DF11 FACES MEGAPACK FM2020(update3)19.12.02更新
本帖最后由 狐疑 于 2019-12-2 17:36 编辑Prepare yourself for Football Manager 2020 with the new DF11 Megapack!
This DF11 mega facepack includes over 127,392 large faces covering at least 95 playable leagues in FM2020
plus all previous versions of the game!
"Players, managers, coaches, masseurs, referees and club owners.
DF11 creates faces for all game characters."
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感谢楼主的搬运 谢谢大佬,好人一生平安。 谢谢分享,下载来看一看。。。。
感谢楼主的搬运 感谢大佬 感谢大佬!谢谢搬运 头像更新这么快啊 游戏试玩都没出 头像包是越来越大了 {:16_820:}庆祝爆棚回归,感谢楼主分享,提前备战2020了 楼主牛逼!! 那边 感谢楼主!!!!!!!!! 谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢 谢谢,好东西,感谢分享 万分感谢!!!! 感谢分享,先下载来看看 zhichi @@@@@@@@@ 感谢分享,先下载来看看 提前安排 期待20