好心人把这个下了上传快传或百度吧..Football Manager 2013 Logos
金属队徽连接:http://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/download_megapack/changes/28PS:小水管伤不起.. 是那6个包吧
http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/EBFLBLCFNGSR 看不到。。不是注册用户。。 13的么 跟12有什么区别 是那6个包吧
ddtccn 发表于 2012-10-24 11:16 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif
你真是太热心 了.谢谢..为啥没有置顶.. 好心的楼主把你的espn计分牌传个完整的吧! LS的什么意思? LS的什么意思?
hhbluestar 发表于 2012-10-24 16:16
在下载了吗 下完看下好看不 好看的话单独发个贴 就用上面那个快传连接呗 回复 1# hhbluestar
官方的原始地址又变了T T
This is an important message to anyone who downloaded our Football Manager 2013 Metallic Logos. We believe that the files people have downloaded may not have been working properly. If you have downloaded the megapack please check the size of the folders you have downloaded. If you have less than 123,482 images you do not have the complete pack and are missing out. There are two ways you can try and fix this error:
1) Download 7zip. This is a perfectly safe program which works better than the zip utilities bundled with PC's and Mac's. Try and extract the zip files you have using this program - http://www.7zip.com/
2) Visit the site and re-download the files.
REMEMBER! You only need to do this if you don't have the complete pack which is 123,482. Some people only have between 20,000-40,000 images because the packs have not extracted properly.
Download Metallic Logos - http://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/3/metallic-logos
Metallic Logos Support Forum - http://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/forum/3/49/metallic-logos
For anyone only missing one or two files that's fine they're probably windows or mac files like thumbs.db. This fix is only for the people who's files didn't extract properly and who wound up with like 20,000 images (a bug in Windows Explorer)
貌似差一张或两张是因为 thumbs.db 要是没问题就别下了 太坑爹了
http://urlxf.qq.com/?m6b2ymz LS什么意思? LS什么意思?
lggaolu 发表于 2012-10-25 09:17 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif
你下的要是123481 而没问题就不用重下了 昨天更新好了。。。 有截图吗,求发一个。。 回复 7# hhbluestar
http://www.playgm.cn/thread-601808-1-1.html你看看我给你发了多少私信了! 好人啊,感谢。。有旋风下载了 回复 9# ddtccn
这个不就是【metallic_logos_fm2013_。论坛里有人分享了 金属队徽早就有了 从FM11开始一直可以用到FM13 因为俱乐部不可能把自己的队徽改成其他的 所以队徽可以一直用下去 回复 17# mdjyueqiang
我大天朝的球队表示队徽队名都随便换 mdjyueqiang 发表于 2012-11-10 09:54 static/image/common/back.gif
金属队徽早就有了 从FM11开始一直可以用到FM13 因为俱乐部不可能把自己的队徽改成其他的 所以队徽可以一直用 ...
FM2013和12里,中超就有南昌衡源变上海申鑫、陕西浐灞变贵州人和。还有在中甲中乙里各种变、各种短命。想自虐,玩中国联赛。。:'( 第3和4好像下不完啊