纯转发,萨基442 FOR FM14,最新V2版(按14楼修改后,威力提升N倍,已放附件)
本帖最后由 babymilan8 于 2013-11-15 12:13 编辑也就是转发一下,用他的第一个版本,觉得并不是很给力,不知道是引擎问题,还是别的因素。
Note: Aerial Ability is integral to this tactic, my three first choice strikers are 6'6, 6'5 and 6'5 respectively. Started season two in the Prem very well, having just beaten United 4-2.
Update, Version 2 (New Marking System) on OP
It is only some small changes to do with marking settings, but seems a lot more solid defensively now.
Edit, also some set piece changes, the CF is now attacking the near post from corners so get a big lad to play there (like the ones I just posted). Found centre backs were a bit too wasteful there.
Player Attributes
All Players
As mentioned, there is a base of attributes that are important for a tactic such as this to work successfully and I look for all my players to have at least decent ratings. These attributes are: Composure, Decisions, Determination, Teamwork, Work Rate, Stamina.
Primary: Handling, One on Ones, Reflexes, Communication, Positioning, Jumping.
Supporting: Command of Area, Anticipation, Rushing Out, Strength, Aerial Ability, First Touch.
Full Backs
Primary: Acceleration, Pace, Tackling, Positioning, Anticipation, Concentration, Crossing
Supporting: Dribbling, Strength, Marking, Bravery, Off The Ball, First Touch
Ball Playing Defenders
Primary: Heading, Marking, Tackling, Anticipation, Bravery, Concentration, Positioning, Jumping, Strength
Supporting: Passing, Creativity, Acceleration, Pace, First Touch
Defensive Midfielders
Primary: Passing, Tackling, First Touch, Anticipation, Positioning, Creativity
Supporting: All other attributes! (They are real box-to-box type players so the more well rounded they are the better)
Primary: Crossing, Dribbling, First Touch, Passing, Technique, Creativity, Off the Ball, Acceleration, Pace
Supporting: Finishing, Tackling, Anticipation, Positioning, Agility, Balance, Flair
Complete Forward
Primary: Finishing, First Touch, Passing, Technique, Creativity, Off The Ball, Anticipation, Strength
Supporting: Dribbling, Heading, Jumping, Pace, Acceleration, Flair.
Advanced Forward
Primary: Finishing, Dribbling, First Touch, Technique, Anticipation, Off the Ball, Pace, Acceleration.
Supporting: Heading, Jumping, Flair, Passing, Creativity, Agility, Balance
不上JB图了,如果觉得原阵不好用,那可以试试这么改,然后再试试吧。PS:我这么修改后,前锋已经无所谓是不是高个子了 没jb你说个图 :):(:D:P:'( 试用了几场,很稳定的阵型,打不出来什么大比分,但是一直能控制住比赛,效果不错,打进的球80%和定位球有关,想看华丽进攻的童鞋就不要用这个阵了:lol boxerj 发表于 2013-11-6 12:18 static/image/common/back.gif
试用了几场,很稳定的阵型,打不出来什么大比分,但是一直能控制住比赛,效果不错,打进的球80%和定位球有关 ...
话说,现在引擎,是看华丽进攻嘛?只看到对方门将华丽夸张的扑救,和对方后卫神一样的封堵,但是我方后卫为毛都是眼神防? 我倒是跟楼上的不一样。。三个运动战,全是左边锋进的。。终于止住了一波连败。。 试用了一下,确实是比较稳定,防守挺给力,进攻有点乏力。 babymilan8 发表于 2013-11-6 13:37 static/image/common/back.gif
话说,现在引擎,是看华丽进攻嘛?只看到对方门将华丽夸张的扑救,和对方后卫神一样的 ...
hehe4231 一直在华丽进攻的路过 确实比上一版稳定,心里底气更足了。防守有改善。 进攻实在太渣了,主场还罢了,客场很难进球啊。。。双前锋都上空霸都不行 13这个阵型 真心强大 第一场度假 米兰主场被那不勒斯灌俩 继续测试中 本帖最后由 498linsh 于 2013-11-13 11:36 编辑
把两个后腰提前为中场,成为平行442,两个中场一个抢球(策应),一个中场(策应);出球中后卫一定要改成中后卫(否则打身后很容易中卫得分经常在6分以下)这样基本就是BUG阵了,主客场通用全面压制。上班不能上图!开档曼联,40W卖掉大腿,买来莱万和沙奇里,赛季3冠王,联赛甩开第二10分以上。 谢谢,,:):):):):):) 不给力啊 ~~ 不好用,太讲究控球,还没有第一版好用。现在流行4231,挺棒 那我莲莲没高中锋咋办啊 这阵个人感觉超好用纽卡原班阵容sl过一场打曼城自己乱设置导致输球了 然后22场联赛19胜2和1输59分暂时领先第二曼联7分强烈点赞赞赞。 萨基的阵型好像能赢 场面和得分 也很一般