谁知道呢??同问:ljh048) 很厉害?????? 同问。。。。。。。。。。。 同问。。。。。。。。。。 爱内讧么? 同问?会不会打死人? 没听过思密达 这个翻译的可能不太对吧 查了一下,原文是Dutch 'Jung' team, 直译是荷兰的青年队。德语和荷兰语里,jung和jong是young的意思,像ajax的青训队伍就叫做jong ajax。
ajax on-line academy
The inside knowledge about Ajax training is unique. Central within the club is the style of play (4-3-3), training, behavior and house rules. Ajax strives to keep the way of playing football recognizable; attractive, offensive-minded, creative, fast, fair and preferably far away from the own goal on the opponents’ half.
Ajax has developed the so-called TIPS model, which stands for Technique, Insight, Personality and Speed. For each part there are ten criteria. P and S are generally innate properties, but I and T can always be developed further. Ajax coaching sessions always consists of 8 important football ingredients. Together with TIPS, they form the core to the Ajax success philosophy.
1. Coordination training 2. Kicking, Passing and Throw-in 3. Moves to beat an opponent 4. Heading 5. Finishing 6. Position play 7. Position Game play 8. Small sided games 查了一下,原文是Dutch 'Jung' team, 直译是荷兰的青年队。德语和荷兰语里,jung和jong是young的意思,像aj ...
arieskaka 发表于 2013-1-1 19:31 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif
学习了。。。。 我上次设置了一下,然后青年队就不归自己管理了。。。你在梯队里找不到他 好像荷兰联赛青年队是可以参加比赛的,记的有一年ajax 2队杀进了荷兰杯半决赛还是决赛,轰动一时。
结合上面这位兄弟的实践效果,可能就是独立成另外一支关联球队了。 11楼高手! 我上次设置了一下,然后青年队就不归自己管理了。。。你在梯队里找不到他
不再让你孤单 发表于 2013-1-1 20:03 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif
那自己就不能刷青年球员? 顶上去 求详细解答! 同问............ 不算自己的青年队吗。。