Mr Hough又更新了。5.24版本-Updating OP
原帖在: edited by Mr Hough; 24-05-2010 at 08:47. Reason: Updating OP
Now i know I'm only 10 games in on these tester Saves but the Potential is there for you all to see.
Once again i hadn't been using OI's but during the Arsenal Test i started Clicking 'Ask Assistant' and i think it made a Slight Difference to the Teams Performance it's up to you if use it or not i will probably from now on.
The players Attributes are the Same in the OP no change to the at all
Here is the Link you have all been waiting for, Again as always feedback weather criticism or praise is always welcome
旧版本Mr Hough 4-1-2-3 Unbeaten Final Version
新版本Mr Hough and JP Woody Final Version 10.3
PS.op这个缩写是啥意思? 到底現在跟新到那個版本了? 不只是神阵更是阵神 到底現在跟新到那個版本了?剛剛下了個5月8號的,這個是在前面的跟新嗎? OP。。。。不是说临场的那个针对性设置吗? op=就是第一楼,Mr Hough贴战术的那楼 OP=哦屁:lol 传说中的神阵啊,可惜我没怎么用过,喜欢边锋的,呵呵。现在用自己的4-2-4不错 顶一下:tsj17]:tsj23] 喜欢经典界面的 因为不会使用临场。