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TACTIKZZ前锋组合理论 Big ‘n’ Small(一高一快组合)全文~

发表于 2012-6-22 02:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 李小宇 于 2012-6-22 02:34 编辑

的战术理论 本篇是介绍如何用好前锋组合, 有一点值得提出 游戏中 站桩中锋不一定非要用头球啊 足球是大部分用脚完成的游戏 很多人这点都理解错了

原帖地址 http://fmtacticalnewspaper.fmcrowd.com/big-n-small/ 一切以原文为准 祝大家玩得哈皮~:tsj20]


Within the top tiers of European football, we have seen a change. A change that has seemingly buried the classic strike partnership of old. With the standard 4-4-2 formation being ignored and pushed out of the way for the more common 4-2-3-1 variant, will we ever again see strike partnerships instilling fear and terror on opposition defenders?

在顶级欧洲的赛场上 战术体系正在发生着改变.一种古典的锋线组合正在慢慢的消失.随着平行442被变化多端的4231慢慢取代的时候,我们还能看到锋线队员用完美的配合撕开对手后防线的场面么?

During the 1998/99 Premier League season, Dwight Yorke was very much in line to start many of Manchester United’s games, with Solskjaer and Sheringham rotating alongside, or even starting together. The legendary Yorke and Cole partnership was nowhere in sight. By a stroke o【屏蔽词语】, or chance, things were about to change via the league fixture against Southampton. Andy Cole was rotated into the starting eleven to partner Dwight Yorke and United ran out 3 – 0 winners, with each striker netting one goal each. Another fourteen goals followed for Manchester United throughout the next three games and the Yorke / Cole strike partnership was formed, running havoc throughout each and every defence across Europe.

让我们回到98/99赛季的英超战场上,Dwight Yorke与Solskjaer或者Sheringham搭档完成了很多曼联的比赛,号称黑风双煞的Yorke和Cole那时候还没有建立基情.直到一次偶然的机会,爵爷安排他俩一起出场了,结果南安普顿成了倒霉蛋,被干了3个,Yorke和Cole各有一球入账,在那之后的3场比赛里,黑风双煞摧毁了每一个对手,带领红魔轰进了14球.

They started 36 games together that season, United losing only once when they were involved. Manchester United scored 81 goals during this time and the strike duo scored a whopping 53 of the 81 goals.

在那个赛季里 他俩一起搭档了36场比赛,爵爷的球队在有他们同时在场的时候 仅仅输了一场,于此同时 曼联攻进了81球,而他们联手贡献了其中的53个.

While neither of them would be described as the ‘big man’, it just goes to show how effective a strike partnership can be when utilised in the right way. Dwight Yorke and Andy Cole were often praised for having an imaginary telepathic link when they played – an ability to read each others movements before the ball had even arrived at their feet. While we can’t recreate telepathy inside of Football Manager 2012, we can implement ideas that will harness the power of a classic strike partnership.

虽然他们中的每一个都不是顶级球星,但是他们可以作为团队合作1+1大于2的书面教材,那时候人们常说他们彼此之间有着奇妙的心灵感应,在自己接到球前就已经知道对方会跑向哪里.虽然我们不可能在FM中创造两个人之间的心灵感应,但我们可以制作一个战术 让这种古典的锋线组合产生化学反应

With the rise of the 4-2-3-1 and its many variants, as well as complete forwards such as Didier Drogba removing the requirement of a strike partnership, it’s a sad state of a affairs that we no longer see effective strike partnerships at the top level throughout European football. Of course they still exist, but they are few and far between. Barcelona inspired a nation of football lovers when they dabbled with a fluid 4-5-1 many years ago, inspiring football enthusiasts and Football Manager gamers into thinking that the only formation to play attractive yet effective football revolves around one solitary striker. Since then, a new strike role has formed – the false nine, designed and mastered by Lionel Messi.

随着越来越普及的4231,以及类似于全能前锋Didier Drogba的出现,你越来越难在顶级的欧洲赛场上看到古典型的锋线搭档了.当然这类的搭档还是有的 只是他们之间的联系变少了.巴塞罗那使用451的成功让人们觉得这种阵型才是美丽足球的基础,于此同时 一种以梅西为代表的前锋类型出现了,既能传带又能精确命中得分的9号半

As suggested earlier, when the likes of Didier Drogba can fulfil two roles in one, combining pace, raw power, the ability to hold up the ball while also being able to shoot with power in combination with deadly accuracy, is there a need for two strikers – a strike partnership? I am here to suggest that there is a need for a two man strike force.

就像之前说的 当你拥有一个像Didier Drogba一样的前锋:他集力量速度技巧于一身 单赛季能送出20+ 10+的数据的时候 你还有必要派出两个锋线球员吗? 依我看 我们还是需要这种古典的锋线搭档的.

Okay, not a need so much, or a requirement, but there is an effective way of getting the best out of a striking duo, turning your back on the more traditional one man strike force. A strike partnership can still be a viable way of designing and fleshing out a formation, so let’s see how to go about creating a Football Manager tactic that incorporates the big ‘n’ small man combination.

好吧好吧 可能没有那么必要,但是有一种有效的设置会让两个前锋产生美妙的化学反应,下面我就说说怎么在FM里建立 一高一快的锋线组合

Before I design a tactic, or idea which should be incorporated within a tactic, I like to imagine the concept within my head. How will the tactic play out and how will a specific component of the tactic function. I guess you could call these ideas the tactical blueprints.

在我设置一个战术之前 通常我会对这个战术有一个大概的想法,像我希望踢出什么样的足球 这个战术会有哪些特别的战术设置,我们可以叫他战术蓝图

Looking back through the decades of football, the big ‘n’ small man combination upfront has often been quite simple. Your larger centre forward, who possesses incredible physical attributes, plays football in a simple manner. Holding up the ball for midfield support, hardly running with the ball, laying off short and simple passes, and generally causing havoc throughout the opposing back-line. If your team requires a direct option, or your defenders feel flustered, then he can also be used as target practice from deeper positions. The large and physical striker keeps things simple in terms of general play, while bringing a vast amount of qualities to a footballing side.

在足球发展的几十年里 一高一快组合通常都很好理解.一个身体素质极好的中锋,一般踢法都很简单,为中场做球,基本不带球,依赖直来直往的简单传球,但是通常 他们都会给对手很大的冲击,如果你需要一个直接的打法,他可以作为一个可以依赖的支点.一个站桩中锋的打法虽然简单 但是在足球战略上 却能带给你很多.

I would like to touch on one point here – a short discussion about crossing and heading within Football Manager 2012. Many people throughout the community moan about crossing not being effective inside of the current match engine. While I agree that crossing isn’t effective inside of the game, it’s because of one important reason. Crossing is very much a game of chance. You’re effectively telling your players to either cross from deep, mixed, or byline positions, as well as instructing them to cross to the near post, far post, ?centre of the penalty area, or a variety of the various crossing options. Combined with this are each players crossing attributes, which reflect their crossing accuracy funnily enough.

在这里 我要说一点,一个关于传中和头球的小讨论. 很多人在论坛上说 FM2012的引擎并不适合传中,这点我比较赞同,在我看来,传中是比赛机会的体现, 你告诉了你的球员45度传中 还是下底 传到远门柱,近门柱还是禁区的中央,面对这么多的选择 你还觉得你球员那么几点可怜的传中数值还够用么?

Football Manager 2012 reflects real life in as much as not all crosses will land on a players head. How many times throughout a ‘real’ football match do you see mis-directed passes and crosses? I happens quite a lot. You’re instructing your players to cross from a zone on the pitch down either flank and instructing them to float the cross to a certain area. A cross is only successful when combined with intelligent player movement and opposition defenders making mistakes in marking. There are so many variables that need to be considered when attempting a successful cross that it’s no wonder that they more often than not, fail.

FM2012是模拟现实的足球,那么在现实的比赛中 你能看到多少次传丢的传中?也不是每次都能球球到位.一次传中的成功需要结合队友灵巧的跑位和对手的盯防失误,以及很多需要考虑的因素,这样看来对于传中的高失误率 就见怪不怪了.  

It is for this reason that I opt for my ‘big target man’ to receive to ball at his feet. It guarantees a greater completion rate of attempted passes into the target man, and allows for far greater movement off the ball when through-balls are played.

因为这个原因 所以我给进攻核心设置了给脚下球.这样就保证了他能顺利的拿到球, 同时对于身后球也有一定的控制.
Implementing Within FM
Having planned out that I require a two man strike force with one being a larger target man to receive passes to feet having withdrawn from the opposition defence, I now get to work. My right sided striker, Luis Suárez will be a poacher, running behind the opposition defensive line, awaiting through-balls from my creative midfield or the target man himself.

这样 有了双前锋的体系 以及一个高大的进攻核心,那么开始设置另一个前锋.右边的前锋 以Luis Suárez为例 将是我的抢点前锋, 在对方的后防线前后活动,等待着中场和那个进攻核心送出的身后球.

To get this to work we need a combination of two main things. The correct mentality settings in combination with forward run settings.

为了让这套体系运转 我们需要专注在两个重要方面:正确的心态结合适当的后插上.

I have tried to highlight the combination of mentality and forward runs throughout the above image. While it looks confusing, perhaps, it’s really quite straightforward. Once you understand the powers of mentality combined with forward run settings, you can flesh out any tactical idea.

我希望在上面的图中可以阐述心态和后插上的实例.也许看上去有点迷糊,但是如果你理解了这一点, 那么所有的战术组合你都可以理解

What we have here is a combination of two settings. Mentality and forward runs. When used together you can get exact positioning of your players within any tactical system. In the example above I have illustrated a horizontal orange line with the label ‘starting positions’ – this is the position that the two strikers will appear on the general Football Manager tactical pitch layout. They are positioned alongside each other, upfront, in a dual partnership. While it looks bland and stale, the wizardry happens behind the scenes when we start to meddle with the tactical sliders.

在上面的图中, 那条水平的橙色线是站位线,即FM系统给予前锋的站位线 虽然看上去很平常 但在调整了球员的战术滑条后,这两个搭档就会产生美妙的化学反应.

First of all, what I’m about to explain can be achieved through the new TC interface with roles such as ‘deep lying forward’ and ‘poacher’, but I want to show how to set this up ‘classically’, as it’s a great learning tool.

首先 在非拉线的战术下 这样设置很简单 但是我希望用拉线的战术来体现这一点.

Let’s say, as a starting base, that both strikers have their mentality set to seventeen on the slider. Now, we want the right striker to stay upfront, running behind the opposition defensive line, while our left striker, the larger of the two, drops off the defensive line into a deeper midfield position.

基本上,我们可以给予两个前锋搭档17的心态,下面,我们希望右侧的前锋更加具有侵略性,时刻准备着反越位.于此同时 左侧的前锋,身体素质更好的那位,尽量在对方的后防线前面,更加靠近中场的位置.

So we keep the right striker on seventeen mentality with his forward runs set to ‘often’. He will now stay far up field, looking to break the offside trap time and time again. He is the player that keeps the opposing defence on their toes.

这样,我们就可以设置右侧的前锋17的心态以及后插上“经常” 以保证他处在进攻最前端 时时准备攻破越位陷阱.

Our deep target man’s mentality differs somewhat. We don’t want him positioned high up the field. We want him dropping deeper into midfield, therefore we lower his mentality in combination with his forward run setting placed on ‘rarely’. The lower mentality drags him closer to the midfield, and the ‘rarely’ forward run setting makes sure he stays positioned deeper – where his mentality setting has placed him. If we kept his mentality on seventeen (the base mentality) and gave him no forward runs, he would be positioned alongside Suarez, while not making any forward runs.

如果按照上面的用法 那么左侧的高大进攻核心就应该有所不同, 我们不希望他靠的太上, 我们希望他可以回撤的更深一点, 所以我们设置稍低但是又与他的搭档相结合的心态,以及从不前插.稍低的心态和从不插上可以保证他落在后面拿球 处理球,如果我们设置了与他的搭档苏亚雷斯一样的心态 那么他们可能会跑到一个位置上,反而不可以更好的为队友创造机会.

Hopefully from this basic example you can see how mentality in combination with forward runs can help with exact player positioning – something that should really be discussed in another article in greater length. Mentality combined with the forward run setting ‘rarely’, gives you exact player positioning. Mentality combined with the forward run settings of either ‘mixed’ or ‘often’, allows you to control how far a player will travel up and down the pitch.


For example, keeping seventeen as the base mentality, if we placed Carroll on a lower setting than Suarez (remembering that Suarez is on seventeen mentality), but allowed him ‘mixed’ forward runs, he would drop deeper and attack the box from a deeper position than his strike partner. But in our big ‘n’ small tactical exercise we want him positioned deeper than his strike partner at all times.


Hopefully this makes sense. I can understand if it is slightly confusing, but it’s really not if you allow it to sink in. http://fmtacticalnewspaper.fmcrowd.com/guide-to-mentality/ but perhaps I should make a new article on mentality and forward run combinations, what do you think?


You can see all what I have said being played out in this image – as always, click the thumbnails for a larger resolution. Carroll drops deeper with a combination of his forward run setting ‘rarely’, while Suarez stays upfront looking to run behind the defensive line. Simple yet effective.

(图中文字说明,卡罗尔回撤拿球 对位的后卫拉出,龅牙苏向空位奔跑)

通过上面的图 你可以看出所有的我提出的组合理论,Carroll在设置了从不的后插上后,在更深的位置为更加靠前的Suarez输送炮弹.
非常简单 但有很有效果.

Football Manager Settings

Luis Suárez – Poacher

Mentality: Quite high – 18. (心态)
Creative Freedom: Low – 6. (自由度 )
Passing: Low – Between 1 and 6. (传球 )
Closing Down – 8.  (紧逼 )
Tackling: Normal. ( 铲抢)
Run From Deep: Often. (后插上)
Run With Ball: Often. ( 带球突破 )
Long Shots: Rarely. (远射)
Through Balls: Mixed. (身后球)
Cross Ball: Mixed or Rarely. (传中 )
Cross From: Byline (he will be bursting past defensive line so will reach the byline). (从哪里传中 因为前插 所以底线)
Cross Aim: Mixed. (传中给谁)
Wide Play: Move Into Channels. (边路活动 )
Roam From Position: No.( 灵活跑位)

These are the basic settings. The high mentality and forward runs ‘often’ keep him darting in behind the opposition’s defensive line. If he collects the ball from a pass he is allowed to dribble past defenders and break into space. The low creative freedom and lack of roaming keep him in a central position, in line with the tactical plan, while he is allowed to look for available space within the channels if defenders get dragged onto the deeper target man.


Andy Carroll – Deep Target Man

Mentality: Around four notches less – 14. (各设置说明如上~)
Creative Freedom: Medium – 9 (this gives him slightly more central movement to receive passes).
Passing: 1 – 10 (it depends whether you want him linking up with shorter or mixed passing ranges).
Closing Down: 11
Tackling: Normal or Hard.
Run From Deep: Rarely.
Run With Ball: Rarely.
Long Shots: Rarely.
Through Balls: Often.
Cross Ball: Rarely.
Cross From: Deep (he will be dropping off the defensive line so deep makes sense).
Cross Aim: Mixed.
Wide Play: Normal.
Roam From Position: No.
Place him as your target man with ball ‘To Feet’.

His lower mentality and forward runs set to ‘rarely’ allow him to drop off the defensive line and position himself deeper – hence why his wide play is set to ‘normal’ to keep him central. I have allowed him medium creative freedom to slightly free up his movement to allow him to find space within ‘the hole’. All his personal settings such as ‘run with ball’ are set to ‘rarely’. He’s a bulky target man so we don’t want him tripping over his own shoelaces do we? I have given him permission to attempt plenty of through-balls from deep positions as he might find wingers and the poacher running into space behind him as he drags defenders out of position. If he decides to lay the ball off to the central midfielders then they can attempt through-balls, so it’s not a problem really.

稍低的心态和从不插上确保回撤拿球,边路活动正常确保他呆在中路,给予中等的自由度可以保证他可以跑位寻找空挡拿球,因为一般这类的前锋盘带都不是很高,为了确保他带球时不被自己绊倒 咱还是来个从不带球吧.我给了他为边锋和前锋搭档给身后球的许可,这样一个空位的进攻球员总是可以拿到它的传球,同时他也可以传球给附近的中场球员,确保组织球员可以给予更手术的传球.

Settings In Action

(图片说明 卡罗尔回撤 对位中卫拉出 身后 大片空间)

(图片说明 卡罗尔回撤站位 对位中后卫紧逼防守 身后空挡 中场球员查理亚当为龅牙苏送出直塞 )

(图片说明 古蒂回撤拿球 亨利 和左边锋分别拿到大量空挡接球机会)

As you can see from the screenshots, Andy Carroll lured central defenders away from their deep central positions time and time again. It certainly was a constant feature and it allowed for huge holes to be created within the opposing defensive line for either wingers to exploit, or the poacher. If the target man is allowed enough space then he can attempt a through-ball himself, or in the example with Charlie Adam, Carroll can lay the ball off to a forward facing midfielder to slot a pass into space. His presence caused no end of panic throughout defences, both directly and indirectly.

从截图中可以看到 Andy Carroll一次次迫使对位的后防球员拉出,这样把身后大片的空挡留给了我们风驰电掣的边锋和那个“快”的前锋搭档.如果Andy Carroll有足够的空间 他会自己送出身后球,如果旁边有中场球员 他又会快速出球 确保中场可以送出手术刀般的传球.Andy Carroll的存在,至始至终给予了对手直接和间接的打击,让他们不得不犯下很多错误.

The last in-game screenshot shows my time trialling the theory at New York Red Bulls, this time with Guti (free transfer) as the deep target man. An experienced creative threat who starts high, but ends up in deeper positions. Defenders then have to weigh up the situation – to continue to tight mark, or hold the defensive line. More often than not, they kept getting dragged out of position.

最后一个图是我用红牛的截图,Guti打的回撤的进攻核心,对手的后防球员必须做个评估 是继续的紧逼盯人 被guti带出位置还是回收后防线, 但是大部分时间,他们都是被带出自己的位置.

(图片说明 龅牙苏在此体系下的数据)


While the big ‘n’ small man combination up front is perhaps not as prevalent as it once was, it’s still a useful combination to use within Football Manager. The most notable aspect of this combination has to be the fact that opposition defenders kept tightly marking my target man as he dropped deeper to receive the ball. This opened up holes within the opposing defensive line for any forward running player to exploit. Essentially turning a four man defence into a three man defence.

虽然一高一快这种组合 可能没有以前那么流行了,但是他还是一种可以用在FM中很高效的锋线组合.说他有效是因为对手的后防球员一旦紧逼盯人 那么就会被回撤的进攻核心带出他自己的位置 从而留下大片的空挡.本质上来说 4后卫变成了3后卫 2中卫变成了1中卫.

The fact that you can change the shape of the opposition has to be considered a positive.

Hopefully this guide has inspired you to try this within your Football Manager game and perhaps try this theory in other areas of the football pitch. How about trying it within the midfield, dragging central midfielders out of position, while other forward running midfielders exploit the space in behind. What about trying it down the flanks with your wingers, dragging the opposing fullbacks out of position.

The big man / small man combination is not dead – it’s just forgotten.


高快组合并没有消亡 只是被遗忘了~


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参与人数 3经验 +12 PGB +17 收起 理由
finalzjh + 10 + 10 翻译辛苦
dingjiany + 5 截图的草坪用了补丁的?好舒服
boomay + 2 + 2 希望还能有中场,后场


发表于 2012-6-22 02:34 | 显示全部楼层
卡罗尔的福音?  话说这个人是专业足球圈内人士么
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-22 02:35 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# boomay

   玩FM的吧 他的很多文章写的都很漂亮
发表于 2012-6-22 04:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 06:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 07:36 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# tanglian
发表于 2012-6-22 09:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 09:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 10:05 | 显示全部楼层
不是全部赞同 虽然贴出的数据不错
前锋的心态要和球队的呼应 当你是进攻心态时 抢点的心态已经很高 不需要再前插(越位)了 所以游戏中进攻心态时抢点默认从不前插
另外压迫也不赞同 还是游戏中进攻心态下抢点的压迫几乎满的 意味着他会就地反抢 而按原文中压迫的设置8 意味着他会先回撤 比如到中场的位置 这是影锋该干的活
发表于 2012-6-22 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
不是全部赞同 虽然贴出的数据不错
前锋的心态要和球队的呼应 当你是进攻心态时 抢点的心态已经很高 不需要 ...
顾晓诺 发表于 2012-6-22 10:05

发表于 2012-6-22 11:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 12:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 12:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 13:06 | 显示全部楼层
回复  boomay

   玩FM的吧 他的很多文章写的都很漂亮
李小宇 发表于 2012-6-22 02:35

已经抛弃赢球这个层次了 只是为了实现他的战术蓝图。
发表于 2012-6-22 14:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
为什么 我觉得截图好舒服,画面好细致!!!!
发表于 2012-6-22 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
这个战术的名字 应该改成 好基友战术···估计就火了
发表于 2012-6-22 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 15:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-22 16:28 | 显示全部楼层
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