Mr Hough 官网433最新战术出炉。2010.8.2版本。10.3再次更新。
本帖最后由 caicarl30 于 2010-8-2 22:25 编辑最新8.2日战术在32楼。
来源于: Mr Hough 的作品。
8/5/10 Update.
Sorry to keep you all waiting but I'm a perfectionist and i wanted it to be the best i could possibly make it.
This release is almost perfect but I've been having problems with the fullbacks that i can seem to get right just yet.
Here is the tactic you have been waiting for my final 4-1-2-3 tactic for FM10 (unless i make the fullbacks better I'll update it)
I've updated the OP with players attributes to look for and pitch size etc...
Tight Marking and Closing Down on these players.
If you play a team that has no wide men but wingbacks use the OI's on these aswell.
I've added this to the OP so everyone can see it.
I hope that you enjoy this tactic and any feedback is as always very welcome.
作者为了完美长时间试验战术,所以这个战术出来的比较晚,不过效果我用了几天还是不错的。进攻依然犀利。防守比以前丢球少点了。总的来说没有BUG的战术来说不错的了,加上我之前共享的KIMZ战术配合使用效果会很不错。 2009年?时间写错了吧 没有具体人员配置需求吗?? 有人用了吗 效果如何 没有战绩图么,支持了 来试试看
比Classic 版本还好使??? 支持一下,试试吧 回复 2# kyokusei
依然强大犀利。 我开档拉齐奥,试了几场的确不错帮我走出困境,客场1比0小胜罗马,主场1比0击败国米,现在联赛排第一防守很顽强,赞一个。 我来看下~~~~ 如此变态战术 支持了 试用了一下,个人感觉确实比Classic好用 试过 8比1侮辱雷丁。社区盾。曼城 回复 1# caicarl30
最后一句...卖广告了= =
呵呵...开玩笑的,谢谢分享 谁做小白鼠啊。。。 支持一下,试试 是大众版的吗,还是好梦办的 回复 16# Milan魂
官方网的。SI 试试,期待超越经典版