I'd like to say something about the difference between the ME in 12 and 13.我想说一下FM12和FM13比赛引擎间的差异
Yesterday we set up an FM2012 match on a monitor directly next to an FM2013 one. We watched 2 matches side by side in full with the same camera view. The differences were startling.
- FM2012's ball physics are way way behind the new model. The ball moves too fast in the air and then dies a death as soon as it starts to roll. It also bounces way too high and straight up. The FM2013 model looks more like a real football in our opinion. It needs a few tweaks here and there but overall we are happy with its direction.
- FM2012's player physics used legacy code from the original 2D implementation of CM4. As such they had acceleration but no concept of turning circle or deceleration. This allowed them to make unrealistic turns that apart from making them unrealistically good at reacting to the ball, confused the hell out of the animation code.
- The animation code, while certainly nowhere near where we want it to be, is far smoother in FM2013. The instances of player ice skating etc are far more prevalent in FM2012. It still happens occasionally in FM2013 but nowhere near as much.
- The pace of the game in FM2012 just looks too fast in comparison to FM2013. We think the latter reflects modern football better.
Following on from that I think there are various factors contributing to some of the complaints about this year's ME:
- Definitely in beta, and yes, to a point in release the ME is rougher around the edges. We know defender reactions and keeper handling in particular are still needing improvements and we are committed to that as ever as well as the other genuine issues raised in this thread and the bugs forum.
- Many users are completely used to the 12 engine and the 13 is such a departure in terms of the pace of the play and the dynamics that its a culture shock. Its also had huge effects on tactics that may have worked before and work differently now.
- FM2013 is harder for some users, partly due to improved use of the tactics creator and team selection by AI teams. My experience of FML taught me that the more people fail to live up to their own expectations the more the ME is blamed. I know some dont want to hear this, but its true.
- Some users with lower end graphics cards are missing shadows on players which has the effect of "detaching" the players from the field of play. We feel this undermines the whole thing and exacerbates the negatives.
- Users playing 2D classic have bugs with ball rotation and ball collision depiction that are problematic and we intend to address these.
Paul 虽然我带队成绩很好我也要说这引擎太烂 白瞎这些数据,比赛画面那叫一个惨,比10多年前的都差劲 我觉得说的有道理啊,某些地方确实真实多了,比如比赛速度,但是某些愚蠢的门将扑救和控球失误这个就太低级了... 我觉得还不错~ 比以前好多了 但还是差 尼玛。。。从回答上就看出来SI不思进取,一点诚意都没有?照这样说基本上都是玩家不懂足球咯?现实足球中哪有那么多滑冰?一滑就10几米,我看梅西和C罗都没那个本事。。。。。。。。这是老子最后一次入正了,越来越感觉浪费钱! 我觉得13的引擎有明显的进步。最大的改进就是球员惯性和物理碰撞机制。虽然刚开始问题多,但是经过调整肯定要比老引擎做得更好。 为啥非要通过贬低前一代产品来提高目前产品的质量?难道在12的时候SI也指责11很烂所以12有很大进步?! 不吹嘘一下怎么能行?我承认13的引擎确实有不少进步,只是还需要修复一下 我就说一条,新版本那个球实在是旋转的太慢了 ls估计已经挂了…… 进步是有的,但是每个球员护球都是大帝水平的啊。。。 回复ldyq
你这个头像是谁?我怎么突然想不起来 又觉得太熟悉了 想的我脑袋疼...
yang85598529 发表于 2012-11-8 16:11
别想了 这是我女朋友...素人一名 从程序角度讲,目前的引擎的一些问题很难得到完美改善,只希望SI尽力吧 现在怎么没有假动作了? 绝对是引擎的问题,越重视防守,越被日,强队龟缩防守,还被弱队压着打,20脚射门,这怎么也不符合逻辑吧? 回复 19# 八袋长老