失败者 发表于 2017-12-13 09:13


本帖最后由 失败者 于 2017-12-13 09:14 编辑



FuSSination - Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated! (seriously, some dick has been telling people I died!)

Synopsis (it's okay to google it if your struggling, but to save you time it's basically a short summary)

I can't stand tactics that don't use wide-men and fullbacks, I mean there are some awesome tactics with 3 up top or 3 at the back, they might even work better than this, but it's not how I want to play. So for those of you that want to buy the type of players you want to buy, and enjoy a fairly standard shaped tactic, hopefully I've got something for you (Disclaimer: MiNiMaL_FuSS, herein after referred to only as FuSS, bares absolutely no responsibility for you being **** at this game)

The tactic is built on two key concepts stolen from Jose (Non sono un pirla)
• The team that makes the least mistakes wins - hence the uncomplicated, narrow and short passing game (Less heavy metal, more progressive rock)
• An adaptation of his famous Trivote - with aggressive midfielders that also harrow, harass and tackle, aiming to win the ball up the pitch, backed up by a DM who fills the space behind them and creates passing triangles (Jose went 9 years undefeated at home with 4 clubs - there's something to it)

As with all my previous tactics I'm a big fan of CONTROL, although as you'll see from my screenies I've achieved some pretty marvellous results using COUNTER when I'm the underdog, hence I've supplied two versions of the tactics (for the extra lazy amongst you)

Load 3 versions of the tactic into all 3 tactical slots, it'll train quicker (probably)

Team Talks
Do them yourself, seriously, assistants are just rubbish at them, even the best assistants (although at least half you will ignore me through sheer laze and then blame me afterwards)
• Be harsh! Ask yourself what the stereotypical Sir Alex Ferguson would have done (NB: there is no "kick boot at head of captain option" - pull your finger out SI!)
• Before I match: I usually aggressively expect a result, followed by individually assertively telling them I have faith (even if I don't have faith, because most of the little primadonna are spoilt sods)
• At half time: (even if my teams winning) if most of my team have below 7 performance I will aggressively tell them it's not good enough, those that don't respond to that (or respond badly) I will individually tell they were not good enough assertively (there you go, despite it being the tactics sharing forum I have spoon fed you, there will be no more from this teat mr!)

Opposition Instructions
• I don't usually use them unless it's not going well in the first 20 minutes against a far superior opponent, then I tend to close-down/tight-mark/hard-tackle/weaker-foot their ST/AML/AMR positions - mark the positions, not the people (there's even a big colourful button so you know the difference this year, well done Fisher Price...I mean SI....)
• The exception to this is of course if you're having trouble with a counter attacking type player - this doesn't just mean any fast striker, this means a striker specifically setup to catch you out with balls over the top, you need to kick his arse and mark him out of the game (Que the idiots who don't actually watch the games and have no idea how they're conceding...)
• Do not put them on AUTO, it just doesn't work (auto OI's are serious atrocious, I think SI is literally punishing lazy people....bunch of sadists)

Team Selection
• DO NOT LET YOUR ASSISTANT MANAGER PICK YOUR TEAM - he will tend to pick AMCs in the wide positions, this will kill you, use wingers, they'll adapt and do fine (Stop. You. Yes you. I see your mouse about to click that "quick pick" button. No. That's a bad manager. Leave it alone. Now step away. Yes from Football Manager. Good. Now don't come back until you can actually pick a team. Yes I know SI added two Quick Pick buttons this year. Look I don't care. Just bugger off!)

ST - Deep Lying Forward (Attack):
• Type of player: You need a fast Target Man, hard to come by admittedly, but worth their weight in gold (think: Lukaku/Kane).
• Best stats: Finishing, Heading, Composure, Acceleration, Jumping.
• Good PPMs: "Gets Into Opposition Area", "Plays One-Twos" .
• Notes: Yes, I've essentially asked you to play a complete forward as a deep-lying forward, I know, it hurts my sensibilities too.
• More Notes: This is the position I'm least sold on, but a DLF seems to work for me, I'd love to get a CF working better in the future though.

AML/R - Inside Forwards (Support):
• Type of player: A traditional winger but with good finishing and shooting (think: Sanchez).
• Best stats: Dribbling, Finishing, Acceleration, Pace, Crossing, Long Shots.
• Good PPMs: "Cuts Inside", "Moves into channels"
• Notes: Don't switch them to attack, they won't cover and you'll get smashed on counter attacked. This position will play a little erratically, on a normal day they'll get acceptable 7.0's, but when they're on, they'll get a hat-trick. I'm open to ideas to improve consistency.

AMC - AM (Attack)
• Type of player: A play-maker but not a play-maker? I find the actual play-maker position is drawn toward the ball too much, this is my compromise, a good AMC does the business here, and if he's got an eye for a pass all the better, they'll also get a few long-shot opportunities from corners!
• Best stats: First Touch, Passing, Dribbling, Long Shots, Acceleration.
• Good PPMs: "Plays One-Twos", "Runs With Ball Often".

MCL - CM (Support)
• Type of player: A box-to-box type player, a battering ram, charges into the box from deep and takes on shots (Dembele was amazing here). I've reduced him from Box-to-Box to CM Support as he joins up the play better.
• Best stats: First Touch, Passing, Dribbling, Long Shots, Acceleration.
• Good PPMs: "Gets Forward Whenever Possible", "Gets Into Opposition Area".

DMR - DM (Support):
• Type of player: Aggressive defensive midfielder, will look to attack the ball and break up opposition play (think: Kante).
• Best stats: Tackling, Work Rate, Positioning, Stamina, Concentration, Aggressive, Acceleration.
• Good PPMs: "N/A"

FB's - FB (Attack):
• Type of player: Defensive duties come first, but some good attacking attributes will give you width and crossing (think: Rose).
• Best stats: Marking, Tackling, Work Rate, Acceleration, Crossing, Dribbling.
• Good PPMs:"Runs With Ball Down The X", "Runs With Ball Often".

CB's - Defender:
• Type of player: Jumping and Heading are important as I play a high line and they'll often need to clear the ball as it comes in. You'll also need good acceleration (anticipation is a huge bonus too) so they don't get beaten by balls over-the-top on the counter.
• Best stats: Heading, Marking, Tackling, Jumping, Strength, Acceleration, Anticipation.
• Good PPMs: "N/A"

GK - Keeper:
• Type of player: One-on-ones is particularly important as this tactic often has it's fullbacks pressing quite high-up the field.
• Best stats: Handling, Reflexes, Arial Reach, Command of Area.
• Good PPMs: "N/A"


FuSSination V1.0 (CONTROL).fmf (Main version)

FuSSination V1.0 (COUNTER).fmf (Underdog version)

FuSSination V1.0 (NON-STICK CONTROL).fmf (Still testing...possibly for better teams? more fluid in attack?)

Final Words of Warning
• If this tactic has one major weakness it is counter-attacking balls over the top, be very wary to Jamie Vardy types and consider using OI's to stop them.
• If you're conceding, check if it's from set-pieces, I've never been good at defensive set-pieces, so these may need some work.

(Que the complaints in 5...4...3...2..1..)

Edit: Thanks to Knapp for helping out with some testing :)

Edit2: Thanks to Mr_Hough for not stealing this..yet... Just kidding!

sxm8506535 发表于 2017-12-13 11:02

太长了自己看得懂 翻不动

giggsxbr 发表于 2017-12-13 11:17


失败者 发表于 2017-12-13 11:27

sxm8506535 发表于 2017-12-13 11:02
太长了自己看得懂 翻不动


失败者 发表于 2017-12-13 11:29

giggsxbr 发表于 2017-12-13 11:17


tommoore 发表于 2017-12-13 15:29

本帖最后由 tommoore 于 2017-12-13 15:37 编辑

我试着翻了一下。pls check

FuSSination - 关于我已死的传闻是大错特错的! (说真的,一帮禁用词语到处和人说我挂了!)

Synopsis (如果你对这个单词感到疑惑可以google一下。不过没必要了,我告诉你就是概述的意思)

我不能接受没有边路球员的战术。我的意思是有一些不错的战术只有三前锋,三中卫也能取得不错的效果,但这不是我想要的。对于那些想买到自己心仪的球员并用在相对不那么奇葩的阵形里的玩家而言,你们有福了,我这里有私货可以分享给你们。 (免责声明: MiNiMaL_FuSS, 这里省略为FuSS,我,作为鼎鼎大名的战术大湿,行走的足球经理百科辞典,你们对该游戏的一切吐槽和我绝壁没有半毛钱关系。)

• 球队应以最小代价取得胜利 - 简单,直接,短平快的比赛 (很少重金属, 更像前卫摇滚)
• 著名三后腰的变体 - 极富侵略性的两名疯狗流中场无处不在,意图控制球场每一寸的土地。而后面的后腰填补了他们身后的空档从而形成了中场传递的铁三角。(Jose用4个俱乐部测试玩了9年在主场保持不败 - 就问你牛不牛逼)



• 严厉一点!还记得吹风机爵爷是怎么做的吗? (注意:游戏中并没有“往队长头上踢鞋子”的选项 - 偷懒了吧SI)
• 赛前:我经常用严厉的口气说“期待理想结果”。然后单独训话我用独断的逾期告诉他们“我对你们有信心”(即使我真的没这么想也要这么用。因为你手下的王牌都是些被宠坏的禁用词语)
• 中场: (即使球队领先)如果绝大多数队员评分都在7分以下我会用严厉的语气告诉他们“你们的表现还不够好”,对于那些不鸟你 (或者反响不好)的球员我会单独训话,依然是独断语气的“你们表现得不够好”。 (怎么样,哥都帮你到这儿了...)

• 我不经常动这些设置,除非在与超级强队的前20分钟内感觉场面很被动。接着我会用压迫/紧盯/凶狠逼抢/迫使用弱势脚来对前锋ST/左进攻中场AML/右进攻中场AMR这几个位置进行设置 - 注意是盯位置,不是具体的人(今年的版本有个带色的按钮能让你看到区别。干得不错Fisher Price ... 我是指SI...)
• 唯一例外是你对于防反类型的球员很头疼时 - 这里指的并不仅仅是速度快的前锋,而是指那种像牛皮糖似的贴着你不停骚扰的搅屎棍,你要狠狠教训他直到把他搞出球场。(这条是给那些不怎么看比赛并且不知道自己怎么失球的禁用词语)
• 不要使用自动设置。因为根本没用 (自动设置就是个垃圾。我想SI是用来惩罚那些懒B的...或者是受虐狂。)

• 不要让助教执掌球队 - 他会让进攻型中场往边路宽站位,这会把你搞死。用边锋会更适应并且表现良好。 (住手,你,对,就是你禁用词语。我看你的鼠标动了,是不是想点“快速设置”按钮?骚年,你就是个糟糕的教练。赶紧给我取关闪人,对,退出游戏吧。很好,别回来了除非你能自己选择球员。其实我知道SI今年加了两个快速设置按钮又怎么样,我不在乎。来打我呀!)

ST前锋 - Deep Lying Forward 组织型前锋(Attack进攻):
• 球员类型: 你需要快速的柱型中锋。说实话很难找,不过至少身高还不错(比如Lukaka/kane)
• 属性: 射门, 头球, 镇定, 加速,弹跳
• 习惯: "经常突入禁区", "尝试二过一" .
• 提示: 我本意是想设置成全能型中锋。别怪我,你知道,这也伤害了我的感情。
• 更多提示: 这是我经常喜欢调整的位置,不过组织型前锋看起来更适合我,也许未来我会用CF来打这个位置也说不定:)

AML/R 进攻型中场左/右 - Inside Forwards内锋 (Support策应):
• 球员类型: 射门和终结能力不错的传统型边锋(比如Sanchez)
• 属性: 盘带,射门,加速,速度,传中,远射
• 习惯: "喜欢内切", "喜欢插入空档"
• 提示: 不要调到“进攻”这档。他们不能覆盖全场,你会被对方的反击打得屁滚尿流。这个位置表现有点不太稳定,通常也就7分左右还能接受的水平,不过一旦状态来了就来个帽子戏法也是有的。如果你有什么能改进稳定性的想法我洗耳恭听。

AMC 进攻型中场中路 - AM进攻型中场 (Attack进攻)
• 球员类型: 进攻组织者?我实操中发现进攻组织者在这个位置太过于粘球,这让我有点小纠结。一个好的进攻型中场也能做得不错,不仅仅是出球,在角球进攻有机会还时不时能有脚远射!
• 属性: 一脚触球,传球,盘带,远射,加速
• 习惯: "尝试二过一, "喜欢带球跑".

MCL 中场左- CM中场 (Support策应)
• 球员类型: B2B中场,不知疲倦的攻城锤。经常后排插上然后射门。(Dembele是最佳人选),我现在把他从B2B降到策应型中场表现也很好。
• 属性: 一脚触球,传球,盘带,远射,加速
• 习惯: "一有机会就前插", "经常突入禁区"

DMR 防守型中场右- DM 后腰(Support策应):
• 球员类型: 侵略性强的防守型中场,随时会上抢并破坏对方的进攻。(比如Kante)
• 属性: 抢断,工作投入,位置感,体力,专注力,侵略性,加速
• 习惯: 无

FB's 边后卫- FB边卫 (Attack进攻):
• 球员类型: 防守为第一要务。一些带刀属性会拉开空间并创造更多传中。(比如Rose)
• 属性: 盯人,抢断,工作投入,加速,传中,盘带
• 习惯:"喜欢带球下底", "喜欢带球跑"

CB's 中后卫- Defender后卫:
• 球员类型: 当我用高位防守时弹跳和头球是最重要的属性,他们经常需要解围。同时加速属性必不可少(预判是个不错的属性附加),避免被对方犀利的反击打垮。
• 属性: 头球,盯人,抢断,力量,加速,预判
• 习惯: 无

GK 守门员- Keeper 门将:
• 球员类型: 对这个战术来说一对一是最重要的门将属性,因为边卫经常压上会出现无法及时回防的情况。
• 属性: 手持球能力,反应,高空球能力,后场指挥
• 习惯: 无

• 如果说这个战术有什么缺点那就是会经常被对手反击,需要十分忌惮像Vardy这样的前锋,必要时用针对性设置来阻止他们。
• 如果你失球了,看看是不是定位球上失分,我从不擅长防守定位球,这也是我需要改进的地方。



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