vonkaka22 发表于 2013-1-7 15:53

温故而知新,SI 论坛版主总结的 Football Manager FAQ(附word文档)

本帖最后由 vonkaka22 于 2013-1-7 16:02 编辑

今天很偶然的去了FM回顾区,发现了死鱼大大曾经发表的“SI 论坛版主总结的 Football Manager 2008 FAQ”一贴,拜读之后,立即引为神贴、收藏。虽然是08的内容,但是这些内容应该都是通用的,对每代游戏都是有很好的借鉴意义的,决定转载过来,给有需要的同志们看看,帖子有点长,有些内容可能也都看过了,不过,再看看还是很有收获的。子不都曰过了嘛,温故而知新!


What is mentality

It influences how a player performs on the pitch, if he is attacking he will look to take part in more actions that help the ball move forward and to look for goal scoring chances. If he is defensive, he will take less risks, his actions will be guided by him trying to keep possession and to look for less risky passes.

Mentality also affects positions of players. The only players there is no positional effect on are the DCs.



What is closing down?

The higher the closing down, the closer to the opposing goal your player does the job of reducing space on the AI


逼抢设置得越高,你的球员会越靠近目标,以限制 AI 的活动空间。
What is tempo

The higher your tempo the quicker they will move the ball around


Do I have to use slow tempo for a short passing game

Tempo just sets the tone of how you want to play you can play a short passing game on low or high tempo


What does creative freedom do and how do I use it?

Creative freedom gives license to a player to do his own thing. Players will ignore some of the individual instructions you give them and do what they feel is right. Its good to have this instruction for AMCs and any attacking player who needs to find space. Comes in handy on congested pitches.


自由度给了球员自做主张的许可。球员会忽略掉你给他的一些个人指令,按照他自己的判断来行动。给 AMC 和所有需要活动空间的进攻球员设置这个指令是个好主意。在拥挤的场地上,自由度能派得上用场。
What is the defensive line and how do I use it

A defensive line is a defined line that players are given to designate how deep they will defend. Each player has his own defensive line, one for DCs, one for DMCs, one for Fullbacks. A defensive line is not a straight line through the centre of a pitch for all.

If you want to play defensive football, you would set a deep defensive line,which implies that your players are sitting deeper to defend. You can match that with defensive mentality. An attacking formation typically does play with a normal to attacking defensive line, showing that the players will defend much higher up the pitch.


防线指定了球员在防守时纵向上所处的位置。每个球员都有他自己的防线,DC 有,DMC 有,边后卫也有。防线不是所有人都站在一条穿过球场中心的直线上。


Hold up ball

This is a good instruction to have to allow players to get into advanced attacking positions. Any player on the pitch can use this instruction and this allows others to join in. One midfielder can hold up the ball and then redistribute it as a player, or a forward can use his strength to keep the ball at his feet to allow deep running midfielders or other players to support him. Its an instruction that requires strength,if you want him to be a playmaker then he needs passing and decisions too.

Determination and bravery are other important attributes.



Swapping positions

When you swap positions, you are telling two players to switch and take on the others role, a striker could swap with an AMC for example, or two strikers could swap sides with each other. In order for this to wokr well you need them to be able to play in both positions, if you want a striker to swap with a midfielder make sure he's brave enough to throw in a challenge.


如果你设置了交换位置,两名球员会进行交换,扮演对方的角色,例如前锋可以和 AMC 交换位置,两名前锋可以互相换边。为了让交换能够起作用,这两名球员要能打两个位置,如果你想让前锋和中场交换,请确定他是否有承担这个挑战的勇气。
Offside trap

Offside is an on-field act when the opposing team plays a forward pass to an attacker behind the last defender of a team. The offside trap is an attempt by the defending team to push up their line of defense to catch attackers caught on forward passes played too early. Its a good tactic to have for an attacking team, but it requires good teamwork and a strong leader in the backline.


Cross ball and through ball, who uses it and how

These instructions can be given to anyone, but to be effective they should be assigned to players such as your wingers and fullbacks. If you give it to your central midfield players they will come out of natural positions to cross which isn't always a good thing.

Through ball option needs to take the type of game you are playing into account. If you are playing a defensive possession game and are not going forward a lot then often through balls will just give possession away and invite trouble.

If you are attacking and trying to get forward all the time then through balls are a good idea.

Note the passing attribute for when assigning through balls too.

Bear in mind the kind of football you want your winger to play too, you can have a dribbler or you can have someone do slick one-twos and go cross, you usually will find it hard to do both as the attributes required are high.

Through balls can be a good instruction for wingers who are slow but possess a good cross, or if your strikers are very pacey.








Avoiding conflicting instructions

Conflicting instructions can confuse your players and unbalance your formation.

Counterattacking - and short passing without TTBs. You are not using the options correctly Its counterproductive

Giving your players a high mentality and then dropping your dline, this is dangerous, its not entirely conflicting but it does make your playing area bigger and make your player conditions drop.

Playing direct passing on slow tempo. Tempo affects how fast or slow a play builds up. Direct passing is naturally fast, so slowing it down is not advisable

Giving a player RWB often and TTB often is a conflict. One is ideal for a hold up man the other for a dribbler. Asking a player to dribble often and then to slow down to make a through ball can sometimes lead to loss of possession. There are few players who can do this effectively.

A conflicting instruction is any instruction that creates opposition between an attacking action and a defensive action. Give defensive actions to defensive players and offensive instructions to offensive players. If you want to play defensive, then choose options that help you either control the game or play a quick counterattacking game.

Creative players needs to be given room to be effective they shouldn'thave intensive closing down

Be careful when instructing players to do "forward runs" often as this can drag the player out of a vital position defensively or offensively. An especially important fact for link players like DMCs and AMCs

Keep the tactic balanced in that even if all the players can run with the ball that doesn't mean that they should. They can be intercepted while in possession leading to goal scoring opportunities for the opposition .









在设置球员经常前插的时候要小心,这会让球员离开非常关键的防守或者进攻位置。对于那些连接球队的球员,例如 DMC 和 AMC 来说特别重要。


Opposition Instructions by Mr Personality

Usually after I give the pre-game teamtalk, I would check on the opposition instruction screen to see if I position my central defenders correctly. If my opponent is using the big-small combination, I shall adjust which of my two DCs to be on which side.

In my situation, both my DCs (I'm using a four man defence) are not the fastest players on the pitch (pace: 9 and 11) but they have decent (ie. is or more than 14) marking & tackling stats. Here is a few scenarios that I have run into in my games:

? DC marking a big targetman in a 2 man attack: always close down in hope that he would win most of the battles and contain the targetman from attacking my goal. If his preferred foot is right or left ONLY, then I'd show him onto the left or right respectively. Else, I will just leave it to my defenders on how to mark him.

? DC marking a pacey forward in a 2 man attack: never close down and always tight marking. This is what I'm not quite sure of. I'm afraid if I try to close down on him all the time, any mistackle would mean that my DC is going to be left behind by the sheer pace of the FC. With tight marking, I want the DC to nullify the effect of that fast forward without commiting himself too much. The higher the pace of the FC, the lower my closing down on my DC's individual setting is. Any other suggestions?

? DC marking a big targetman in a 1 striker formation: One DC (with the lower pace) will be set to always close down, the other has no specific instructions to pick up what's left.

? DC marking a pacey forward in a 1 striker formation: same as above as I have the numerical advantage and the extra man to cover should the closing down DC fail to clear or contain the man

? On AMC: Always close him down to prevent him from linking to his strikers.

? Opposition ML/R and AM L/R: Since I want to deprive opposition team of the supply from the wings, these players are given the instruction to always be closed down and shown onto the weaker foot (plus hard tackling depending on the match-up against my players). If the wingers are exceptional, I would tick tight marking on my DL's and/or DR's individual settings.

? Any injured field players and players below 85% (excluding strikers): Have always put the hard tackling on these players to either make their condition worse or take them to the hospital early

BTW I seldom use both tight marking & closing down on always unless my DCs have way better stats than the opposing strikers.

In the closing stages of any game which the opponents have gone 4-2-4 on me, I usually set 'always close down' on all 4 forwards. This is done only after I put 2 DMs in front of my 4-man defence. So far the result has been alright as I have not conceded an 89 or 90th min goal since one game in the beginning of the season. Have not tried anything on the opponent defence or goalies either, thus not sure how anything works on that side of the field. - Mr Personality

Mr Personality 的针对性指令


根据我的情况,我的两个中卫(我采用 4 后卫)不是场上最快的球员(速度:9 和 11),但是盯人和抢断都还不错(也就是说,高于 14)。以下是我在比赛中所处理的一些情况:

? 盯防双前锋中的高个进攻核心的 DC:总是逼抢,希望他能赢下大部分的对抗,并且牵制住进攻核心,不让他射门。如果他仅擅长右脚或者左脚,那么我会对应的放他左脚或右脚。至于其他的,我会让后卫自己决定如何盯防。

? 盯防双前锋中的速度型前锋的 DC:从不逼抢,总是贴身紧逼。这个我还不能确定。我担心如果我总是逼抢,一旦犯错就会让我的 DC 被对方 FC 的速度甩在身后。使用贴身紧逼,我希望让对方的快速前锋得不到太多的发挥机会。FC 的速度越快,我的 DC 个人指令里面的逼抢就越低。有其他建议么?

? 盯防对方单前锋阵型中的高个进攻核心的 DC:速度较慢的那个 DC 设置为总是逼抢,另外一个没有什么特别的指令。

? 盯防对方单前锋阵型中的速度型前锋的 DC:和上面一样,我有人数优势,多出来的那个在逼抢的 DC 不能解围或者限制对方的时候可以补防。

? 对于 AMC:总是逼抢,阻止他衔接锋线。

? 对位的 ML/R 和 AML/R:因为我想剥夺对方球队两翼的支持,所以总是逼抢他们,并且放较弱的那只脚(根据双方球员的情况再加上凶狠拼抢)。如果边前卫非常出色,我会在 DL 以及/或者 DR 的个人设定里面选上贴身紧逼。

? 所有受伤的场上球员以及状态 85% 以下的球员(除了前锋):总是凶狠拼抢,要么让他们状态更糟,要们直接把他们送进医院。

顺便说一句,我很少同时使用贴身紧逼和逼抢,除非我的 DC 的能力比对方前锋的能力要好。

在比赛比较接近的情况下,对方祭出 424,我通常会对对方的 4 个前锋设置总是逼抢。这仅在我把 2 个 DM 放在 4 后卫前时起作用。到目前为止,效果还行,我这个赛季还没有在第 89 或者 90 分钟时丢球。没有试过对对方的防守球员和守门员进行针对性设置,所以不确定在对方半场会发生什么。 - Mr Personality

How do I play slow probing football

Players need to have a neutral mentality, a slow tempo and some players need to be on direct passing for probing to happen.


My players get tired injured too fast

Mentality, tempo and closing down, wear down players fast. If you are leading a match consider subbing those tired players or reducing mentality, tempo and closing down.


I keep getting beat down the flanks, I can't seem to stop them from crossing

Increase closing down on the flanks by the fullbacks, or manmark their players


Those balls are going over the top and reaching their strikers when I push my dline up, what can I do?

Those balls are going to happen with high dlines, either reduce mentality of the DCs to ultra or manmark the strikers.


防线压上的时候就是这样,要么把 DC 的心态设置为极低,要么对前锋人盯人防守。
Playing to your opponents weaknesses and using your strengths

Prior to (important) games against quality opp study the opposite 11s attributes.

Check the backline's physical attributes. If one or both of their CBs have poor jumping attributes, you can play a direct target man to head approach, and making sure your TM always plays against their weakest CB. And if they have a very slow left full back try to put your quickest right winger against them, perhap focusing play on the right wing too. If the whole backline lacks pace, playing lots of through balls towards the feet of a quick targetman could work well.

Also have a look at their attacking players and check their bravery. Hard tackling on players with low bravery works well especially playmakers.

Class midfielders with poor pace close down often so they won't have much time on the ball. You don't want to close down players with great pace and dribbling ability though as they might leave you for dead.

Good Strikers with poor pace you can mark tightly. Be aware of the risks of marking, good teams with plenty of movement could also pull your defenders apart leaving the centre open. If the opp have a targetman who's dominant in the air, tackle hard, although this might give away penalties. Also, if their strikers are very quick go for a deeper defensive line to give them fewer chances to beat the offside strap.


在和强劲对手的(重要)比赛前,先了解对方场上 11 人的能力。





What are the important attributes for each position
守门员 - 关键属性



中后卫 - 关键属性









控球的球员,可以拉出对方的防守,还能传出致命球,在有 AMC 的阵型中效果很好。





连接 DM 或者其他 MC。如果你把右边锋放在这里,他们会跑离位置,不起作用。用好他们的长处。这个区域非常有趣,下面列出的都很重要,但是如果他们盘带技术高超的话,同样能够制造威胁。所以根据你的球员来调整指令,你可以用盘带来替换远射。




边前卫 - 关键属性



前锋 - 关键属性



中锋 - 关键属性




What's a good way to develop your youth

Its all fine and dandy if you have the right coaches, but getting the best out of players involves a lot more.

*Good facilities
*Good Tutoring
*And timing their development

At age 17 - Move him to Reserves or send him on loan where he can gain valuable match experience, the side should also have good facilities and the quality should match the player in question
At age 18 - Give him the odd run in First team matches and minor cups..always match their level to the opposition; be aware of burn-outs, these can happen if you continously play him against teams that are far above his level
At age 20 - Loan out to Championship. When he returns put him on rotation and see if he can fight his way through.

Its good to get a youth coach as well, ideally he should have high attributes for working with youngsters



* 好的训练设施
* 好的导师
* 安排好培养时间

17 岁 - 进入预备队或者租借到能够得到有益的比赛经验的球队,这支球队也要有好的训练设施以及配得上该球员的档次。
18 岁 - 给他一些在一线队和小杯赛出场的机会,对手的级别要和他相称,注意他的压力,如果不停地让他和远高于他水平的球队比赛的话,会有压力。
20 岁 - 租借去参加冠军联赛。当他归队时,让他轮换上场,看看他是否能够不断进步。


Detailed look at a 442 and attributes need for FM

Picking a formation in Football Manager can be a daunting task at times, do you go with the unknown and try a 343 and be a bit adventurous or do you stick to the good old 442. The reason why so many people use 442 is because its familiar and always a safe bet for any side to use, its also very flexible and allows you to change into other systems during a match if you need to shake things up a bit. Another reason why the 442 is so popular is because of the balance between defending and scoring, you can create a very solid 442 that is tight at the back but lethal when going forward. A lot of other formations like a 424 or 433 all have quite a few weaknesses against certain formations were as the 442 can be used against almost every formation there is.

There are a few types of 442;

Standard 442, Diamond, Diamond Wide, Defensive Midfielder, Attacking Midfielder, Sweeper/Stopper

These are the basic 442's that you are likely to encounter.

Standard 442

This is the more neutral focused 442 that concentrates on the defending and attacking ability of you're team, this is a very good starting point for any side to see what you're team is capable of. This type of formation should produce a fair amount of goals as well as keeping it very tight at the back if set up correctly. The wingers in this formation are vital for providing crosses into the box for your strikers. A lot of people also like to play one attacking midfielder and one defensive midfielder to make it a lot more balanced.


The 442 diamond normally consists of a flat back four, two central midfielder, a defensive midfielder, an attacking midfielder and 2 strikers. This set-up is very dependant on your fullbacks as they will be responsible for getting forward at every opportunity available because you have no wingers. So at times if the fullbacks are struggling to get forward you might find your strikers could get isolated for periods in the game. The wings can be a problem area at times, especially if you're playing against two very good wingers as they will have lots of space and time on the ball. If you do use this formation ensure that your fullbacks are good going forward but extremely good at defending duties too.

Diamond Wide

Unlike the diamond one above this set-up does have wingers and is a good system to use if you want to use overlapping fullbacks (these are explained further down). The vital part of this formation is the attacking midfielder’s position and the defensive midfielders too. The attacking midfielder will have both attacking and defensive duties; if he does not track players back when your side is not in possession of the ball then you will have a huge gap in middle of the park. This can cause big problems as your defensive midfielder will then move forward to try and win the ball and if he doesn't win it your defence will have all sorts of problems to deal with.

Defensive Midfielder

One of the more popular 442 systems to use is one that implements a defensive midfielder. This offers extra cover in front of the back four and when used right you should find the opposition’s chances are rather limited. This is an extremely useful set-up if you need to keep clean sheets and dominate the game in the midfield areas. The defensive midfielder’s job is to break up play and distribute the ball up field as quick as possible or hold onto the ball and wait until a clear cut pass arises, however holding onto the ball for too long can cause problems especially if he loses possession from dwelling on the ball.
后腰型442(四后卫,DMC,ML,MR,MC, 2 FC)

Attacking Midfielder

Another popular choice on the Football Manager series is the use of an attacking midfielder. A lot of people use this system and play through the attacking midfielder letting him get forward and create chances. A free role can work well in this position for the correct player as it allows him the licence to roam and wander looking for the ball. However if you play through the attacking midfielder the opposition might soon see this and make it incredibly difficult for you to get the ball to him. If you realise this is happening then change your passing style to down the wings and utilise the wingers.
前腰型442 (4后卫,ML,MC,MR,AMC, 2FC)


A sweeper or stopper can be used in any formation or system but is mainly used for a back three rather than a back four and is mainly used in real life by the Italians. For this type of system to work you need the sweeper to be very good for the level that he is currently playing at. If he is not then it simply will not work how it should and be more of weakness that a strength.

I've not gone into too much detail about what each system does as I just want to cover the basics in this thread, but further down the line, we will take a more in-depth view of all the formations and really analyze them, but first let’s cover the bread and butter stuff. The stuff that I am about to write is just a starting point for people who want to create tactics but have little knowledge, I'm not saying these instructions are spot on because they might be for someone else but not you. But this is a good reference for a starting point for each position.


There are also four main ways to play your fullbacks as well, you can have over lapping fullbacks who are very offensive minded and provide a very attacking option to the team. But the draw back of playing with over lapping fullbacks is your wingers will have a lot of defensive duties to do in a game and you might find you get exposed a few times down the wings when your fullback is out of position. Another way in the flat back formation is to make them mark the opponent's forwards or wingers. These players have to be dependable and willing to give up any kind of offensive play as they will be very defensive minded so don't expect them to contribute on attacks. A third way to get them to work would be to have them work with the wingers (not over lapping though) and get forward to get crosses into the box at every chance possible for your strikers. The fourth way is more of a mixture between attacking and defending, the settings of this specific way really depends on how neutral you want to be, a good idea would to be leave a lot of things normal as that is neutral.

Over Lapping fullbacks:

rossing, dribbling, teamwork, stamina, passing, off the ball and fitness. I found that fullbacks with these stats do well indeed. Also look out for the descriptions, I like to use explosive or attacking fullbacks as they are better suited to the job

Defensive fullbacks:

Work rate, stamina, teamwork, decisions, positioning and acceleration, determination, strength and tackling

Attacking fullbacks:

Work rate, stamina, teamwork, decisions, positioning and acceleration, determination, strength, crossing and dribbling.

The Sweeper and Stopper systems are very similar and positional look the exact same, but it's what they do that makes them different. You have the sweeper set to where he'll push up and mop up any balls that the defenders in front of him cannot deal with and does what the name "sweeper" suggest and sweeps up any trouble your front defenders might make. Were as the stopper system uses man marking to either mark a striker or a central midfielder of the opposing team. Plus he is expected to play quick and early balls to your midfield to start early counter attacks.

Sweeper System:
The sweeper should have a good understanding of the game and be a leader on the field. He controls the defence, always staying behind the fullbacks. For this to work you need a sweeper who as high concentration, decisions, influence, positioning, team work, tackling and a little bit of pace wouldn't go a miss too. If you can't find a player with the right stats then I suggest you don't play the sweeper system as put the wrong player as the sweeper and you may get crucified, but get the right player here and you can have a very solid back 4.

Stopper System: The stopper is responsible for marking the centre forward or centre midfielder of the other team. He also has an important offensive part of distributing the ball to the midfielders so you need a player who is good at passing, decisions, anticipation, decisions, tackling, concentration, work rate, positioning and a good first touch can help too.
盯人中卫是来盯死对方前锋或者中场的。由于要求他断球后立刻传给中场发起反击,属性方面传球、果断、预见力、铲断,集中力,投入程度,防守选位和停球(First touch,“第一下”的意思)。


The midfield of a 442 formation can be very variable indeed; you can play a flat four midfielders which is very stable and safe. You can use two wingers, one attacking midfielder and one defensive midfielder which are a common thing on Football Manager to do. Or instead of using two wingers you can bring them in to the middle of the pitch so you have two central midfielders. This way makes you a lot narrower but is good if you have very attacking fullbacks who like to venture forward. You can also use two wingers and two defensive midfielders if you wanted to as well. There are also lots of other ways like using a flat three midfielders with one defensive midfielder behind them but if I try to describe every variation I would be here all day.

Left/Right wingers:They are in charge for the crosses in the offence, and they usually carry the ball up the field, since they have more room than the centre midfielders. For wingers you need players with some of these stats crossing, creativity, dribbling, pace, acceleration, tackling, balance, technique, passing, finishing, long shots, teamwork, work rate and off ball. Not all of these are vital but some are. I have already explained in another thread what the vital and not so vital stats are.

Left/Right Centre midfielders: Distribute the ball the best they can to start quick attacks and try to stop or slow down opposing plays before they get to the defensive line. Good passing, decent tackling, work rate, team work, stamina, heading can be quite good and decent concentration are all important if you want them to be alert for 90 minutes.

Attacking Midfielders: These guys are the links between midfield and strikers and play in a very important position of the pitch. The ball is often there to be won in the last third of the pitch, so ideally you want an all round player a bit like a DMC. Some of the stats he needs are creativity, passing, off ball, technique, finishing, work rate, stamina, teamwork, flair, long shots, pace, acceleration.
Defensive Midfielders: The defensive midfields are key players for breaking up play and beginning attacks. Some of the stats needed are tackling, strength, aggression, marking, stamina, work rate, teamwork, pace, passing, acceleration, determination, concentration and creativity.


As for the strikers in a 442 formation you can't really do much with them as there are only two of them. So you can play two fast strikers, two big strong strikers or one of each. In these very basic formations, the forwards do no special work. Runs to the corners need to be only occasional, and dropping back to the midfield shouldn't be the primary way of getting the ball, this position is actually self explanatory.


Striker: They are here to score the majority of your goals, remember though, not both strikers will be prolific it usually tends to be just one out of the two who scores the most goals. A few stats to look for are pace, technique, acceleration, dribbling, long shots, finishing and off ball.

Target man:You will need this play to keep hold of the ball and bring others into play and feed balls through to the slower striker. A few of the stats needed for this player type are strength, jumping, balance, agility, aggression, heading, anticipation and bravery.-------Cleon

vonkaka22 发表于 2013-1-7 15:55

本帖最后由 vonkaka22 于 2013-1-7 16:02 编辑


++Understanding football formations+++

As managers are unable to get on the field themselves, the formation is a vital way for them to enforce their vision on the players. The type of formation selected by the manager reflects the sort of football you can
expect them to play, so understanding what the most commonly used formations signify is key to understanding football.

4-4-2 Formation

The most common and adaptable formation in modern football, the weakness of 4-4-2 is the gaps between the central defenders,midfielders and the strikers. As such, a huge burden is placed on the central midfield to augment defense and attack.

Precisely because of this all-round contribution, the wings play a vitalrole in spurring on attacks and supporting the strikers. This was evident in the approach of Manchester United and Arsenal during the late 1990s and early 2000s. The former utilised David Beckham and Gary Neville’s ability to deliver crosses from deep positions (as well as Beckham’s abilities from set-pieces), while the latter relied heavily on the goalscoring contributions both of right-winger Freddie Ljungberg and left-winger Robert Pires.

However, the two sides’ contrasting attitudes in central midfield reflects the subtle variations in the 4-4-2. Whereas Manchester United’s first-choice midfield of Paul Scholes and Roy Keane married a powerful but diminutive mixture of a goal-scoring attacking midfielder and a box-to-box tough-tackler, Arsenal emphasised a tall, powerful combination with their own tough-tackling box-to-box midfielder, Patrick Vieira, and a strict holding midfielder in Gilberto Silva.

4-5-1 Formation

A formation which has grown in popularity in recent times, the 4-5-1 is fundamentally defensive, but can be tweaked to provide more of an offensive threat. The essential qualities of the 4-5-1 are a three-man central midfield and a lone striker, typically a target man. By packing the midfield, a technically strong passing side will come unstuck and provide opportunities for counter-attacking football. When on the attack, the 4-5-1 is heavily dependent on the wingers supporting the lone striker.

Perhaps the best illustration of 4-5-1 in full flow is Jose Mourinho’s system. Both as manager of FC Porto and Chelsea, Mourinho founded his sides on strong defensive line-ups and an excellent holding midfielder, while the attack relied on a hard-working front man and a goal-scorer in midfield. At Chelsea, his defensive stalwarts were the captain and central defender John Terry and the holding midfielder Claude Makélélé. Alongside the Frenchman, Frank Lampard provided the bulk of goals from central midfield, ably supported by Joe Cole and Arjen Robben on the wings and Didier Drogba’s efforts up front. The side was extremely successful, picking up back-to-back Premiership titles in 2005 and 2006,building on Mourinho’s previous achievement at Porto in winning the 2004 Champions League trophy.


In some ways, the 4-3-3 is covered in the description of the 4-5-1.However, whereas the 4-5-1 starts with the wingers supporting the central midfielders, the 4-3-3 encourages the wingers to act as true forwards and the formation generally emphasises attack more than defense.


This theory was put into action by Frank Rijkaard as manager of Barcelona. Faced with the problem of how to accommodate Ronaldinho,Samuel Eto’o and Lionel Messi, as well as a host of central midfielders,Rijkaard adopted a 4-3-3. The triangle up front of the aforementioned players was supported by a creative and defensive midfield backbone of the playmaker Xavi, the holding midfielder Edmilson and either Andrés Iniesta or Thiago Motta as an all-rounder. The side was hugely successful, picking up back-to-back La Liga titles in 2005 and 2006 and the Champions League trophy in 2006.

The ‘Diamond Formation’ (4-3-1-2)

The diamond in the formation refers to the midfield, with an attacking midfielder and a holding midfielder employed and flanked by two wingers, who move in-field slightly to shore up the gaps in the centre. To cover
for the lack of width in the side, the full-backs become wingbacks and start slightly higher up the pitch.

The diamond formation is typically associated with the World Cup-winning English national team in 1966, christened the ‘wingless wonders’. In recent times though, the employment of the diamond usually revolves around a single player. The Argentinian national side in the 2006 World Cup held an extremely fluid diamond formation which gave Juan Roman Riquelme space to instigate attacks, while AC Milan under Carlo Ancelotti in 2004 used the diamond to assist the Brazilian playmaker Kaká.

5-3-2 Formation

In theory, the 5-3-2 is a purely defensive-minded line-up. The three central defenders provide extra resoluteness, while the three in midfield are all located around the centre circle. There is also a notable gap between midfield and attack, and the wing-play is the sole responsibility of the fullbacks.

However, the most famous modern practitioners of this system, the 1990s West German national side, were no slouches in front of goal. On their way to the World Cup in 1990, they scored an exceptional 15 goals, with
the midfielder Lothar Matthäus notching 4 on his own. As a result, the 5-3-2 is something of a tactical enigma, though rarely seen today.

4-4-1-1 Formation
4411阵型It is a simple variation of 4-4-2 formation in which the second attacker plays just behind the main striker but ahead of the midfield.If a player plays ahead of the midfield but behind the striker, it causes problems for the opposition because they find it hard to mark them.

The midfield already has four midfielders to mark and if a opposing defender takes up the job, he will get pulled out of defence.This formation allows a creative player a bit more freedom to operate. He has more options, to pass short or long, dribble, cut wide or bear down on goal.If he fails to create an opening for himself, more often than not he will create goal scoring chances for others.And the added advantage is that, if he creates something further forward, he can arrive late in the box to join the attack.

4-3-2-1 Christmas Tree

This is another variation of the 4-4-2,


3-4-3 is a classic formation, considered offensive by today's standards. In this system, one striker must consistently stay on the tip of the attack.He therefore should be able to hold his ground. In defense, the three fullbacks must work together as a unit.

At least one midfielder needs to drop back and play in front of defensive line. His job is to constantly pressure the ball so that the defense is never caught in a compromising position.

What is ingame tweaking ?

In game tweaking refers to making small changes to your tactic during a game.

Tweak only when necessary here are some examples.

You go a goal behind
Opposition getting too much space
A forced injury
A substitution
You see something worrying
Your style just isn't working

These are the most common things I look out for, and is one of the main factors before I tweak something. If something is working and my tactic is doing what I think is good, then I won't change anything. I don't tweak just for the sake of it, I only tweak if its needed. If I am being really dominant in a game, its very rare that I ever change anything, after all I am being dominant. So I must be doing something right?

Before you play your next fixture its quite possible to tweak a few things here and there, before you enter the game to give you what should be a slight advantage hopefully. How I determine what I tweak before a game depends on my scout report on the next opposition says. Most of it is really common knowledge and nothing no-one shouldn't be able to work out by reading what it says. Its nothing too complex or anything and in most cases, really easy to determine what needs to be done. For example my next game is against Newcastle and my scout said

' Newcastle play a defensive 442 and like a quick direct style to hit teams on the break'.
Now this tells me I can play quite attacking against them, as they tend to sit deep and hit me on the counter attack. So as long as I don't over commit on the attacking front, I should have quite a few shots if I can break
them down. Another thing I can do is play a short slow tempo game and try and limit the possession Newcastle have, because they play on the counter and rather direct, I should dominate possession in this game as at times they will give the ball away. So by playing short and slow I will be making them play a style which does not suit them at this time.

I will probably drop my defensive line slightly too, as i know they got fast strikers just by looking at their probable line up. So I don't want my defence to play too high or they might get caught out here, especially as my defenders lack pace. As you can see, I can change quite a few things here, it might seem a lot of messing about, but really its not. All this should take no longer than 30 seconds to change, it sounds harder than it actually is. Newcastle line up against me defensive as I am one of the better sides in the league now, but you get the drift about what I mean with scout reports hopefully? One more thing I should add, is that if my defenders have good man marking attributes then it might be worth while man marking their fast striker who is likely to cause me trouble, I find this helps keep them at bay most games.(Cleon)

*If you are faced with a 424, you can make small tweaks like manmarking their wingers
Or if there is a creative force in midfield, you can close him down and tackle hard

关于Show onto foot.有的汉化成"出脚细节"让玩家比较困惑,应该翻译成"放弱脚的那一侧"(其实翻得也不太好荷荷).具体是这样的:
假设对方的AMR是一个只会右脚的球员,这时候如果你把show onto foot设置为left,你的左后卫就会重点看防对方AMR的身体右侧以防其下底传中,而适当放松对其身体左侧的防守.因为就算AMR从左边内切,由于其左脚非常弱,无法射门或传出好球,所以对你的球门不会造成大的威胁. 但是,假如对方的AMR的左脚并不弱,只是相对其右脚有点小弱的话,你放他从左边内切就会有危险了.同理,如果对方AML的右脚也说得过去,那还是不要设置Show onto foot为right.

菜菜斌少爷 发表于 2013-1-7 15:57


txing 发表于 2013-1-7 15:58

理解又加深了    ~

球队总监 发表于 2013-1-7 19:43


lakerjoe 发表于 2013-1-8 00:19


258123391 发表于 2013-1-8 01:54


hironohiro 发表于 2013-1-8 01:55


cbacfa2006 发表于 2013-1-8 08:40


跃马 发表于 2013-1-8 09:48

At age 20 - Loan out to Championship. When he returns put him on rotation and see if he can fight his way through.

米兰黑天鹅 发表于 2013-1-8 12:34


wwwxboy123 发表于 2013-1-8 12:44


fenglinlengyu 发表于 2013-1-8 12:51


nosorry 发表于 2013-1-8 13:20


zzdst 发表于 2013-1-8 13:23

:ljh046)这真是好东西啊。。。游戏里的 的小提示 每次都跳的太快。。来不及看。。。

gougoula 发表于 2013-1-8 13:26


woaiver 发表于 2013-1-8 13:34

mark and study

yujitian 发表于 2013-3-21 21:07


kwongjeans 发表于 2013-3-23 16:25

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