caicarl30 发表于 2012-3-29 08:05

SI官网大师Mr hough (12.22版本) 4L中文翻译。更新5.21日!

本帖最后由 caicarl30 于 2012-5-21 11:37 编辑

151L更新内容,大家及时下载完41122战术的演变。5.20内容如下:主要更新赛前战术准备防守站位改为团队合作训练! Here is my New Home and Away Tactic Set.

Home tactic is used solely for Home games and Away Tactic is used for all away games and if 'YOU' feel you need some extra protection at Home use the away tactic.

here is something i have been doing at home, If i have a good lead like 3/4-0 i change to the away tactic to make sure i don't concede, Now this don't work all the time but alot of the time it does make sure i don't concede and also adds a few goals too.

Be careful if you do this though because it can backfire and invite more pressure onto you.

I have been using Match Prep 'Teamwork' i used to use Defensive Positioning but i have found that Team work is best for overall Match Prep

I don't follow any particular Team Talks, All i do and this has worked for me is Simple, Hire an Assistant Coach that has high 'Motivation' 'Man Management' 'Discipline' and 'Determination'

Minimum Pitch Size

I'm not sure if there is any other information i can give.

Enjoy the tactic's



I'll upload some screens later on tonight. I'll also do some fresh player Filters and Put them up


Mr Hough FM12.2 Tactics.
Here is my New tactic for FM12.2. formation is a 4-1-2-2-1 with advanced wingers and a lone striker.

When i was making this tactic i had various problems with defence and the DM position. What i found was that the DM was going to high in his position when all i want him to do is sit in front of the back 4 and protect that area just in front. What he was doing was venturing too far forward and leaving a big space in between the midfield and defence.

I mainly seen the problems when the opposition plays with an AMC. I found that the AMC had loads of space and my central defenders where closing him down as opposed to the DM closing him down which was not good as then the central defenders stepped up to close the AMC the lone opposition ST had loads and loads of space and i was getting killed by through balls.

I managed to fix that though and he now protects the defence how i want him too now.

I have found playing a high defensive line with no tight marking the best too go on this patch, What tended to happen when i was playing tight marking was that my defenders where getting too close to the opposition and they where just getting out ran all the time. With no tight marking and a high Defence line the opposition will still look for the long ball but because my defence is a few yards off the opposition ST it gives the defender time to get the ball and recycle possession to my team. Great tactic.

I like the play of the tactic and this particular formation is pleasing on watch, Great attacking because it's hard for the Opposition defenders to pick up the 1 attacker so i find that he has alot of space, If you are using a great striker i can imagine it being devastating and goal records will be rewritten.

The way the Striker plays is very clever in my opinion, He plays like a target man and an advanced ST all in one. Target man Receiving the ball early and laying off to the supporting midfielders or playing it wide to the wingers to advance onto goal. Advanced forward looking to break the offside trap and running at goal.

The 3 midfielders are key to the tactic though. The DM has to be a DM. That is important to the tactic. The CM's on the other hand can be attacking defensive or a mixture of both. I suppose it depends on your team and how you want to play.

Although the wingers play more like inside forwards you can use natural out and out wingers there, I played Bale in my tottenham test and he scored 15 goals in 15 games and also had 15 assists so again it depends what you have on your side and who you want to bring into that position.

Fullbacks are also key, They support the wingers and you will find alot that if the wingers run out of space they will often pass the ball back to the fullbacks who are approaching the 30 yard mark, This is a good and bad thing, Good for support but bad for the opposition counter, Try and get pace in these areas Pace and Positioning is KEY here.

All in all though i am very happy with this tactic. It is my first on the new patch and although i think this is good i am hoping my next one is better.

As always feel free to comment and leave any remarks about the tactic you like.

Have Fun.

Match Information.

Match Prep has been set to Defensive Positioning with the Workload being Average - You can change this however i prefer it to be Defensive.

Maximum Pitch Size.

Team Talks - Use whatever you feel work the best for you.

Training again same as team talks Use the best that you have found for you.

No Opposition Instructions.

if you get a man sent off take off one of the outer strikers to replace him

Remember that al tactics need a period of 3-4 games for the players to gel, This one is no different, I would suggest about 10 games for a proper evaluation of the tactic

25772716 发表于 2012-3-29 08:09


Kradaaa 发表于 2012-3-29 08:12


zeiguang 发表于 2012-3-29 08:16

本帖最后由 zeiguang 于 2012-3-29 09:18 编辑

Here is my New tactic for FM12.2. formation is a 4-1-2-2-1 with advanced wingers and a lone striker.

When i was making this tactic i had various problems with defence and the DM position. What i found was that the DM was going to high in his position when all i want him to do is sit in front of the back 4 and protect that area just in front. What he was doing was venturing too far forward and leaving a big space in between the midfield and defence.

当我在研究这个战术的时候我有大一堆关于后腰防守上的问题。 我发现在后腰总是前压的过于厉害,而我想让他做的就是老老实实的呆在4个后卫前面,好好的保护后卫之前的那片区域。 可是他(译者注:后腰)总是过于冒进并且在中场和后卫之间留下极大的空档。

I mainly seen the problems when the opposition plays with an AMC. I found that the AMC had loads of space and my central defenders where closing him down as opposed to the DM closing him down which was not good as then the central defenders stepped up to close the AMC the lone opposition ST had loads and loads of space and i was getting killed by through balls.

我基本上发现这种问题出现在对方拥有前腰的这类阵型上。 我发现对方的前腰总是拥有大量的持球空间,并且我的中后卫总是当后腰逼抢无效的情况下对其(AMC)上抢,结果导致对方的前锋拥有大量的空间,而我总被其直塞球秒杀。

I managed to fix that though and he now protects the defence how i want him too now.


I have found playing a high defensive line with no tight marking the best too go on this patch, What tended to happen when i was playing tight marking was that my defenders where getting too close to the opposition and they where just getting out ran all the time. With no tight marking and a high Defence line the opposition will still look for the long ball but because my defence is a few yards off the opposition ST it gives the defender time to get the ball and recycle possession to my team. Great tactic.

我发现不贴身盯人的并且过于前压的后防线是这次补丁之后最佳的打法。 当我使用贴身盯人的时候我的后卫总是太过于贴近对手了以至于总被对方用速度硬吃. 如果是不贴身盯人并且防线前压的话对手总是有长传球的机会,但是因为我的后卫离对方前锋总有一段距离所以这给了我的防守球员足够的时间去抢到球并且拿下控球权,相当好的战术。

I like the play of the tactic and this particular formation is pleasing on watch, Great attacking because it's hard for the Opposition defenders to pick up the 1 attacker so i find that he has alot of space, If you are using a great striker i can imagine it being devastating and goal records will be rewritten.

我喜欢看这个战术的实际效果:给力的进攻, 是因为对方的后卫很难盯死那一个进攻球员 (译者注: 单前锋) 所以我发现他总是会有大量的空间。如果说你有一个很牛逼的射手,我敢想象出各种肆虐对方球门的景象,并且进球记录会不断地被改写。

The way the Striker plays is very clever in my opinion, He plays like a target man and an advanced ST all in one. Target man Receiving the ball early and laying off to the supporting midfielders or playing it wide to the wingers to advance onto goal. Advanced forward looking to break the offside trap and running at goal.

在这个战术中,前锋的踢法是很聪明的/灵活的,如果他扮演Target Man(站桩中锋)的角色( 不好意思,我不知道汉化中这个前锋定位是怎么翻译的),站桩中锋早早的接球并且将球过渡给 Supporting Midfielder (支援型中场)(继续不知道爆棚汉化是怎么翻译这个定位的。。抱歉)或者分边给边锋去创造进球。 如果是突前前锋的话将会寻找反越位的机会并创造进球。

The 3 midfielders are key to the tactic though. The DM has to be a DM. That is important to the tactic. The CM's on the other hand can be attacking defensive or a mixture of both. I suppose it depends on your team and how you want to play.

那3个中场才是战术的关键,后腰就是本本分分的后腰。 接下来是战术的重点,CM (中场)可以是进攻型,防守型或者混合型,这取决于你的队伍和你的球队风格。

Although the wingers play more like inside forwards you can use natural out and out wingers there, I played Bale in my tottenham test and he scored 15 goals in 15 games and also had 15 assists so again it depends what you have on your side and who you want to bring into that position.

虽然说边锋更多的是内锋的角色,但是你也可以把他设置为普通的疯狂下底和靠速度超车的传统边锋,我的Bale (贝尔/大圣)在热刺刷出了15场15球,15次助攻的个人成绩,所以说,这个完全取决于你的战术思想和你手上的牌.

Fullbacks are also key, They support the wingers and you will find alot that if the wingers run out of space they will often pass the ball back to the fullbacks who are approaching the 30 yard mark, This is a good and bad thing, Good for support but bad for the opposition counter, Try and get pace in these areas Pace and Positioning is KEY here.

们。这是把双刃剑, 对于打配合很不错,但是对于打反击简直是噩梦。 所以速度和位置感是选择你的边后卫的关键属性。

All in all though i am very happy with this tactic. It is my first on the new patch and although i think this is good i am hoping my next one is better.


As always feel free to comment and leave any remarks about the tactic you like.


Have Fun.


Cena Vs The Rock - Cena Wins!!! WM28 - Mr Hough FM12.2.tac

Match Information.
Match Prep has been set to Defensive Positioning with the Workload being Average - You can change this however i prefer it to be Defensive.
战术准备设置为 防守站位,中等 工作付出(这几个我确实不知道爆棚的怎么翻的,大家明白就好)--这个你可以随便改不过我喜欢设置为防守
Maximum Pitch Size.
Team Talks - Use whatever you feel work the best for you.
Training again same as team talks Use the best that you have found for you.
No Opposition Instructions.
不对 对手进行个人针对性设置
if you get a man sent off take off one of the outer strikers to replace him
Remember that al tactics need a period of 3-4 games for the players to gel, This one is no different, I would suggest about 10 games for a proper evaluation of the tactic
记得战术需要3-4场的时间去消化, 这个也是, 我个人觉得需要10场比赛来检验这个战术。

译后感:Mr. Hough可谓是官网战术界的大牛了,个人至今用的战术依然延续的他FM2010时代的思想。原文中有一些废话和拼写错误就不一一指出了,基本传达了原作者的本意,部分地方使用了意译。个人第一次翻译战术贴,水平不足,请各位大牛见谅。纯手工翻译,觉得不错的话,请多多支持。

ljgypz 发表于 2012-3-29 09:17

Here is my New tactic for FM12.2. formation is a 4-1-2-2-1 with advanced wingers and a lone striker. ...
zeiguang 发表于 2012-3-29 08:16

:tsj7] :tsj8] :tsj29]

knott 发表于 2012-3-29 09:22

ljgypz 发表于 2012-3-29 09:17

    :ljh038) 看看,支持下

jobedward 发表于 2012-3-29 09:37

if you get a man sent off take off one of the outer strikers to replace him


caicarl30 发表于 2012-3-29 09:38

本帖最后由 caicarl30 于 2012-3-29 09:39 编辑

回复 7# jobedward


iowoi 发表于 2012-3-29 09:41


sunnypjd 发表于 2012-3-29 09:41


hlmzmsr 发表于 2012-3-29 09:42

murata0623 发表于 2012-3-29 09:44


jobedward 发表于 2012-3-29 09:45

回复 8# caicarl30

    兄弟,我也知道边锋其实应该用winger,但你仔细看“take off one of the outer strikers ”,如果是前锋的话,不应该用one of,因为只有一个前锋,而且前锋前面加了限定词outer。

马驴脸猛鹿 发表于 2012-3-29 09:45


sksk410 发表于 2012-3-29 09:45


robur02 发表于 2012-3-29 09:45


robur02 发表于 2012-3-29 09:46


kevin9029 发表于 2012-3-29 10:03


zeiguang 发表于 2012-3-29 10:03

回复 7# jobedward

通过原文,可以发现Mr. Hough母语应该不是英语,很多语法和拼写的问题,你这个问题我在翻译的时候也发现了。。犹豫了一下,写了射手,因为我确实不能肯定是边锋还是前锋

kevin9029 发表于 2012-3-29 10:06

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查看完整版本: SI官网大师Mr hough (12.22版本) 4L中文翻译。更新5.21日!