caicarl30 发表于 2012-5-13 08:24

转载官网TheBetterHalf - Wide 42121 最新大师小组战术,球翻译!

本帖最后由 caicarl30 于 2012-5-13 19:58 编辑

*TheBetterHalf Underdog Tactic* NR 1 - Direct Counter - Wide 42121



TheBetterHalfs Underdog/small team

The Direct Counter
Wide 42121


People that have read my most in
recent years know that I have moved away form using plug & play tactic,
tactics that by tweaking sliders in a trial & error manor with the aim to
beat the match engine rather than the opponent. So this might come as a slight
surprise, being a thread where I not only upload such a tactic, but also that I
have used someone else's work as a framework ( Akash777)


This small set consist of 3 versions that are to be used as plug & play tactics. The first version is called "High Press", the 2nd "Lower press" and the 3rd " Patient Stretching". Playing as an underdog, the main versions are the pressing ones. If you feel that you have the ability to disturb the opponent by putting a hell of a lot more pressure on them, then use the high press and if you are more scared that you might be dragged out of position by this superior team, then use the lower press version

If playing at the top level or just under it, even as an underdog you will come across teams that you are superior
to. Then, you can use the "patient stretch" version as an alternative

The Result found in next post

Formation & Team settings

Screen to come

The flow using Underdogs

As soon as a counter attack is launched, we keep a direct
game and channel t-balls from the middle onto the flanks for our 3 attacking
players to tun onto. Our single MC keeps a restricted game but he is supported
by 2 more attacking minded DMCs that always seeks free space. When our fullbacks
get into possession deep down field, they hold on to the ball to drag the
opposition onto them.This means that if we face a tea sitting deep and defend,
our attacking players are likely to make a run forward in vain and the FBs hold
onto the ball, making these attacking players easy to mark as the opposition
simply denies us space to play these direct t-balls into. This is why this
approach is for underdogs and perhaps middle teams.

The flow using better teams/ top teams

It does work for top teams to, don't get me wrong. You
would easily win the league with Man U, Man C but the flow wont look as good as
playing a different approach and you will see more 1-0, 2-1 wins instead of 3-0.
5-1 etc. Simply put, there is no reason to use it unless you like being in agony
over those longshots

The players

All players:
Determination, Team Work, Work rate and Decision
Also notice that I have not
brought the "common sense stats" in any of the players beneath, like finishing
for the strikers or passing for all players etc.

Style of play
When not launching an counter attack, they should stay back so no
ppms like " get forward" etc. These player act like holding players and when
seeing fit, they will try to beat their man
Here, we are looking for pace, anticipation, positioning, stamina and tackling. Dribbling is a huge plus


Central Defenders
Style of play
As we use loose zonal marking, make sure that they don't have the ppm " like to
tight mark"
The normal ones: Remember that Anticipation are crucial
for any top team and that pace is needed if the opponent launches balls over the
top of the defenders. Remember that the worse concentration they have, the more
likely you are to concede late in games and when you are dominating but not
scoring yourself


DMC´´S - Deep & Roaming Box To Box Midfielders, hardworking
Style of play
Here we use 2 deep
BBM´s that roam to seek free space. The left is the more creative with higher
flair and decision stats.
Stamina, Strength, anticipation, tackling, Concentration


MC - The Ballwinner
Style of play
Here we use a more limited MC that is used mainly as a ballwinner.
He keeps a much shorter passing game and does not look to play a direct ball but
instead wait for the DMCs to get forward
Stamina, Strength, anticipation,
tackling, Concentration

AMR/LWingers - Complete Wingforwards
Style of play:
As the wingers are used as both pacey Wingforwards AND defensive
hardworking wingers, its naturally COMPLETE players that will do the best of
job. But as these players are really hard to find, I crucial that they most of
all are physical classic English Wingers, that they know how to close down and
tackle. Inverted wingers ?. Well why not, the more clinical finisher the
Pace, off the ball,flair, crossing


Forward - The Pacey Poacher
Style of play:
This is the main goalscorer. He
needs to be able to find space, break free from his marker by dribbling past
him. When he moves down the line into channels, its also good if he has good
team work stat so he cross the ball to a tam mate instead of taking the poor
angle. At higher level, this player can actually be a player like Tevez or
Aguero, RVP, a player that likes to come deep to get the ball
Off the all, Flair, Agility, First touch, Technique


Tweaks and Shouts

As its a plug & play Tactic using classic mode, I use no tweaks and shouts are enabled

Opposition instruction
I have not used any at all but feel free to
use them in a manor that suit the actual formation. ( i.e NOT showing MR/L
wingers inside if they use overlaping fullbacks

Playmaker & Target Man
None is used

Match prep
There is no focus area that i
crucial for the flow of the tactic. If you face a team that are great at set
pieces and might focus on attacking set pieces as their only chance, use
defensive set pieces. If up against a team you know are going to play really
deep and compact BUT have poor attackers, then use attacking movement. If up
against a team with really pacey and agile FCs, then use defensive positioning
etc etc. Naturally, I use Team Work on a heavy workload in preseason but
remember that when using a focus area that relates to the match plan ( like def
positioning), the workload have no impact what so ever.

Pitch Size
Looking at the tactic and the circumstance, and you will see the

•-Close down heavily: Meaning that the bigger pitch, in theory
the bigger area to close down. So teams with players lacking in stamina would
prefer a smaller pitch.

•Focus the play through the middle: If the pitch
is really short, there will be congestion in the middle will struggle to find

•- Its a tactic for underdogs, hence opponents are likely to push
up and use the width or the field, : Here, a really wide pitch means that these
quality players will get too much space

•- The deep d-line and the balls
into channels - AS we play a deep d-line, we can actually use a long pitch and
as we play a more direct game, putting those t-balls into channels, we would
benefit from this long pitch in our attacks to. That is if our 3 attacking
players does have great pace and good stamina

So, in short, I would go
for a Longer but more narrow pitch

sksk410 发表于 2012-5-13 10:13


天空之镜 发表于 2012-5-13 10:53


giovanizhou 发表于 2012-5-13 10:53


caicarl30 发表于 2012-5-13 11:56

回复 4# giovanizhou


1591873121 发表于 2012-5-13 12:04


zwb7758521 发表于 2012-5-13 18:17


aotu246437 发表于 2012-5-13 18:23


如此人生 发表于 2012-5-15 19:22

翻译啊。 都去哪啦

qqiao1986 发表于 2012-5-15 19:50

aotu246437 发表于 2012-5-15 20:29

Original Text:
( ie NOT showing MR/L wingers inside if they use overlaping fullbacks Playmaker & Target Man None is used Match prep There is no focus area that i crucial for the flow of the tactic. If you face a team that are great at set pieces and might focus on attacking set pieces as their only chance, use defensive set pieces. If up against a team you know are going to play really deep and compact BUT have poor attackers, then use attacking movement. If up against a team with really pacey and agile FCs, then use defensive positioning etc etc. Naturally, I use Team Work on a heavy workload in preseason but remember that when using a focus area that relates to the match plan ( like def positioning), the workload have no impact what so ever. Pitch Size Looking at the tactic and the circumstance, and you will see the following a

aotu246437 发表于 2012-5-15 20:30

TheBetterHalfs劣势方/小团队直接计数器 宽42121 摘要 已经阅读在我最人 近年来都知道,我已经搬走形成使用即插即用的战术, 战术,通过在试验和错误的庄园,目的是调整滑块 击败匹配引擎,而不是对手。所以这可能来到1轻微 意外,1线程在那里我不仅上传这样的招数,但也,我 已经使用1框架(Akash777)别人的工作的 版本 这个小集3版本将使用包括作为即插即用战术。第一个版本被称为“高级记者”,第二届“下按”和第三届“病人伸展”。演奏作为一个失败者,主要版本是紧迫的。如果你觉得你有能力把地狱了他们的压力,扰乱对手,然后用高的记者,如果你更害怕,你可能会拖的位置,这种优越的团队,然后使用较低版本的记者 如果在顶层或刚下玩,甚至作为一个失败者,你会来,你是 优于整个团队 。然后,你可以使用作为替代“病人舒展”版本 在明年后发现的结果形成与团队设置 屏幕来使用处下风流, 只要发起反攻,我们保持直接的 游戏和渠道T-球从中间到3攻击侧翼 球员墩上。我们的单管委会保持限制的游戏,但他支持 更多的进攻总是寻求志同道合的公契自由空间。当我们的后卫 成藏下来领域的深厚,他们抱球拖动 到文明人的反对意味着,如果我们面对的是茶,坐在深和维护, 我们的进攻球员有可能使白白运行和FB的 球不放 ,使这些容易标记,作为反对派的进攻球员, 只是否认我们的空间,以发挥这些直接T-球。这就是为什么这种 方法的劣势也许中间队。 流使用更好的球队/顶级球队 ,顶级球队的工作,不要误会我的错。你 会很容易地赢得了与曼联的联赛,文Ç但流量不会看起来一样好 打了不同的方法,你会看到更多1-0,2-1获胜,而不是3-0 5-1等。简单地讲没有任何理由使用它,除非你喜欢痛苦 的远射的球员 ​​,所有球员: 测定,团队工作,工作速度,并决定 还注意到,我没有 带来任何球员“常识统计”下完成 所有球员罢工或传球等后卫的打法,像 没有发动反击时,他们应该留回来,所以没有 像的PPMS“获得前进”等,这些球员喜欢抱着球员的行为,当 看到合适的,他们将尝试 在这里击败他们的人的统计,我们正在寻找的步伐,预期,定位,耐力和解决。运球是一个巨大的加 。 ----------- 中后卫的打法, 由于我们使用宽松纬向标记,确保他们不PPM“像到 紧商标“ 统计 :正常的:记住,预测是至关重要的, 任何顶级球队,如果对手在启动球 顶部的维护者,这个速度是必要的。请记住,它们的浓度差,就越有 可能你是承认在游戏中后期,当你支配,但没有 进球自己 ----------- 公契“的S -深及漫游框来框中场,勤奋的打法 在这里,我们使用2深 的BBM漫游寻求自由的空间。左边是具有较高的创作 风格和决策统计。统计 耐力,力量,期待,处理,集中 ----------- MC - “Ballwinner的打法, 在这里,我们使用的是一个更有限的管委会主要用作一个ballwinner。 他保持一个更短的传球,看起来并不起到直接的球,但 公契,而不是迫不及待地想向前统计 耐力,力量,期待, 处理,集中 --------- - AMR / LWingers -完整Wingforwards的打法: 由于边锋都佩西Wingforwards和防御用 勤劳的边锋,其自然完全的球员 ​​,他们将做最好的 工作。但是,这些球员真的很难找到,我的关键,他们大部分 都物理经典英文边锋,他们知道如何关闭和 处理。?倒边锋。那么为什么不 更好的统计 佩斯更多的临床装订将球断下,天赋,过路, ----------- 前进-佩西偷猎者的打法: 这是主要的射手。他 需要能够找到空间,打破由过去的盘带 他从他的标记。当他向下移动到通道线,其也不错,如果他有良好的 团队工作的统计,所以他的球越过一担伴侣,而不是采取穷人 的角度。在较高的水平,这名球员其实是可以像特维斯或 阿圭罗,RVP的球员,球员喜欢来深得到球统计: 关闭所有天赋,敏捷,第一次接触,技术 ------- ---- 调整和公开发言 作为其即插即用,使用经典模式的战术,我没有任何调整和呐喊是启用的反对党指令 我没有使用任何,但感觉自由地 使用他们在一个庄园,切合实际形成。(即不显示MR / L, 边锋内,如果他们使用overlaping后卫中场核心与目标人 没有用于比赛准备, 没有重点领域,我 的战术流是至关重要的,如果你面对一个团队,是一套伟大 件可能侧重于攻击组件作为他们唯一的机会,使用 防守定位球,如果对一个团队,你知道要玩真的 深,紧凑,但穷人的攻击,然后用攻击动作,如果上升 对一队真的佩西敏捷的功能界别,然后用防守定位 等等,当然,我使用团队工作繁重的工作量,在季前赛,但请 记住,当使用一个重点领域,涉及到的比赛计划(如DEF 定位),工作量有没有影响什么那么 展望。 足球场大小在战术的情况下,你会看到 下面的 - ¢ -关闭严重:这意味着更大的间距,在理论上, 面积较大的关闭,所以缺乏球员在体力队会 喜欢小节距 一

whyzg007 发表于 2012-5-15 20:32

天空之镜 发表于 2012-5-13 10:53


zxceq 发表于 2012-5-15 20:32

freud3 发表于 2012-5-15 21:44


edisonwang8978 发表于 2012-5-15 23:53


天空之镜 发表于 2012-5-16 15:20


wch0306 发表于 2012-5-16 18:00

回复 12# aotu246437

chenliwl 发表于 2012-5-16 18:58

paul1459 发表于 2012-5-23 21:54

这阵型好看 不知道1204能用否
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