zxwismine 发表于 2016-2-14 00:17


graphics/players吗 如何 创建xml。。每次都失败 谢谢

zxwismine 发表于 2016-2-14 00:28

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- resource manager options -->

<!-- dont preload anything in this folder -->
<boolean value="false" id="preload"/>
<!-- turn off auto mapping -->
<boolean value="false" id="amap"/>
<!-- logo mappings -->

<!-- the following XML maps pictures inside this folder into other positions in the resource system, which allows this folder to be dropped into any place in the graphics folder and still have the game pick up the graphics files from the correct places -->
-<list id="maps">
<!-- Auto generated by fmXML -->
</list> </record>


未竟的事业 发表于 2016-2-14 10:43

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