FMRTE v3.0.210
Changelist (200 to 210)[*]Fixed a bug in Future Transfer that was causing FM to cancel the transfer[*]Fixed a bug in Future Transfer ("Object refernce not set to an instance of object");[*]Fixed a bug in "Freezer Manager"[*]Fixed a bug in filtering players by clausules[*]Fixed a bug in the "new relation" feature[*]Fixed a bug in Player/Staff members, now you can edit them[*]Fixed a bug in Curren Screen button, now the button shows you Player/Staff members..[*]Fixed a bug in Clone Center[*]Fixed some other bugs reported[*]Fixed some bugs in Shortlists[*]Added Local Regions (search for a city and in there you can go to the city local region and edit it if you want..)[*]Added Weather and Injuries (now you can search and edit them..)[*]Added a new screen for players, Injury, in there you can change theinjury, type of treatment...(only for players that are injured, youcannot give an injury to a player..)[*]Added more information in the Future Transfer screen (Monthly Installments, After League Appearances ...)[*]Added a new screen for staff members "Tendencies and Formations",this new screen shows you the favourite formations of a staff member,and its tendencies as well ex, Signs Young Players For the First Team,Will Use Young Players In Low Priority Cup Matches..)
求翻译 我看不懂
我来翻译下....就是修正了一大堆BUG 放心用.................. 用于10.20?
下载链接地址 本帖最后由 cyfvip 于 2010-1-16 01:28 编辑
原来的汉化无法使用 删除 别下 我想问下 这玩意儿怎么用啊 win7能使吗??? 好东西 谢谢分享~ 感谢LZ分享...:ljh016) 锁定属性在哪里?我怎么找不到啊? 这个适用于1020的呀?是中文吗? 我升级到1020,为什么不能用啊? 这个 会中途跳出的吗 会的话有什么意义