xuno2012 发表于 2023-6-20 12:36

欧联 欧协 BUG

我是英冠联赛杯冠军 8月 打欧协附加赛
然后我发现到12月都没欧协赛程 跳到淘汰赛赛程的日子3月份也没比赛
然后我发现欧联 欧协都没了 欧冠倒没事

xuno2012 发表于 2023-6-20 13:14


xuno2012 发表于 2023-6-20 15:32


xuno2012 发表于 2023-6-20 17:15

这个帖子有提到一样的情况 赛程停滞在了资格赛第四轮
@TheMinsterman @kingrobbo

I have an issue regarding Europa League guys

Started a save with Aberdeen and went on to play 8 qualifying games to get into group stages....great you say....but they never happened!!

The Europa League just stops on the 4th qualyfying round. as you can see from the date no further games have been played,,

I have checked and Champions League is going as planned though.

Now am I just unlucky and have a random save game error or is there more to it

Tried numerous save games but the same thing happens....there is a definate issue guys


Hi mate
I have seen this before when I am editing the advanced rules of continental competitions and changing the structure of a comp, but as far as I am aware nothing like this has been undertaken in the European file here, it is just basic editing eg changing teams to take part in the various comps the issue may be with the Europa not having the correct amount of teams

edit-I have taken a look in the editor and the changes are as I suggested just basic changes (history and registering/removing teams)

我要用editor编辑我的存档 多注册一个球队或者不注册一个球队

xuno2012 发表于 2023-6-20 17:21

救救我 好哥们 @giggsxbr
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