财团支持项中的“前景”、“背景”、“担保人”翻译有问题,我是偷懒直接使用以前版本别人翻译好的语言文件修改的,分别对应FRONT_END、BACK_END、UNDERWRITER。这是fm10的新特性,默认有三个sugardaddy:曼城和诺茨郡是FRONT_END,切尔西是UNDERWRITER,大家可以打开\Sports Interactive\Football Manager2010\data\db\1000\edt\sugardaddy.edt看看
# FRONT_END - They throw money at the club to spend.(前景)
# BACK_END - They spend enough to make them a force in their currentleague but if they go up a level or two it would no longer apply.(背景)
# UNDERWRITER - They don't give the manager any extra transfer budgetbut come the end of the season they will always cover any loss the clubis making and not expect the money back.(担保人)
Changelist (121 Rev2 to 125) - Added support to STEAM and Digital Download versions of FM
-Added a Freeze/Unfreeze button in Players profile, this feature freezesthe attributes of a player..THIS FEATURE was not tested properly so useit at your own risk!!
- In clubs finances now you can select the sugar daddy type
在俱乐部财政项,加入了sugar daddy类型的选择(这是10的新特点,sugar daddy包括了三种类型,不再是09那样只有一种挥舞着票子砸人的模式)
- Club debt's are now editable
- Fixed bug in Preset Manager Staff Roles Attributes "Manager" and "Assistant Manager" were missing