of the coaching staff now offer feedback on how reserve and youth team players are performing. Managers can also ask key players to have a word with unhappy squad members, while the introduction of an end-of-season meeting allows the manager to let the squad know how they have performed and set targets for the coming season.

News system
The news system has been overhauled so managers can now deal with many club matters directly from their inbox. In addition, news is now colour-coded, based on category, and contains more detail – for example, scout reports now appear as a single news item with a top-line report on all players scouted and the facility to shortlist or make an offer for each of these players.

Enhanced user interface
Major changes have been made to FM 2014’s user interface. Key areas have been redesigned – including the training overview page, the transfer centre and the news homepage – while widespread changes have been made across the game’s user interface. The language employed throughout the game has also enjoyed a major overhaul and now corresponds more closely to the language of real world football.

Football Manager Classic evolved
Managers can now choose more than three playable nations in Classic mode for a more immersive experience. In addition, FM’s ‘fast play’ mode now includes Transfer Deadline Day, a Match Plan wizard and new unlockables.

The game will be released for Windows PC, Mac and Linux before Xmas 2013. From today, fans who pre-order FM14 from a participating high street or digital retailer, will get early access to a fully playable Beta version roughly two weeks before release.
发表于 2013-8-15 11:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-8-15 12:20 | 显示全部楼层

FM 2014年的一些亮点转自官网http://www.sigames.com/news/1423 ... LE + +预购+现在 一些重大FM 2014的亮点包括: 改进的比赛引擎 3D比赛引擎已经得到广泛的改进,包括增强的AI,改善照明和播放动画,个别球员的性格和试剂盒模型,更逼真的球员 ​​反应场事件和一系列的优化组合,使这个最好看的和最快的FM比赛引擎。 战术大修 已经有一个完整的重新设计战术如何创建球员角色和团队战略,选择和实施变得更加突出,让玩家自定义角色的多个位置,新的玩家角色和AI对手经理的指示和改进,这样他们就会更 ​​容易适应他们的战术,随着时间的推移, 更现实的转让和合同 FM 2014年改组后的转让功能模块反对俱乐部和经理采取比较现实的做法时,应对转让报价。此外,一些新的'真实世界'转移条款已添加,如设施以租借的球员 ​​回来的俱乐部他的只是被买从和提供现金及贷款玩家的组合的选项,以及新的合同条款,如子板凳出场费。的旧的转会谈判反过来基于“系统在此之上,可以现在可以做2的方式,在久经考验的系统和一个新的'活'系统,FM的合同谈判中使用的类似。 更复杂的电路板互动 合同谈判是更现实的FM 2014年,经理和董事会现在可以提出要求,放下各自的观点为俱乐部初步面试和续约讨论。管理者也可以尝试重新谈判的转会和工资预算,作为保持忠诚,如果他们已经被其他俱乐部提供了一个工作的奖励,援助的结果,帮助他们决定是否移动或不 改进互动与球员,工作人员和媒体 现在有更好的球员 ​​,经理,他们的对手和媒体之间的互动,例如,现在的教练组成员提供反馈预备队和青年队的球员 ​​如何执行。经理还可以要求有一个字与不满小队成员的关键球员,赛季结束会议允许同时引进经理让球队知道他们是如何进行设置目标为旺季的到来。 新闻系统 新闻系统已经全面改版,使管理人员可以直接从他们的收件箱中的许多俱乐部的事宜,现在处理。此外,消息是现在的颜色编码,根据类别,并包含更多的细节-例如,侦察兵报告现在将显示为一个单一的新闻项目与顶线的所有球员被球探报告和设施备选或作出要约这些球员。 增强的用户界面 作出了重大变化FM 2014的用户界面。已重新设计关键领域-包括培训概述页面,换乘中心和新闻主页-已作出整个游戏的用户界面,而广泛的变化。整个游戏的语言也享受到了一次大修,现在更加紧密地对应现实世界中的足球的语言。 足球经理经典进化的 经理现在可以选择超过三个可玩的国家在经典模式下,一个更加身临其境的体验。此外,FM的“快速播放”模式现在包括转会截止日,匹配计划向导和新unlockables的 2013年圣诞节前,该游戏将会推出适用于Windows PC,Mac和Linux。从今天起,球迷谁预先订购FM14从参与高街零售商或数字,将尽早访问到一个完全可玩的Beta版发布前大约两个星期。

360浏览器自动翻译的  可能不太准
发表于 2013-8-15 12:42 | 显示全部楼层


感觉说的这些还是没啥大突破啊,还预售50刀。。我砍  发表于 2013-8-15 15:02
握爪!  发表于 2013-8-15 12:43
发表于 2013-8-15 14:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-8-15 14:59 | 显示全部楼层
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