黄金一代 发表于 2004-12-26 01:29


本帖最后由 废forever 于 2012-7-31 11:32 编辑

<P>UFMIG战队的联机规则 </P>
<P>Out of Game 游戏之外的规则</P>
<P>Playing Times 游戏时间</P>
<P>Sat & Sun 8pm to Late. 周六、日晚上8点以后</P>
<P>Attendance 到场</P>
<P>If by some strange occurance you have something better to do, you are expected to inform Alex or post on the Clan Forum that you won't be attending. If a player fails to show up for 4 sessions in a row without giving notice that player will be retired from the game.</P>
<P>Communication 交流</P>
<P>UFMIG use their own channel on the quakenet irc network. The channel is imaginatively called #ufmig</P>
<P>The SI Games Forum Clan Thread 在SI论坛上的战队专帖</P>
<P>All participating managers are required to post an update on their teams current performance at the end of each weekend session.</P>
If you don't post an entry on the thread by the following weekend session, then you won't be allowed to join the game until it has been completed. This has been added due to the pathetic participation rate in the old game thread.</P>
<P>The Fish Wrapper 此段没有确切看懂,好像是关于轮流负责更新网站的</P>
<P>On a rota basis, the managers will take it in turns to produce the required output to add to the end of season Fish Wrapper updates on this site.</P>
<P>Leaving the Clan 离开战队</P>
<P>Managers should inform the Alex or post on the Clan Forum about their decision to quit the game.</P>
<P>如果经理决定离开游戏,应该通知Alex或者在战对论坛上发帖通知。</P>In The Game 游戏中的规则

<P>Selection of Teams 队伍选择</P>
<P>All teams from "The Championship" downwards are available except those that may have qualified for European competition.</P>
<P>Patches 补丁</P>
<P>All Players will need the latest patch available at all times.所有游戏者必须安装最新的补丁</P>
<P>Data Updates 数据更新</P>
<P>No data updates except those coming with the official patches are to be used by any player.</P>
<P>Joining the game 加入游戏</P>
<P>Players cannot enter the game without obtaining permission from the host in the chat room. This also applies to re-entering after disconnection.</P>
<P>Sackings 解雇</P>
<P>In the event a Manager is sacked, he can wait and apply for vacant positions, otherwise he may retire and re-add themselves, then select a team from a lower division as long as the team is outside of that divisions top six and take the obligatory roman numeral name penalty.</P>
<P>Moving Jobs 换工作</P>
<P>There are no restrictions on applying for managerial jobs at other clubs. 允许玩家申请其他俱乐部的工作</P>
<P>International Management执教国家队</P>
<P>No managers are allowed to take up a job in International Management. 禁止经理执教国家队</P>
<P>Chugging 具体咋翻译?</P>
<P>Players should make every effort to keep the game running quickly and smoothly. Managers should keep an eye on the IRC channel window to make sure that they are not holding up the game. For example, searching for players should be done while other matches are playing or during allotted T&T times.</P>
<P>Tactics 战术</P>
<P>No restriction to tactics will be enforced. Although expect a slagging if you have downloaded the one you are using. 不限制使用的战术。虽然,希望你能稍微改动一下如果你的阵型是下载的。
<P>Shortlists 感兴趣的球员列表</P>
<P>Players may shortlist each otherâ

黄金一代 发表于 2004-12-26 01:31

本帖最后由 seanlee123 于 2012-4-12 03:51 编辑

<P>EPL Challenge 战队的网站:http://www.eplchallenge.co.uk/</P>
<P>EPL Challenge 的联机规则</P>
<P><B>Game Times</B>
<P>7:00pm - 11pm Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings. All players should aim to be in the chatroom for the pressing of the continue button or requested T&T at 7pm.

<P>Regular attendance is essential for the game to last and be enjoyable for all players. Regular attendance is also essential to have any chance of success in the game, so it is in your interests to be there and on time. Unless of course you have a bloody brilliant assistant manager, but then even if he wins no-one will respect you anyway.</P>
<P>Obviously there are times when we have other commitments and this game is not an attempt to take over your life, but to add some enjoyment to it on the long, cold winter nights. The only other alternative is to get a woman and they cost a lot of money, not to mention more mental pressure than being rooted to the bottom of the Premiership with one game to save your job and your status. Ok, I digress a tad. If you cannot make it, prior notice is required.

Failure to give prior notice may result in a yellow card and consistent poor attendance, <B>will</B> result in a warning (where necessary). Failure to improve after a warning will most likely result in participation being terminated!</P>
<P><B>Game Thread</B></P>
<P>The Game Thread is hugely important to the overall quality of the game. For a start it helps us attract players which is vital to the longevity of the experience.</P>
<P>We made a huge effort in the previous game to achieve Clan Recognition. Upon joining this game you are, in effect, agreeing to make every effort to maintain that status and to positively promote this clan. Therefore, <B>every</B> manager is expected to write, at least, one update of their team performance/managerial career in the EPL Challenge Game Thread on SIGames per week. That is one report for every three sessions. Of course, if you wish to contribute more that is superb. To avoid any confusion, the weekly report <B>must</B> be made before the Sunday session.</P>
<P><B>Failure to provide the update (without prior agreement with the host) will result in the manager being refused access to the game sessions until the report is completed.</B></P>
<P>Updates must contain the club crest, the link to which will be provided when you join the clan.</P>
<P>Updates should not be a listing of results or a quickly put together mismash with horrific spelling. We want good quality reports - preferably with a bit of banter throw in about fellow managers.</P>
<P><B>Good Player Guide, Editors and Cheat tactics 优秀球员指南,编辑器与作弊阵型</B></P>
<P>Please don't bother coming near this game if this is your way of playing. That is the message we have on what, in an online environment anyway, is blatant cheating.</P>
<P>Every so often, some twat joins the game thinking he is the daddy of online champing. A bit of bragging then automatically loads up his "cheat tactic" and signs the players freely mentioned on the Good Player Guides. Showing my age but some of us have been around the online scene for some time and <B>We will know</B> if you are cheating and kick you out immediately. It spoils the game for me and everybody else who wishes to play fairly. In EPL Challenge it is not important to have previous online experience but just to have a mature attitude where competing and trying your best is valued more than winning.</P>
<P>经常的,有些认为自己是联机竞技高手的SB加入了游戏。在一番小小的吹嘘之后,他载入了他的BT阵型,并开始陆续免费签入“优秀球员集锦”上提到的球员。不是倚老卖老,我们中的一些人已经参加联机游戏有一段时间了,你这样作弊会很快被发现并立即被踢出游戏。这种事情破坏了我和其他希望公平竞赛的玩家的游戏。在EPL Challenge战队的联赛里,有没有联机经验不重要,只要你有一个正确的心态——参加竞赛和努力本身比胜利更重要。</P>
<P><B>Player Searches</B> 球员搜索
<P>Player Searches must be limited to T & T sessions (available offline on request and when I can facilitate it) OR when other players are involved in playing a match. When all players are ready to continue, all player searches must be stopped. Only in extremely bad scenarios (injury to key player etc) should an extensive search be undertaken outside these times. </P>

Finally when the host says time to move on, this must be done pronto.</P>

<P><B>Transfers 转会</B>

<P>It looks like a lot of the issues surrounding transfers have been resolved. Currently there are no restrictions in place, bar tose referred to below.</P>
<P>It is prohibited to bid for a player when you have not got the funds to stop another player acquiring him. Failure to abide by this rule will be classed as cheating and the player will be ejected from the game.</P>
<P>Related to transfers is the contract issue. Players are not allowed to re-negoiate contracts with a new signing for 12 months. This is to prevent players offering mega contracts to entice players to their club, only then to lower the terms once the dotted line has been signed. <B>I'm upgrading this rule to an automatic warning as it is based upon gentlemanly conduct.</B></P>
<P>If the contract is only short term then exceptions will be made. Please check with host is this issue will affect you.</P>
<P>All players must join IRC for in game communication and banter.</P>
<P><B>Game Speed</B></P>
<P>Game Speed is yet to be decided but match highlights must be set to key. </P>
<P>Replays must be set to <B>OFF</B>.</P>
<P>Viewing matches you are not involved in is prohibited.</P>
<P>I will selectively use force continue at random if urgently required. The admin option of 5 weekly minutes will be set <B>ON</B>.</P>
<P>Basically, want we want is a balance. You will not be rushed to finish matches as this is crucial to success, yet this is not to say that extremely slow play which spoils the game for others will be tolerated.</P>
<P>Any complaints about speed should be communicated to the host, who will decide if any action is required. Hopefully, this will not arise.</P>
<P>All Players must set holidays if leaving the PC for any amount of time; <B>have consideration for other players</B>. Do not set holidays if you have just played a game and are awaiting the other matches to finish. This only has the effect of stalling the game.</P>
<P><B>Youth Players And Contract Expiring Players 年轻球员与合同即将到期的球员</B></P>
<P>A gentlemans agreement is in place that <B>NO</B> youth team players can be poached off other human competitors.</P>
<P>Bidding for Human managers' Out of Contract players plus bidding for other human managers backroom staff is allowed <B>when the other player is present at the session</B>. </P>
<P>Bidding for other human manager players is limited to when the other manager is present to counter your offer</P>
<P>A gentlemans agreement has been initiated by player vote, that shortlisting of human club's players, is limited to "realistic" standards. That is, no carpet bombing of players squads.</P>
<P>If a manager/interested manager have a dispute, the host will decide on a settlement, if both players fail to agree. (Yeah, I'm from the North of Ireland..it happens...a lot.)</P>
<P><B>International Management</B></P>
<P>Prohibited. Its a club game.</P>
<P><B>Bosmans 博斯曼</B></P>
<P>Hopefully this rule will never require enforcing but Bosman signings are a great way of enhancing your squad for absolutely nada dinero. However, they are also a means of raising necessary transfer funds by buying on a Bosman and immediately selling on to another club. While in the real world this is perfectly legit, I've never seen it done.</P>
<P>Therefore all Bosman signings cannot be sold for profit unless they have completed <B>one full season </B>at the club.</P>
<P>It's a harsh reality that if you underachieve at a club you face the sack and the mocking of all other players. A sacked manager shall not have first preference at retaking control of said club. The position shall now be open to all players who may wish to take control, but only through the application process.</P>
<P>The sacked manager therefore has a number of options. Firstly, "gardening leave" where you await to see if the other player who wants the job is successful in his application. If these fail, you <B>may</B> be permitted to take the old job back.</P>
<P>For example, if your team is 禁用词语e and you have deservingly been sacked through relegation or just being extremely poor over the years, it is likely no-one will wish to take on the mess you have left. You stand a good chance of being allowed to return.</P>
<P>However, if you have been successful, or relatively so over a number of years and have pissed everybody off, then there is absolutely no chance you will be allowed your old club back. You'll have to just rebuild from the bottom up again, whether or not a human is successful in applying for your old job.</P>
<P>Secondly, you may wish to take another club. However, this club will have to be of a lower/similar status to the club you were sacked from. We will not <B>force</B> a demotion to Division One. However, if you wish to take another Premiership club, it must be agreed to by the host, who will most likely call a player vote on the issue.Following CM Online guidelines, if you add yourself in, you must insert the number of attempts at the job after your name.</P>
<P>Managers cannot resign from their club without taking a step down in division. Players can of course apply for other jobs at both a higher or lower level, but must be sacked before resigning to manage another club. A player is forbidden to resign and manage another top level premiership club.</P>
<P><B>Ok, Lighten Up, Thats the End!</P></B></B>
<P>Ok, thats it, apart from the obvious dishing out of IP's and other little sins that are punishable by death by firing squad. If any issues arise, I'll post a rule, but as I now know most of you guys, I can't see this happening. It only remains for me to wish everyone good luck, and to state that the rules are here for everyone's benefit. </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-25 17:44:29编辑过]

黄金一代 发表于 2004-12-26 01:32

Owen.tan 发表于 2004-12-26 07:53


cm帅 发表于 2004-12-26 12:09


黄金一代 发表于 2004-12-27 03:16


最爱布莱克本 发表于 2005-1-7 02:56


黄金一代 发表于 2005-1-7 03:43


michael 发表于 2005-1-8 08:35


zfxweng 发表于 2005-1-8 21:21


赤尾悟 发表于 2005-1-18 01:41


hoyaryyj 发表于 2005-1-18 05:25


bareev 发表于 2005-1-28 09:20


冥王哈迪斯 发表于 2005-1-29 06:45


michael 发表于 2005-1-29 16:20

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>冥王哈迪斯</I>在2005-1-28 22:45:00的发言:</B>

冥王哈迪斯 发表于 2005-2-7 06:13

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>michael</I>在2005-1-29 8:20:00的发言:</B>


小饼干 发表于 2005-2-8 21:32


黑月一刀斋 发表于 2005-3-2 23:36


huhuanhuan 发表于 2005-3-10 20:08

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查看完整版本: [翻译]一些国外FM战队的联赛规则