海钟瑞 发表于 2012-6-9 18:39

【大新闻】官网 Mr Hough 剽窃战术!人赃并获!【更新Tactikzz批判MH的狂文】

本帖最后由 海钟瑞 于 2012-6-11 12:09 编辑




AmateurJoin Date11th February 2012LocationFM Tactical NewspaperPosts127

http://community.sigames.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Mr Hough http://community.sigames.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png
Welcome to the thread of my Final tactic for FM12.欢迎使用我在FM2012的最后的一个战术

First off i wanna give credit to Tactikzzz, I have used a few elements of his tactic and incorporated them into my own.
Firstly, hi Dave, I must congratulate you on going to my site, stealing my work that took me a long time to do, grabbing my tactics, and renaming them. That takes class, real class. Nobody could have done it better. So congratulations for that. Your plagiarizing skills have been perfected.
I won't say much more here as I have something else lined up that will fit the bill quite nicely. All I will do is post screenshots as proof and ask Cleon to do the dirty work. Thanks.我不想多说什么,因为我有别的东西能很好地证明。我所要做的就是放出截图作为证据,然后请Cleon(版主)来清洁卫生。谢谢。




Please stay tuned for part two, where I outline all the other positions.请留意第二部分,我将继续放出其他部分的截图。=================================================
AmateurJoin Date11th February 2012LocationFM Tactical NewspaperPosts127

http://community.sigames.com/images/icons/icon1.pngRoll up folks, here comes part two of the name and shame game. Are you ready, place your bets now! Let the games begin!-------------------------------------------大家快来看!这里是第二部分的羞辱你的游戏。你准备好了吗?来赌一把吧!好,游戏开始!

First off, I must say thanks to Hough for saying the following:首先,我必须感谢Hough的话,如下:

"First off i wanna give credit to Tactikzzz, I have used a few elements of his tactic and incorporated them into my own."“首先,我想感谢Tactikzzz,我借鉴了他战术里的少量元素,并融入到自己的战术。”
You mentioned me, but spelt my name wrong. I can forgive you for that. I can't however forgive you for suggesting you only used a "few elements" of my tactic You're not that stupid are you? Come on now Mr Hough, look at the evidence here. A few bits? You should go into comedy.你提到我,但把我的名字拼错了。这个我倒是可以原谅你,然而我无论如何也不能原谅你所说的你只用了我战术的“少量元素”。你不会那么弱智吧?来吧,Mr Hough,看看这里的证据。A few(少量,一些)? 你可以去当喜剧演员了。

Anyway, onwards we progress!不管怎样,继续!



As I'm sure you can all see, he has ripped my tactic and passed it off as his own. Oh dear oh dear, bad times indeed. Let me give you a brief outline of this 'ripper' and inform you on both tactics.我相信你们都能看得到,他偷窃了我的战术,并当做是自己的。哎呀呀,真的是糟糕的时刻。让我给你在两个战术中的偷窃行为做一个简短的概括。His 4-1-2-3 is an EXACT duplicate of mine, except his fullbacks have one less notch mentality and both fullbacks and central midfielders are on man marking (as can be seen from the above images.)他的4-1-2-3跟我的几乎是一模一样的,只是边后卫低了一格心态和两个后卫和中场在盯人有区别(可以看上面的图片)。His 4-2-1-3 however is still EXACTLY the same, except he now has two players in the defensive midfield slot, on the same defensive midfield settings as I originally set up. 他的4-2-1-3也是如此,只是他有两名球员在中场防守,防守中场的设置是我原来的设置。Hope this is enough proof for you Cleon. If not, I can add some more proof, but the lad has had enough surely...or has he?希望这些已足够证明给你看了,Cleon(版主)。如果没有,我可以增加更多的证据。但是这家伙已经毫无疑问……对吗?One final thing Mr Hough. I have quite a good following on Twitter with some very loyal Tweeps from all parts of the FM community, and as I'm sure you know, I run my own website. This isn't over my little chum. Feel free to pop along to the website any time. There will be a nice public name and shame written especially for you! Your own ten minutes of fame, if you like.最后一件事,Mr Hough。我在推特上有相当多的拥趸,还有一些来自各个FM论坛的粉丝。我相信你知道,我经营自己的网站,这不是我的小朋友。随便哪段时间都可以来这个网站。那里将有一个公开的专门为你设计的羞辱你的漂亮文章!你将拥有一段时间的好名声,如果你喜欢的话。Until then, toodles! 到时再见http://community.sigames.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Last edited by Tactikzz; 07-06-2012 at 20:18.

海钟瑞 发表于 2012-6-9 18:40

本帖最后由 海钟瑞 于 2012-6-11 15:37 编辑

版主的话 由hcm1220翻译,略加修改。

ModeratorJoin Date22nd February 2003Posts24,527

http://community.sigames.com/images/icons/icon1.pngYou cannot post something like;
First off i wanna give credit to Tactikzzz, I have used a few elements of his tactic and incorporated them into my own."


And then copy every single thing from his tactic (bar 2 minimal changes). This isn't the first time you've took someones work either and tried to pass it off as your own. You've done it to Minimal_Fuss, the lads over at FM Base and various other sites.

然后把只修改了2个小地方的战术贴出来。这不是你的初犯了,你对minimal_fuss也做了同样的事情,包括fm base和其他地方的人。

You cannot pass peoples work off as your own. Atleast get intouch with the original creator and ask if it's okay. Seriously Tactikzz wouldn't have minded if you had actually asked him before hand and only used elements like you claimed. He'd have been happy to allow you to post and link back to his website, I'm certain of that.


I've had this happen to me numerous times over the last few months and it's not a nice feeling. People put a lot of effort and time into writing guides and explaining how tactics work (like Tactikzz did on his website) and it's unfair for other people to try and pass it off as their own.


I'm closing this thread now by the request of Tactikzz but if anyone wants to follow up with questions regarding this tactic then please use this link


I'm sure you can understand why Tactikzz as took this stance when you see the effort and amount of time it took him to post what he did in the link.

后续剧情:Mr Hough 激情不减,再发了一个新战术,被几个人围殴。可惜版主Cleon把那些抄袭话题的帖子都删掉了。http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/308616-Mr-Hough-Rises-Above-The-Hate-FM12.2

海钟瑞 发表于 2012-6-9 18:42

本帖最后由 海钟瑞 于 2012-6-13 08:56 编辑

Tactikzz批判Mr Hough的长篇大论,言辞激烈!剽窃猪、恶棍、污秽、肮脏之类的词汇都用了!


Dear readers,As some of you already know, a villain was exposed yesterday within the Football Manager scene. A villain whose ultimate goal was centred around fame, recognition and applause throughout the Football Manager community. To achieve this quick fix of fame, he ‘ripped’ my FM Grid tactic, made two slight adjustments and renamed it – only to release it to the community, passing it off as his tactic, under the name People Power. The villain’s name is Mr Hough, who resides at the official SI Forum.
This shameful and distasteful act didn’t go unnoticed however. Oh no. I had been keeping tabs on ‘his’ latest tactical release for quite some time, following his comments on the official forum, as well as discussions leading up to the release via Twitter. Needless to say, the tactic was a blatant rip of my hard work and Mr Hough has since been fully exposed for what he is. A plagiarizing swine.This is probably not the first time he has done this either, as many FM veterans have voiced concerns, while lacking hard evidence. Many people have had suspicions about his dirty and seedy activity for some time, but needed the evidence to finally put the nail in the coffin. This evidence was provided last night.Mr Hough is highly skilled in the art of downloading other people’s tactics, for the sole purposing of passing them off as his own creation. That goes without saying. He is a true champion in the art of stealing other people’s work. A figure of high standing within the dark and seedy tunnels of the Football Manager underworld. He has his own followers that seemingly worship the ground beneath his feet, and quite frankly, anyone that supports a ‘ripper’ or plagiarizer, is just as bad. Pure filth. A bacteria that needs to be eradicated.Why do these people think they have the right to steal other people’s work, only to pass it off as their own? What gives them the right to browse a website, find interesting articles and downloads, only to re-upload them elsewhere without any form of contact or consent? What gives them the right to do these things and think that they can and will actually get away with it? What do they hope to achieve? A pat on the back from the community perhaps? Is it to gain some form of recognition that they lack from society in the real world – to be accepted within the on-line community that they are a part of?Whatever sick and twisted reasons they have for doing what they do, it’s wrong. So, so wrong, for many reasons.Plagiarizing effects a lot of people, throughout every profession. That’s not to say what I do is a profession. Of course it’s not. But plagiarizing does exist and it effects all people, even people who work for a living. As an up and coming freelance illustrator, I have to be on the lookout for people taking work from my website and hosting it elsewhere without my permission. Photographers who run their own personal website, have to be aware of people saving and downloading their photographs, for the sole purpose of hosting them elsewhere. Professional journalists have to be aware of people using the dreaded Ctrl C and Ctrl V on their newly published articles.It’s disgusting! Why the hell should all of our hard work be ripped and spread around the internet without our consent!? It’s not your property! It never has been! If you have any of this malicious plagiarizing intent on arrival, please leave via the way you came!The consequences of this incident when unravelled, potentially effect all of you. That’s right. What Mr Hough did could potentially effect all of you, not just me.The Football Manager community is currently full of new and exciting blogs /websites, all starting a fantastic journalistic on-line adventure. The creators and authors of these new websites take time out of their own lives, in order to bring fresh, up to date content to you, during their free time. This free time could easily be replaced by something else, but they choose to bring interesting and thought provoking articles to the community. If people continue to ‘rip’ content from the community, passing the content off as their own work, doubt might begin to creep into the original author’s head. Why would we continue to do something only for some ignorant, rude and pathetic human being to steal out work, time and time again? Producing articles in our free time could soon be a complete waste of time.What happened last night could effect all of you who enjoy visiting websites such as mine, because the authors might actually stop writing content. I mean, why bother if your work keeps on getting stolen?It’s time that the Football Manager community step up and be more vigilant. I’m sick of hearing excuses from others not even involved in the situation, along the lines of:“What’s the problem? Why was the thread removed? brought the article here to help the community and share it with us? What’s the problem?!”The problem, my little chums, is the fact the person you are fighting so hard to protect, has stolen someone else’s hard work. publishing it elsewhere without prior consent – to seek his own fame and glory. It’s annoying, frustrating and extremely depressing for the original author to see his work getting ripped. This is where you guys come in. You need to be more vigilant in reporting these plagiarizing activities, or you could see such articles dry up. Do you want to see that happen?I won’t stop producing articles, as I enjoy writing, but some of your favourite blogs and websites, regarding Football Manager, could stop producing the articles that you enjoy reading. Whether that’s on your tablet device as you travel home from work, via your mobile phone as you wander the streets, or simply at home as you browse the internet on your desktop computer.The dirty act carried out last night by Mr Hough was not the first of its kind and it certainly won’t be the last. Plagiarizers exist everywhere, throughout society. They exist only to seek instant fame, on the back of someone else’s hard work. They are the scum of society who should be taken to the stocks in order to be mocked and ridiculed. They deserve to be cast out of gaming communities, as they are, in essence, cheats. Dirty, filthy cheats, stealing something for their own personal gain.So Mr Hough, did you really think you could get away with it? Are you actually that naive? You ended your tactical thread over at the SI Forum with “See you in FM13 peeps”. Now that you’ve been exposed for what you really are, will you continue to rip tactics in Football Manager 2013? Have a long hard look at yourself during the summer months. You’re not wanted within the community by any honest and respecting gamer. All of your loyal minions that worship your plagiarizing self are simply worshipping a false idol. How anyone can defend your actions is beyond my comprehension and understanding.I would like to end this letter by addressing my readers and the FM community, to say thank you. Thank you for your support during this time. Many people supported my actions yesterday, standing up for something that weall believe is right. The correct way to go about things. For that, I say a great big thank you.

adriankaka 发表于 2012-6-9 18:43


kenny1127G 发表于 2012-6-9 18:43


海钟瑞 发表于 2012-6-9 18:44

有少部分网友应该还记得Mr Hough 在FM10时期的“控球战术”吧?

lv5688 发表于 2012-6-9 18:45


lidai89 发表于 2012-6-9 18:47


海钟瑞 发表于 2012-6-9 18:49

本帖最后由 海钟瑞 于 2012-6-9 18:58 编辑

lidai89 发表于 2012-6-9 18:47 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif


而且,Mr Hough的战术特别奇怪,就是他的战术系统经常大换血。


wwwqqjhcom 发表于 2012-6-9 18:51


kimisu 发表于 2012-6-9 20:57


kael_9527 发表于 2012-6-9 21:01


rekashin 发表于 2012-6-9 21:18

This isn't the first time you've took someones work either and tried to pass it off as your own. You've done it to Minimal_Fuss, the lads over at FM Base and various other sites.Mr Hough已经干过坏事了,只是我们并不清楚。。。。。。{:em38:}

Bom 发表于 2012-6-9 21:34

只看好用不而已   其他不管

ikik990 发表于 2012-6-9 21:51


海钟瑞 发表于 2012-6-10 06:39


Mr Hough这么设计战术是无敌的!
Mr Hough 的设计战术方法代表了全世界FM战术设计者的精英,所以没人能超越他,以前没有,以后也没有。

海钟瑞 发表于 2012-6-10 06:40

【转自贴吧 Amulek】

海钟瑞 发表于 2012-6-10 06:44


这是Mr Hough 的另一个战术帖子。


卢阿卢阿 发表于 2012-6-10 07:35



chenjun816 发表于 2012-6-10 08:01


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