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发表于 2010-1-11 16:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 caicarl30 于 2010-1-20 17:08 编辑


The Better Half´s



Download links at the end of the thread


In this thread, you will find a variety of uploaded tactics using a variety of different formations. As different as the formations will be, they will have one thing in common and that is that they will all come in 5 match-strategies,together forming a set. The different match strategies, or onwards referred to as versions, will be named Control, Attack Home, Balanced, Counter and Defensive and their approach will be similar no matter what formation/set one chooses to use. Notice that I am playing in the classical mode. Therefor, touchline shouts are disable

When naming, or rather labelling a version Attack Home, Defensive or Control, you will instantly think of your own definition of that word. There for, its important to thoroughly read my definition of that specific version as it might be different from yours.

With so many version will there not be agony when picking the correct strategie for the match ahead. Well, no ! Most of the times you have a pretty good idéa as how to approach the coming game and will not even consider touching most of them as starting version in the specific match. If playing the undefeated top team away there are maybe 2 versions you are considering. The same goes for facing the team you are fighting against for a place in Europe. Playing at home you probably want to go for the 3 points and will probably consider the version close to Attack Home, whilst playing away against the same opposition you wont consider playing too attacking. As good starting advice would - cupmatches and games where more than 3 poimnts are at stake apart, - be to use a version 2 steps lower than the one you would play at home against the same opponent

As you can see in the table of contents below, this opening post will also screenshots and required player types for each set.

Table of content

1.1 Picking a formation
1.2 The different formations/sets
1.3 The versions with the sets
1.4 The tweaks
1.5 Opposition Instructions
1.6 Download links
1.7 FAQ

1.1 Picking a formation

Before downloading the sets at he end of this opening post, have a look at the provided screenshots in 1.2 The Different sets where I have provided some basic information about the player roles.

Now, just like in real life, some users match their formation and there philosophy to suit the current squad at hand and some have a favourite style of play or formation that they stick to, recruiting the adequate players as they go along. My only advice is to understand what the different formations requires and leave you with a quote form the TT&F 2010, written by Richard Claydon (wwfan), Gareth Millward (Millie) and the Tactical Think Tank, as they say it best

On the whole, the best formation is the one which allows you to play your best players where they can do the most damage to the opposition. However, the team must still retain some defensive shape, have enough players in midfield to aid the transition from defence to attack, and enough forward players to be potent in attack. Otherwise, Real Madrid might play a 2-3-5

1.2 The different formations/sets

Here, I will provide some of my thoughts behind the different sets

442 Target man(进攻核心)

The FCleft, the target man, is a strong poacher and the MCright the more creative midfielder
This is mostly for underdogs/middle teams

442 No Target Man(无进攻核心战术)

The FCleft should be a poacher of great calibre and the FCright a more creative FC ( or a AMC/FC)
The wingers should be top class with both speed and the ability to find space and make good crosses
The MCright is the creative attacking one and the left is a hardworking DMC/MC


Basically the same as in the 442 No Tm but this time with a AMC instead of the FCright


A very defensive set as a default. The FC should be a more or less complete player since he is all alone up there
The MCright and MCleft should be attacking minded players and the DMC a hardworking one


An approach that really needs wide players that have the stamina. The FC is a poacher and the AMR, L are, well wingforwards. THe MCright should be able to get inside the box ( ppms perhaps). The MCleft is a box-to-box and the DMC is hardworking


Almost like the set above but with a more defensive formation by default. Here, we use 2 DMCs and the right one is a creative DMC. All other players are the same as in the tactic above.

Wide 4132 Target Man(宽战术,进攻核心)

This set is just like the 442 TM but with the hardworking midfielder dropped into DMC position ( FCleft is TM)

Wide 4132 NO TM(宽战术,没进攻核心)

Again, this set is based on the 442, this time the one for better teams.

Narrow 4132

Alsmot like the set above but here using MCs instead of wingers. Best used if having players as MCr and MCl that have "wingerstats". This formation also mean that the fullbacks needs to be slightly "better" in their defensive positioning and crossing ability


The Classic wide 4231 using wingforwards, a AMC of choice and a creative MCr and a hardworking MCleft. The FC is a poacher, preferably strong and with aerial ability as most wingers and AMCs lacks of it

Deep 4231(利物浦的451回撤很深的战术)

Almost like the set above but with a more cautious formation, more suitable for underdogs and middle/teams ( or if playing with a domestic top 3-5 side in Europe)

Wide 4321

A very attacking formation that I only suggests for topnotch teams. The FC needs to be complete and the DMC and DCs are the only defensive specialists

DMC/MC Box(4222战术)

Used when having fllbakcs up for the job and when the squad is full of competent DMCs and MCs


Here we use one of the AMCs or the MCright as a playmaker. The FCs swapp positions and they need to be alsmot complete. The amcs also swap

1.3 The versions within the sets - Notice that the version called Attack Away has ben removed

When you pick version, 2 things have to be taken into consideration

1. Our strength versus the strength of the opponent
2. How big a threat the opponent consider us to be

Of course, there are many other variables to take into account as well such as form, weather motivation, pitch played in etc, but these factors as always there and they change in a way that it would be impossible to cover in one single thread

My point is that against some teams, only by loooking at their stature, no approach can be the abolute correct choice. Sometimes, despite that they will try hitting us on the break, our Attack Home will work a charm, due to that their attackers are so slow and our defenders so quick whilst in another, they will outscore us, wining 5-3 as our d-line just was too high for our players to cope with.

The same goes for all versions. Think about what the version does and doesn’t and then consider if the opponent is good enough to exploit its weaknesses

CONTROL Team settings

It’s a very wide and slow breakdown tactic to be used against team sitting deep, playing defensive. . The aim is to create space and then to use it by exploiting the gaps and holes that appear when we have stretched their defence. Rash decisions or crosses against such well organized and positioned opponents almost always backfire...

To be able to break up their attacks early, denying them possession, it can be good to implement man-marking to ensure that they cant use their triangles by playing compact and cautious, moving up field as a unit

When playing as an overachieving middle team/underdog, you might find that when the opponents starts playing defensive against us, your team might actually not be good enough to use this version, jus like in real life

ATTACK HOME Team settings

This version is a very attacking uses lot of the pitch width. The fullbacks are bombing forward at all times but the midfield move as a unit and t-balls are not spread left and right at all costs, but instead to suit the purpose, stretching their defence by overloading their flanks and box.

If the equal opponent sits with men behind the ball, trying to draw their opponent on and then use one or two attacker that plays on the shoulder of the defence, i.e. using their version of 6.Counter, this version can be rather risky, especially if we are not the superior team

BALANCED Team settings

This version is similar to the attack away version but with lower mentality settings for all players. T-balls are heavily restricted why is this then? Well, this version works as a patient build up tactic trying to always be in numerous advantage of the opponent, using our triangles to move as a unit up field

When having trouble with Balanced, it’s often easy to see why and how. If we control the game but fail to get any shots on goal, then the approach is correct. but just slightly too cautious. The obvious choice here would then to use a more attacking version

COUNTER Team settings

This version is also played in a more cautious manner but the difference between this one and the more possession based Balanced, this versions has one aim: To exploit the fact that the AI is playing slightly headless with great risk, leaving holes behind their fullbacks using a high d-line. This is the only time when 6.Counter is really great, when we are able to play the ball into space, behind the fullbacks, into channels.

If having too much possession using this tactic – and not creating anything of course - then the AI are playing with a normal d-line BUT with low closing down, this means that we should go up 1 or 2 a versions.

If loosing out on possession immediately, the fullbacks having a terrible passing completion and once again, not creating any chances at all, then the AI is probably playing with a normal-deeper d-.line AND with a higher closing down setting. Our attacks will be fruitless as their fullbacks or DC´s will be the first to the ball, the space not being there to play it into. Here it’s important to either go down a version to Defensive or up a version to Balanced, all depending on how attacking we want to be and how Attacking the AI is playing( never sit to deep and play too defensive against a AI using their Control-version). The signs should be very easy to see. If we retrieved possession, you have chosen the correct version, if not, well, and then you have chosen the wrong direction

DEFENSIVE Team settings

A slow possession based football with the aim to pin the ball forwards and backwards between our players. The opponent should be restricted to taking long shots when out of angel AND under pressure (i.e., those non dangerous ones; D)

Some final thoughts about the version picking, one version vs another. Quoting one of my in-thread posts


/......./.....But the most important part is to understand the difference between the different versions. what makes attack away different from balanced, what makes control different from attack home

Control vs Attack home

- Control is to lure an very defensive team ( non attacking, deep d-line, compact) up in the field and stretch their defence. This version does not provide you with many chances but they are often on goal and - most importantly - results in a very clear cut chance, with the converter not being under stress.

- Attack Home is basically against the same team but when they are playing with counter attack and slightly more aggressive, not sitting with all men behind the ball

Counter vs Defensive

- Counter is to be used when they are attacking with the whole team and having a average to pushed up d.line, their fullbacks making runs down the flanks. here is our chance to hit them on the break using a more direct and quick approach. If they starts to sit back, using their balanced or defensive, then we will be vulnerable as we will loose out in possession when having men storming forward

- Defensive then, well its against teams playing a very attacking approach but on the counter, just like in the opposite scenario above, we will now gain the possession. Against team playing a slowish but yet attacking football, using their control, then its better to use balanced

1.4 The tweaks



make sure that you change them accoringly to suit your squad. I recommend leaving both Fbs AND one DC back at attacking corner s and free kicks

1.5 Opposition Instructions

I] Here we will collect tips form users that might be player , version, position or situation specific.[/I]

Position Specific - OI that can be implemented regardless of tactic and formation

( to come)

Player specific - OI´s that can be implemented against certain player types

( to come)

Version specific - OI´s that can be implemented when using a certain version with a certain set

( to come)

Situation specific- OIs that can be implemented under certain circumstance/situations

Tip - If seeing a Forward getting many one-on-ones by cutting in between the DCs, moving in from the flank. If his preferred foot matches the flank, right footed FC playing in FCR etc, then use the OI to show him onto his preferred foot, In this example his right foot. This will most of the times make him use his right foot instead of - in this scenario being the proper decision, his Left foot, thereby worsening his angel


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