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[转载] Mr Hough的临场指挥!(大体的翻译了一下)+更新组合包

发表于 2013-2-7 00:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 DrinkUp 于 2013-2-16 16:18 编辑

最近在研究临场指挥,看了一圈,没有找到较官方的解释, 闲来无事翻译了一下mr hough的这个解释. 能力有限,有些地方翻译不准确,请指正.

Defensive Distribution
Play Out of Defence –It will instruct any player with a defensive duty (midfield and defence) to play shorter passes. So it reduces passing. It’s worth using this if you find that these players are just hoofing the ball forward and giving possession away cheaply.

Pump Ball Into Box – This is great to use when you are chasing a goal late in a game. It instructs players to pass longer and play through the middle. It tells your defenders (and defensive midfielders) to try less through balls. If you use wide players it will ask them (and fullbacks) to hold up the ball rather than trying to play down the channels and instruct fullbacks to cross more (so make sure they are set to cross from deep). Your strikers will be told to run from deep more often.

It’s also great to use this is you have big target men type forwards who tower over the defenders and are good in the air. You can score quite a few goals by using this shout I’ve found out.

Clear Ball to Flanks - This shout instructs players to pass long, to play wider and focus play down the wings. It also tells defenders (and defensive midfielders) to play less through balls. I generally use this if teams play narrower (the narrow Man City 4231) than me. It’s also good for counter attacking if the opposition are playing through the middle.
防守区域短传出球:  它会指命令所有中场和后卫(防守型),让他们短传出球.

大脚开往对方的禁区: 当你在比赛的中后期需要一个进球, 你可以使用它.
                             它命令你的球员尝试长传球通过中场. 并且中后卫和防守型中场会减少身后球.
                           如果你的阵形有边锋, 他们(和边后卫)会控制球, 并且命令边后卫更多的传中(确保边后卫在离底线远的地方传中).

多往边路出球: 命令球员长传给边路球员, 阵形拉开. 它也命令中后卫和防守型中场减少身后球.

Defensive Line
Push Higher Up - Self explanatory this one. You instruct the defence to move high up the pitch and increases closing down. Ideal for using if you are facing slow strikers (you need intelligent defenders though), a team who are very defensive or if you want to reduce the space that the opposition is playing in.

Drop Deeper – Again explains itself but it tells the players to drop back deeper and reduces closing down. Times to use this are if you play against a team who pushes high up themselves and you are struggling to find any kind of space. Dropping deeper could see you create a bit more space. It’s also good to employ against fast strikers.
压上: 命令后卫提高防线并且增加压迫.
        如果你面临对方缓慢的锋线,或者当对方进攻的时候你想压缩 空间.
         当你的对手提高防线 而且你在努力寻找各种空间的时候, 回收的防线可以让你创造更多的空间.
         当对方有速度型前锋时, 你也可以使用这个策略.

Get Stuck In - This tells the team to tackle hard. Useful if the motivation widget tells you if the opposition are playing nervous or if a team has low bravery. Use this if you get the sense of your team been too soft and you think they could be winning the ball back quicker. Note though that you need the correct attributes from your own players to time the challenge right or you could pick up extra bookings and sending off’s.

Stay On Feet – Everyone (unless you use a BWM) will be instructed to easy tackle. This is useful if you feel challenges are been miss-timed or if you are just been reckless. Also good to use if your players are lack the tackling attribute. Using this also helps the team keep its defensive shape, especially against technically fast sides.
全力拼抢:  当你觉得你自己球队踢得太软或者你认为他们能够更快的赢得球权(抢下皮球)时使用。

动作不要太大:  每个球员都被命令文明的拦截(除了抢球机器).
                     当对方有技术好,速度快的双边, 也可以使用它.

Pass Into Space - This is one of my favourite shouts to use especially if I am struggling to break down the opposition. It increases through balls so the players pass the ball in front of the receiver so he can run onto the ball. It’s great for creating space and forcing the opposition’s players to try and make a tackle.

Pass Into Feet – Reduces through ball’s for the players. This is good to use if you feel too many passes are been intercepted by the opposition or you feel too many passes are been misplaced. If you have slow players this is the type of passing you want rather than the pass into space one above.
多传空档: 这是Mr.H最喜欢的策略, 尤其当球队正在全力进攻的时候.
              它增加了直传球, 球员把球传在接球者的前方, 能够很好的创造空间

多传脚下球: 球员减少直传球.
                 如果你觉得太多的传球被拦截或者盲目传球的时候, 这个很好用.
                 如果你有速度慢的进攻球员, 你也可以使用它,而不是多传空档.

Play Wider – Instructs the players to play wider and to focus passing down both flanks. If the opposition are playing narrow it can be used to try and stretch them wider. Extremely useful if the midfield is cramped and you are outnumbered.

Play Narrower - You focus passing through the centre and decrease width. I find it best used when the opposition are outnumbered and leaving holes through the centre. It’s also useful if you want to pack the midfield and become more solid to get through.

阵形拉开: 命令球员拉开阵形, 传球更集中的传向两个边路.
              如果对手收缩阵形, 它可以拉开对方的阵形.
              如果中场的人数拥挤,而且你的人数少于对手, 它会非常用!

阵形收缩: 通过减少宽度, 传递集中在中路.

Run At Defence - Instructs all attacking players to run with the ball often. This does not include MC’s on attacking duty, only attacking midfielders. This is best used when the opposition allows your attacking players time on the ball .i.e. not closing you down. It can be a great shout to use if the opposition is standing off you. It can be equally effective if the oppositions defence are bad at tackling as well.

Play Through Defence – Tells the players to run with the ball rarely. This only works for attacking midfielders (AML/AMR too) and strikers. The rest of the players will still be as you’ve instructed them to play; this includes MC’s who have an attacking duty. This can be a great shout to use if you feel the opposition are defending well and winning the ball too much from your attacking players. So use this when you are struggling to break down the oppositions defence.

突破穿越防线: 命令所有进攻球员带球突破.
                   注意,中场不包括进攻职责的MC, 只有进攻的AMC可以.

传球渗透防线: 命令球员减少带球. 只适用于AMC,AML/R,锋线.
                    如果你觉得对方的后防好于你的攻击线太多的时候,可以使用它, 球员会努力的击溃对方防线.

Shoot On Sight – Increases the long shots for your team. Can be used against sides that are deemed to park the bus in front of the goal. Advisable to use if your attacking players have a good long shot attribute.

Work Ball Into Box – This tells players to use long shots rarely. This is useful if you think your players are shooting too often. Or if you find you want to keep possession and be more probing.

有机会就射门: 你的球队会增加远射. 当对方在防线摆大巴的时候.

把球做入禁区: 将会减少远射. 如果你的球员射门太频繁.

Wing Play
Hit Early Crosses – Tells fullback, wingbacks, wide midfielders and wingers to cross the ball early. It puts run with ball on rarely and cross from on mixed. This can be used against sides that play with a high defensive line. This can also be used if you have a fast striker who can break defences with his pace and acceleration.

Look For Overlap – Your fullbacks or wingbacks will be given a more attacking mentality, run from deep often, cross ball often and be asked to cross from byline. While your wingers will be given a more defensive mentality, run from deep rarely and hold up the ball. It’s great to use against defensive sides who don’t really pose an attacking threat. Can also be used against narrow formations that lack wide players.

Take A Breather - Decreases forward runs and tempo. You should use this is you don’t have players with good stamina or if condition is getting a bit low. It’s useful to use in games where you might have a few close games in succession. Can also be used to help maintain a good lead.

尽早传中: 命令后卫,边后卫,边前卫,边锋, 尽快的传中.可以用来对付高位防线.

             后卫和边后卫将被给予更过的进攻心态, 经常前插.
             你的边位将会获得更多的防守心态, 很少带球下底,并且控制球.

            减少前插和推进速度.  当球员体力不足时,可以使用.

Retain Possession – Shortens passing length and slows the tempo down for your players. I use this shout a lot, it helps pass the ball around and not give possession away easily. Some people enjoy dominating possession as they believe if the opposition don’t have the ball they can’t score. Which is true but it’s also a good tool to use when you want to close a game out and hold onto the current result. Rather than go defensive and invite un-needed pressure I believe this to be a lot less risky and just as effective;

Get Ball Forward – Increases both passing length and tempo for the side. If you feel you are having a lot of possession but not really doing anything with it, then you’ll want to use this touchline shout. Also good to use this if you are chasing a game.
            缩短传球的长度, 放缓节奏. 它有助于把球传起来,不给对手轻易抢走.
            它胜于全力防守, 因为它减少了一些压力,少了很多风险.

            同时加强传球长度和节奏. 如果你觉得很多控球是无用的,你可以使用它.

Stand-Off Opponents – Changes marking to loose zonal, reduces closing down drastically and decreases tempo. When you play a technically superior side and don’t want players to get skinned you’d use this shout to ensure you keep your defensive shape and don’t allow gaps to appear which the opposition could exploit.

Hassle Opponents – Increases the tempo, tells the team to tight man mark and also increases the closing down for your side. Use this if you want to reduce space and time that you allow the opposition to have. Works good with a very attacking strategy and against teams who are a lot weaker than yours.

不逼抢对手: 变成区域防守,减少逼抢和节奏.

Midfield Distribution
Exploit The Flanks – It gives the fullback/wingbacks and wingers more attacking and focuses the play down both flanks. It also tells them to run from deep and cross the ball more often. If you use central midfielders then it’ll tell them to hold up the ball. You should use this if you find the middle over crowded or if you have good wide players who can cross.

Exploit The Middle – None defensive players will have their run from deep increased too often. Tells your team to focus their passing through the middle and any defenders and defensive midfielders will have their mentality changed to a more attacking one and be told to do through balls often. If you don’t use wide players then you should use this shout. It’s also great against teams who leave big gaping holes through the centre. I find it really effective against the 4231 (the CM one and not the DM) as the gap in the middle is huge.


多走两翼: 它给予边后卫,后卫和边位更多的进攻心态. 两翼齐飞是传球重点.

              防守型中场将会改变他们的心态, 他们会经常传直塞球.
             如果你没有边路球员,可以用这个. 对抗4231(CM,而不是DM)很有效果, 因为后腰的空档是很大的.

http://www.playgm.cn/viewthread. ... hlight=%C1%D9%B3%A1 (二楼)


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-7 01:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 DrinkUp 于 2013-2-8 15:48 编辑

稍后更新, 在FM-BASE里面拔下来的几个临场指挥组合. 我自己有试用,效果很不错

看名字就知道,传控的踢法. 场面很好看, 我用的斯旺西都可以踢的很好看.

摆大巴. 但是它是控球式防守,后防的压力小,被进球的风险就小.









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参与人数 2PGB +7 收起 理由
caicarl30 + 5 很给力!
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发表于 2013-2-7 03:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-2-7 10:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-7 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-7 11:16 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-7 15:27 | 显示全部楼层
大家有好的战术组合包可以分享出来. 临场指挥越来越主流. 玩起来也很有意思, 看着自己的球队,上半场打着皇马的高位压迫, 下半场打着巴萨的控球,很有成就感.
发表于 2013-2-7 15:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-2-7 16:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-2-7 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
回复 10# liutieguan

hoofing the ball forward 你翻译成了钩球前进,我的理解是无脑大脚向前开球。请参考。
发表于 2013-2-7 17:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-7 17:24 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-7 17:33 | 显示全部楼层
回复  liutieguan

hoofing the ball forward 你翻译成了钩球前进,我的理解是无脑大脚向前开球 ...
死鱼 发表于 2013-2-7 16:56

    嗯.这个我查了好久,都没找到合适的意思. 一开始想写无目的的带球.
发表于 2013-2-7 18:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-7 18:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-7 18:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-7 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-7 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
回复 18# onlyweiran

    建议你一切都默认. 其实默认的战术是最合理的. 你可以修改一下,比如从不远射, 定位球,等等这种设置可以.
发表于 2013-2-7 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
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