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被MR Hough剽窃的Grid System放出~

发表于 2012-6-11 17:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 李小宇 于 2012-6-13 01:05 编辑

TACTIKZZ  的Grid System基础上建造的 如果大家对这个战术理论系统感兴趣


Before I begin, it really is necessary to read about my grid system concept in order to understand where the ideas surrounding the tactic have originated. I can’t stress this enough, as the philosophy and slider positions are all based off a rigid system. If you haven’t read the article, you can get reading right away by clicking the link below.

在开始之前 了解我的网格战术系统理念是非常有用处的 因为我的战术都是从这个理念上面发展开来 如果你还没有读过这篇文章


With that out of the way, we can delve further into this article and begin to flesh things out.

当你读完了以后 我们就可以继续把这个战术整出来

The ideas surrounding the grid system came about when requiring a method that would enable me to obtain a basic layout of in game sliders, which could easily be converted into a Football Manager tactic. Something out of the ordinary, random and inventive. While there are many ideas within the grid system that have flaws, it was merely an experiment to see if something like it, could be achieved. It was my hope that I could create a system that would start the tactical building process for me, in combination with whatever philosophy it was that I wished to pursue. As that was the hope and end goal, I personally feel that the overall project has been a success. This success has been reflected in the amount of trophies won during the tactic trial testing – so many that I’ve needed to construct a new trophy cabinet.

当你看到FM战术里那么多的战术滑条时 你一定傻了 到底该怎么设置 是11格好还是12格好? 网格战术系统就是为了简单的把理论转化为FM战术刻度的方法. 虽然这个系统还有很多的缺陷 但这仅仅是一个实验 如果不做 永远不会成功.我希望我建立这个系统可以很好的策划战术 并且踢出来的效果和我的战术理念相同. 如果以此为目标的话 我想这个系统理论是成功的.我说他成功是因为在测试这个战术的时候 我得要求董事多建一个奖品

The Formation

After the grid system was conceived and produced, my mind began to scrutinise the pros and cons of various formations that I could try to create within the grid system itself. I settled upon a system that would change shape in defence and attack, in as much as my strikers would track back to help out the midfield wide areas. With this in mind, the formation would appear to be a 4-1-2-3, but we only resemble this formation and shape when in possession of the ball.

在网格系统成型之后 使用她制作战术之前 我一直在反复权衡各种阵型的利弊. 因为我希望前锋可以在防守时帮助中场防御边路 那么就得一个可以在进攻和防守时进行位置变化的战术. 所以我建立了4-1-2-3,但是这个站位仅仅在我们控球的时候出现(进攻端)

When we lose possession, I want the wide strikers to track the opposing fullbacks as they advance up the field, so that my fullbacks aren’t facing two opposition players running at them down either flank. I’m no chef, but that sounds like a recipe for disaster!

当我们没有控球权的时候(防守端) 我希望两边的前锋可以去骚扰下对方的边后卫 这样就避免了我们的边卫们一次要对付对方边锋和边后卫的情况出现.

As the wide strikers move back into midfield, we create a formation that resembles a 4-1-4-1.

当我们靠边的前锋回防的时候 阵型就变成了 4-1-4-1

By pinning the strikers onto the opposition fullbacks, if gives the wide areas some extra support as well as stopping opposing teams from passing the ball out from the back. We negate opposition defences from spraying the ball horizontally along their defensive line, probing their way up the field and into out half, searching for a through ball that might destroy us. Hopefully you can see that by allowing the wide strikers to track opposing fullbacks, we give ourselves defensive stability while forcing the opposition to perhaps change their style of football.

如果我们的前锋们盯住了对方的边后卫,那么将会给边路带来额外的帮助 避免了对方在后卫线 横向的传球 同时也可以防住一些可能打穿我们防线的后场身后球. 设置前锋盯防边后卫 会给我们带来更加稳固的防守 并且迫使对方改变他们的打法

The 4-1-4-1 formation is a favourite defensive shape of mine and I’ll always try to find a way of incorporating it within any tactic that I create. It offers a flat back four, a central anchor man, a sturdy four man midfield and an outlet upfront. If set up in a correct manner, it creates a very rigid and formidable defensive wall in front of your goalkeeper.

4-1-4-1 是我最爱的防守变化阵型 并且我会尝试把他运用到我后面所做的战术中. 她会提供一个4个后卫 强悍的后腰 以及稳定的4个中场和一个反击点. 如果设置正确 那么当心你的门将在比赛中患上感冒.

Firstly, can I just inform you that I have not tweaked the tactic in any way. What you see is what you get purely via the grid system. Certain aspects like the defensive line were positioned whether I wanted to ‘stand off’, or ‘press’ the opposition, but all individual player tactical sliders were positioned purely on what was calculated via the grid system.

先说一点 我没有进行任何微调 所以得都来自于网格系统. 后防线的深度同时运用在“stand off” 和“press”战术中,但是球员个人设置都是经过网格系统运算的来的

With that in mind, I will include a brief run down of the left fullback position so you can see my logical, or random, way of thinking.

我会简单的说下左后卫的设置情况 其他的同理 都是根据网格系统运算而来

The yellow horizontal line indicates the mentality given to the player – six. In the original tactic (stand off), I didn’t want my defensive line venturing too far from their defensive zones, hence the low mentality as instructed via the grid.

黄色的横向线 是在“stand off”给予左后卫的心态 6格,我不想让后防线太冒失 所以给了一个很低的心态

The vertical light blue line illustrates creative freedom. The left fullback has been afforded five for this settings, so that he doesn’t wander too far off the tactical plan, or roam from his defensive position whenever he desires. A setting of five, allows him to touch the nearest centre back, although quite frankly I don’t want him holding hands with the centre back – I’d rather the fullback concentrate on playing. Now, there have been many complaints about the grids way of interpreting creative freedom, and as I’ve pointed out around the various FM community sites, I simply needed a way of applying creative freedom to the grid system, even if it meant applying it in a bizarre way. You have to remember that the initial system was constructed in one evening and as time has passed, the system has been refined further.

蓝线是自由度 给了5格 这样他不会游离在战术体系之外. 这样的自由度让他可以和最近的中后卫进行联系 即没有距离感 也没有手拉手抱一起的基友情. 现在 关于网格系统的自由度设置造成了很多的困扰,我在很多的论坛进行了解释 我需要把自由度的设置放入到网格系统中 尽管这些想法看上去很非主流. 要知道 哥只花了一个晚上做的这个系统, 时间会让她更完善.

After applying the passing reticle translucently so that you can see the player underneath, hopefully it is clear that a passing setting of five is enough so that he can pass to the nearest centre back and towards the half way line. I want the fullback to play a short passing game, therefore the grid system has calculated the ideal passing length to be five notches. However, when combined with through balls, it gives the player enough freedom to do what he thinks best in various circumstances and situations.

经过这条十字线 我们可以看到 5格的传球可以让他传给中后卫 和半场内的进攻队员,但是在结合了身后球后 他会根据场上形势进行判断 给予最好的出球线路.

With the settings calculated for one position, the same method and process was applied to the other positions.


Set Piece Routine

I’ve been privately contacted via email and other sources, numerous times, to include the corner ‘exploit’ within a new tactical release. It is for this reason why this particular corner routine has been included within the tactic. If you don’t like it and feel it’s cheating, then take it out and add your own. The only thing that will change is that your striker will probably have around twenty less goals per season (if you have a good striker to begin with).

Let me point out that I have added this ‘exploit’ rather reluctantly, and it will be the first and last time of doing so. I’ve added it purely out of request by the community. The corner routine that many people in the community add to their tactics, is a get out clause for appallingly constructed tactics. There are a few obvious names within the FM community who add this routine time and time again and seem to get amazing praise – have a think, we all know who they are. It’s not big, it’s not clever and yet they are worshipped as tactical gods. Don’t worship false idols, people!

I personally just leave everything on default / mixed, crowd the opposition box with bodies and hope for the best. It reflects real life football. So yeah, this is the first and the last time for the corner routine. Ask again and you’ll feel the wrath of the Welsh god Arawn.

Without further ado, let’s crack on with the tactical releases!

老生常谈 角球bug战术 是的 在这个战术里 我设置了 很多人也在各种渠道问我测试一个新战术时 使用BUG角球是否合理 如果你不喜欢 去掉他就是 他会减少你那个BUG接球点20个进球,喜欢用就用 不喜欢用就不用 过于追求这点 就是吹毛求疵了
FM Tactical Grid Tactic – Stand Off
You’re free to have a choice of two tactics, or download both. The first of which is a deep, stand off, low pressing tactic, which was the original idea.
这个理论有2个思路 一个是低压迫的版本

Within this tactic, your players will keep a deep defensive line and stand off opponents until a tackle is necessary – keeping their shape. The marking in defensive areas is set to ‘man’, so that they track strikers and attacking midfielders within the deep zones around the eighteen yard box.

如果你使用这个战术 Stand Off 他有一条回收的后防线 而且在必要的时候才会选择抢断 后防线的盯人设置是盯人,这样他们就可以把对手放到禁区附近

It was my very first idea to develop a tactic that I could trial run with weaker club sides, hence the low closing down and rigid structure. This is also why marking is set to ‘man’, so that they utilise such attributes as strength, work rate, concentration and marking. These attributes are more common within the lower leagues, hence why the system might work better there. When you place players on zonal marking, it uses attributes such as positioning, anticipation, teamwork, concentration and decisions, which are harder to find within less skilled club sides.

这是我的第一个战术思路 并且适用于弱队 这也是为什么使用盯人设置, 盯人只需要 力量 工作投入 集中和盯人 这些属性更适用于低级联赛. 而如果你使用区域盯人的话 需要站位 预判 团队合作 集中和决断 你会发现你很难在小俱乐部找到这样的球员

FM Tactical Grid Tactic – Press
Having created a successful ‘stand off’ tactic, I tried it out with Barcelona, to see how it performed within a giant of world football. Even though I beat Real Madrid 7 – 0, in many of the matches we stood off far too much and the opposition were basically playing the game on a level playing field. We needed more fight to impose ourselves on the opposition, and so, the pressing variant was formed.

在Stand Off 取得成功之后 我用巴萨耍了耍 尽管我干了马德里7比0 但是在很多比赛中 相互距离太远 而且对手有点肆无忌惮. 我们需要给予更多的压力让对方给予我们起码的尊重

It is my philosophy that larger clubs need to press and instil fear into opponents. You have the better players and better players do better things when they have the ball. I needed to tweak the grid tactic into a pressing alternative. Therefore, if you require that your team press the opposition, then this tactic should serve you well.

在我的理念里 作为一个豪门俱乐部 丫们都得对爷俯首称臣, 我们拥有更好的球员 并且可以把握更多小球队不能把握的机会. 如果你拥有 C罗 梅西们 那么就用这个战术揍丫的

Zonal marking has also been introduced here throughout every defensive player. Teams who usually press the opposition are, as already highlighted, some of the better teams, with better players. Therefore they can get away with, and play, the zonal marking system.

如果你拥有优秀的防守球员 那么区域防守是一个很好的选择 这个战术就是这么办的

I have only tested the tactic over two days with FC Porto, but anyone who has been following me via Twitter will know that I have achieved some amazing success. I must stress though that this tactic has only had a trial run with FC Porto, so it probably needs further testing. Having said all that though, I managed to achieve the quadruple, beating Barcelona twice in the process.

我只用这个战术在波尔图身上用了2天 不过有我推特的人都知道 葡超我是纯爷们. 哦对了 另外 不是嚣张 爷是一个低调到被MR Hough 剽窃的人 但爷们还是用这个战术主客场双杀了巴萨. 不过呢 这个战术没试过多久 被对方干了就别叫了 她还需要更多的测试

The final part before the download links, I promise. Well done for getting this far! I’ll summarise player positions here and what you might want to tweak.

觉得长篇大论了? 候着 还有呢 下面我说说球员站位 和微调

1) Your central striker is your main source of goals. He is the focal point during the corner exploit (grrr!) and he is always available for a through ball played through the centre, either off the wider strikers, or the central midfielders.

中间的中锋是主要进攻点 并且是BUG角球的那个点(爷就用了 怎么着!)

2) The man marking throughout the ‘stand off’ version can be tweaked I’m sure. If you are managing at a higher level and have faith in your players holding their zones, then feel free to change it to zonal.

在Stand Off中的盯人方式可以改为区域盯人 前提是你对你的球员有一定的信心

3) Your strikers in general all need to be quick to feed off any through balls. Dribbling, agility and balance etc are all welcome here. You know the drill, quick, dribbling flair players will thrive here as they break the defensive line time and time again.

前锋们需要速度 盘带 敏捷平衡型的 这样会虐对手 一遍又一遍

4) Opposition instructions should be automatically embedded within each tactic, meaning that you shouldn’t really need to do them yourself. Please check that your wide strikers are specifically man marking the opposing fullbacks and that the opposition wingers for each team are shown onto their ‘weaker foot’. Like I say, this should already be included within the tactic, but please make sure.

针对性设置已经在球队战术里做过设置了 所以不用再弄了 如果你不放心 确定你的两个靠边前锋盯了边后卫 边锋设置弱脚 只是再次检查 一般来说是不用的

If facing a team who play three central defenders at the back, your wide strikers will specifically man mark the outer centre backs. This is not ideal, therefore set your wide strikers to man mark, tight marking ‘no’. If the opposition team change to a back four, then specifically man mark the fullbacks as usual.

如果遇到打3中卫没有边卫的球队 设置两个靠边前锋盯两个外侧的中后卫 贴身盯人取消

As for the opposition instructions themselves, I always made sure that the wingers were shown onto their weaker foot. Deep wingers, common in say, a 4-4-2, or advanced wingers / inside forwards. Any attacking wide player should be shown onto weaker foot. This is set within the tactic, but opposition teams change formation during a match.

一般来说 对手的边锋都设置弱脚就可以了 如果对手变化了 要记得及时更改

5) You’re never going to win each and every game based solely on a tactic. Things sometimes go wrong – own goals, players ‘switching off’. This is to do with the in-game player attributes, and not 100% the tactic – attributes like concentration and decisions etc. Player management and team talks are a big feature in Football Manager 2012, so try and make sure your team go into each and every game on high morale. You will create chances, but you need your team to believe they can slot in the goals.

你永远不可能运用一种战术赢得所有比赛 所以适当的调整是非常必要的

6) Make sure to plug in the tactic during pre-season and let the team become fluid in all areas. During most of my trials I kept match preparation on ‘very high – teamwork’ to quickly progress through the season. It did me no harm at all. During the Swansea save however, after the tactic became fluid, I switched to ‘defensive positioning’. Experiment with these settings.

一般来说 比赛准备我用非常高的团队合作 小球队如果没有特别好的防守球员 可以在满了之后使用 防守位置感

7) I’ve never moved the players into different positions. If I had world class wingers, I simply retrained them to be strikers and stuck with them (James Rodriguez at FC Porto, for example). They operate down either flank anyway, much like wingers. If you move players around, I have no idea how the tactic will perform, so do this at your own risk.

我从来不会改变战术的位置 如果我有一个世界级的边锋 我会把他们练成前锋(像波尔图的James Rodriguez) 如果你硬是要把前锋改成边锋 你自己要承担这个风险

全文完 最后说下 通篇作者 TACTIKZZ 没有提到是用的1204 还是1222的版本 我在1204上试了 效果不错

关于两个战术的使用 Stand Off 是弱队使用 也可以理解为客场使用
                            Press是强队使用 也可以理解为主场使用  

祝大家玩得哈皮 :tsj17]

Cheers :tsj15]


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参与人数 4经验 +6 PGB +15 收起 理由
xiangshan + 5 ++ 希望2013继续好用,网格!
wwwxboy123 + 2 网格系统是精髓
caicarl30 + 2
lyf091 + 6 + 6 精品文章


发表于 2012-6-11 17:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 17:30 | 显示全部楼层
网格= =好理论
发表于 2012-6-11 17:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 17:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 17:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 17:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 18:02 | 显示全部楼层
回复 7# 海钟瑞

    - -~不是很创新吧...把球场分20格这样的理论应该早就有了- -只不过他分的更加细致..不过这个理论并不完善也不能一并解决解决所有战术的设置...
发表于 2012-6-11 18:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 18:30 | 显示全部楼层
回复 9# kimisu

发表于 2012-6-11 19:08 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2012-6-11 19:20 | 显示全部楼层
回复 11# 灵魂傀儡

发表于 2012-6-11 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
I have only tested the tactic over two days with FC Porto, but anyone who has been following me via Twitter will know that I have achieved some amazing success. I must stress though that this tactic has only had a trial run with FC Porto, so it probably needs further testing. Having said all that though, I managed to achieve the quadruple, beating Barcelona twice in the process.

我只用这个战术在波尔图身上用了2天 不过有我推特的人都知道 葡超我是纯爷们. 哦对了 另外 不是嚣张 爷是一个低调到被MR Hough 剽窃的人 但爷们还是用这个战术主客场双杀了巴萨. 不过呢 这个战术没试过多久 被对方干了就别叫了 她还需要更多的测试



我明白LZ要令翻译更生动,但LZ没必要在内文牵连Tactikzz和Mr Hough的事吧

TACTIKZZ明显想淡化这事,而且原文从未提过Mr Hough,LZ就别歪曲原文意思,说TACTIKZZ嘲讽Hough偷自己战术的行为,令TACTIKZZ的人品显得低劣

如果TACTIKZZ自己都不追究,就让Mr Hough这事慢慢淡化吧
发表于 2012-6-11 19:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 19:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 海钟瑞 于 2012-6-11 19:54 编辑


我明白LZ要令翻译更生动,但LZ没必要在内文 ...
aaron9 发表于 2012-6-11 19:36



 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-11 19:53 | 显示全部楼层
回复 14# aaron9

我如此翻译是因为我加入了自己的情绪 我觉得MR HOUGH很无耻啊
不过你这个提醒很正确 我会在后面的翻译里加入一些提示 表示与原作者无关
感恩 感恩
不过TACTIKZZ完全没有要如此过去的想法啊 他特意在他自己的网站上大写一篇讽刺MR HOUGH 叫 Name and shame 听听这名字 哈哈 地址在 http://fmtacticalnewspaper.fmcrowd.com/name-and-shame/
发表于 2012-6-11 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-11 19:58 | 显示全部楼层
回复  aaron9

我如此翻译是因为我加入了自己的情绪 我觉得MR HOUGH很无耻啊
不过你这个提醒很正确 我 ...
李小宇 发表于 2012-6-11 19:53

你能翻译Name And Shame 的这篇杰作吗?我单纯用翻译机看,都笑到岔气
发表于 2012-6-11 20:33 | 显示全部楼层


我明白LZ要令翻译更生动,但LZ没必要在内文 ...
aaron9 发表于 2012-6-11 19:36

他现在正在官网搞Mr Hough!

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