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发表于 2014-3-1 01:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

- 更新到2014年1月


- 修正了罕见的崩溃与城市居民在编辑后保存
- 修正了罕见的崩溃度假的下夹具时,
- 修正了罕见的转会截止日崩溃
- 固定崩溃与土耳其球员名字
- 修正了罕见的崩溃,当历史已损坏
- 从召回租借球员时出现的罕见暴跌
- 中和比赛后出现的罕见问题发生


- 修正了国家的联赛没有被加入巴西联赛时定
- 修正了过去的获奖者筛选使用波兰超级联赛持仓量从常规赛,而不是位置从分割后
- 保加利亚和罗马尼亚的玩家不再从2014年1月需要工作许可证的英国俱乐部
- 固定用户没有给机会推迟超级联赛的比赛,由于国际Callups
- 国内装置的改进调度前/欧洲比赛之后
- 固定用户没有被要求赛季最后一场比赛后,设置季节间断结束的长度
- 修正MLS球队无法注册球员为俱乐部世界锦标赛
- 改进的球员在大联盟选秀池中选择
- CFA联赛时间表现在可以正确地匹配其他法国联赛
- 改进了A联赛的AI团队的签约球员跑马灯


- 放宽一些德国转移的喜好来允许用户登录外界更多的玩家德国
- 离开工作岗位季后赛总决赛之前阻止AI经理
- 增加了国际化的管理人人自危量
- 从签约的球员租借当玩家已经效力于两支球队在本赛季阻止了AI
- 当被租借到了南美双方已阻止玩家获得的贷款自动延长
- 调整菜谱,以供用户球员做由AI转让
- 已阻止最近退居一边从每天进入的雇用和解雇经理一个循环的最低可玩联赛


- 修正了教练组意见不出现某些客户端在线
- 修正了青春设置类别不升级,尽管请求被接受
- 修正了球员想讨论未能晋级冠军杯冠军,尽管有资格
- 到播放器固定不合理的响应被祝贺第一届国际帽
- 修正了奇怪的/矛盾反应的几个问题的小组会议


- 修正转账记录被使用韩元错误时,打破了较低的费用
- 修正了经理去赔率显示已经解雇了经理
- 修正了教练组意见的链接,允许用户重复私聊
- 从教练组意见不正常修正删除发售
- 修正了欧冠最佳射手破纪录表明此前的纪录为-1
- 修正了代码显示在新闻项目时国际队改变国家队长没有现任经理
- 修正了不正确计算玩家人数在转会窗新闻发布会上签字的问题
- 修正了六倍新闻项目不产生
- 修正了新闻发布会的问题考虑联赛是一场势均力敌的较量运行不正确
- 修正了按会议问题错误地指非前锋作为前锋
- 修正了丢失的头条上擅离职守新闻项目
- 修正了重复信息的播放器亮相新闻
- 修正了联赛的具体问题被要求在赛后的新闻发布会


- 修正了用户对球员教练报告屏幕上选择不同的球员角色的能力
- 已阻止联合国当用户改变比赛细节详细程度屏幕复制
- 修正了俱乐部球探的任务排序
- 固定滤波器复位队选拔概览屏幕上
- 修正了反对派说明当用户使用在比赛的指定曲目清理向导
- 修正了比赛的部件原地淡出后亮点发挥出来
- 修正了主客场统计团队在比赛概述开关
- 修正了助理经理忠告自动更新在比赛概述
- 修正了重要的属性面板中玩家战术不更新
- 修正了球探报告培训发展与幸福为显示玩家的空白栏租借出去
未出现夹具详细信息面板上的固定杯并列的球员 -


- 新闻项目优先改进管理新闻网站
- 助理培训会正确地更新培训饼图
- 停止播放时的时间很短的时间李威到那个位置学习新职位
- 改进了球员的训练,当用户改变战术频繁


- 在挪威双固定奖金支付
- 修正了赞助商新闻项目四舍五入的问题
- 固定的问题与不合逻辑体育场竣工日期
- 固定的问题与0英镑赞助
- 改进NEWGEN创造仅查看联赛
- 固定问题,即拟议的计划,以改善体育场已通过下跌,并没有解释给用户
- 固定问题,即董事会只增加了转会预算从 - £ 2k到0英镑
- 调整后的创作在意大利成立的非洲和阿尔巴尼亚小牛


- 验证在高级规则文件时,修正了一些独特的崩溃
- 恢复了一些验证警告先前不产生
- 修正了增加低级别联赛,以现有的结构时,并转换为高级莱利被拆除夹具规则的问题
- 修正了一个问题,即某些联赛“默认规则似乎没有日期或晋升/降级信息
- 改进的平均分表中的自定义规则的国家的功能
- 修正了一个罕见的问题,其中一个玩家会获得20的位置的评价,它不会提取到正确的游戏


- 修正了删除其中一个球员的不满,只为它的第二天返回的问题
- 启用国家的编辑


- 在高端提高运球速度
- 改进的传球和射门精度稍微较高档次
- 改进的门将将AI
- 修正了门将试图拿起在脚下球,但不能够保持它
- 修正不切实际的可怕可怜的触摸某些情况下,
- 修正了一些边后卫向前发展太快将球断下
- 增加一定的攻击角色下探更深寻找球的可能性
- 一间隙的改进目标高度
- 修正了“六合彩堆场面积”在角落,以平均纬向禁区六码的边缘标记
- 修正了一间隙轨迹的bug
- 轻微减少overhit通行证
- 修正了自己的潜在目标错误时,播放器会尝试站在原地用自己的球门线附近的球
- 已阻止中场球员去太深捍卫自己的领域时,
- 增加速度维护者会推出的方块,当球赢回来或在深区域清除
- 捍卫者减少实例回头对球和撤退的速度太快时,球队通常是很好的防守位置
- 修正了错误,导致后卫标记的对手和降得深入到自己的区域
- 接收播放器时,调整了步伐和一些简短的通行证英尺目标点是在压力下
- 鼓励稍微多一些传球在背后反对d线
- 减少过长的第一个接触的一些进一步的实例
- 放置时采取的球更接近目标的反对从减少过早距离投篮锅
- 鼓励采取对对手球员所可能与球运行更
- 一些小的盘带AI调整
- 鼓励将球推进至目标的人多一点
- 调整通AI稍微
- 调整了十字AI稍微
- 在较低的水平略有上升犯规
- 减少的心态选择稍微低直接人工智能队
- 增加使用直接播放策略小团队
- 奇掷插件修复潜力
- 修正了一个问题,当李威播放器不误事
- 调整传球的选择AI
- 球的AI调整了运行
- 调整了,当过AI
- 调整时拍摄长的AI
- 调整了拍摄选择AI的顶级球员
- 调整了头精度略有
- 调整时,以清除球AI
- 修正了错误,导致许多角落去太靠近球门线
- 调整了各地的球的球员球运动
- 修正和调整,以通过人工智能
- 修正了一些问题,导致运球很差,并先碰触的决定
- 调整了一些重新的时候拍还是不
- 脱球运动在某些情况下增加了紧迫性
- 修正越位被调用后玩家已经搬回越位传球前
- 修正了由俯冲攻击者可能会导致罚款不论在何地发生的
- 在某些情况下改进门将反应
- 在需要的时候制造饲养员打扫球更积极
- 改进的门将定位角度缩小时
- 修正了一个传球被报告为550码的距离
- 拿着枪看守的固定不现实的例子
- 修正了门将作无谓尝试保存时,已经让球用完
- 修正了饲养员使得马车试图挽救球,当他们有它的控制下已
- 改进的门将分布
- 修正了马车越位正在考虑当球员犯规
- 修正了玩家毫无意义的尝试拦截发往对手的球持续某些情况下,
- 玩家制造快速移动时减慢运动球下压
- 修正了马车不好的第一接触的一些实例
- 围绕自己的危险区域风险较小的通行证
- 一些小一般通过调整AI
- 调整了远投的AI稍微
- 减少愚蠢的通行证情况下,当球员在进球机会
- 玩家制造大约漂流越位少奋发拼搏
- 修正了马车踢附加赛,其中2名球员得到对方的“方式
- 修正了一些门将的间隙正在考虑海拔不足
- 修正了一些十字架不是正在尝试
- 减少危险和长传回
- 减少DFK稍微转换
- 对于门将处理和球问题的判断进一步修正
- 删除了不合逻辑的区域盯人周围禁区的角球任意球
- 减少从地面不自然环形踢
- 更小的调整,对球的决策人工智能
- 玩家固定罕见“瞬移”任意球上
- 远射减少不切实际的实例
- 修正错误造成一些出手速度将减少
- 微调拍摄,并通过精度
- 微调球员的评分
- 修正underhit几脚长
- 修正了偶尔的处罚裁决时,即属犯罪远不区
- 的进球之后的比赛没有拉开固定罕见的发生


- Updated to January 2014


- Fixed rare crash related to city inhabitants in edited save
- Fixed rare crash when holidaying to next fixture
- Fixed rare transfer deadline day crash
- Fixed crash related to Turkish player names
- Fixed rare crash when histories have been corrupted
- Fixed rare crash when recalling players from loan
- Fixed rare issue occurring during and after matches


- Fixed State leagues not being scheduled when adding Brazilian leagues
- Fixed past Winners screen for the Polish Ekstraklasa using positions from the Regular Season and not the positions from after the Split
- Bulgarian and Romanian Players no longer need a Work Permit for British Clubs from January 2014
- Fixed user not given opportunity to Postpone Premier Division match due to International Callups
- Improved scheduling of domestic fixtures before/after European matches
- Fixed user not being asked to set length of End of Season Break after last match of season
- Fixed MLS teams being unable to register players for Club World Championship
- Improved the selection of players in the MLS Draft pool
- CFA League Schedule now correctly matching other French Leagues
- Improved A-League AI teams' signing of Marquee players


- Relaxed some German transfer preferences to allow users to sign more players from outside of Germany
- Prevented AI managers from leaving jobs before playoff finals
- Increased amount of international management sackings
- Prevented the AI from signing a player on loan when the player has already played for two teams in the current season
- Prevented players loans getting extended automatically when being loaned to South American sides
- Tweaks to transfers made by the AI for users players
- Prevented recently relegated side from the lowest playable league from entering a loop of hiring and firing managers on a daily basis


- Fixed backroom advice not appearing for some clients online
- Fixed Youth Setup Category not upgrading despite request being accepted
- Fixed player wanting to discuss failure to qualify for Champions Cup despite having qualified
- Fixed irrational response to player being congratulated on first international cap
- Fixed a few issues of strange/contradictory responses in team meetings


- Fixed transfer records being incorrectly broken with lower fee when using South Korean Won
- Fixed manager to go odds displaying already sacked manager
- Fixed backroom advice link allowing user to repeat private chat
- Fixed remove Offer from Backroom Advice not functioning correctly
- Fixed Champions League top goalscorer record broken shows previous record as -1
- Fixed code displayed in news item when international team changes national captain without a current manager
- Fixed incorrect calculation for number of players signed in transfer window press conference question
- Fixed sextuple news item not generating
- Fixed press conference question considering league to be a close run contest incorrectly
- Fixed press Conference question incorrectly referring to non-striker as striker
- Fixed missing headline on AWOL news item
- Fixed duplicated information in player debut news
- Fixed league specific question being asked in post-match press conference


- Fixed user's ability to select different player roles on the Player Coach Report screen
- Prevented Nations duplicating when user changes Match Detail on Detail Level screen
- Fixed sorting of club scouting assignments
- Fixed filters resetting on the Team Selection Overview screen
- Fixed Opposition Instructions clearing when user uses the Set Piece Wizard in Match
- Fixed Match widgets staying faded out after highlight has played out
- Fixed Home and Away Team stats switching in Match Overview
- Fixed Assistant Manager Advice automatically updating in Match Overview
- Fixed Important Attributes panel in Player Tactics not updating
- Fixed Scout Report Training Development & Happiness displaying blank bars for player out on loan
- Fixed Cup tied players not appearing on Fixture Details panel


- News Item priority improvements to Manager News Website
- Assistant Training will correctly update the training pie chart
- Stopped players learning new positions when subbed into that position for very short periods of time
- Improved player training when user changes tactics frequently


- Fixed double prize money payout in Norway
- Fixed rounding issue in Sponsorship news item
- Fixed issue with illogical stadium completion date
- Fixed issue with £0 Sponsorship
- Improved newgen creation in View-only leagues
- Fixed issue where proposed plans to improve a stadium had fallen through and weren't explained to the user
- Fixed issue where a board only increased a transfer budget from -£2k to £0
- Adjusted the creation of African and Albanian newgens created in Italy


- Fixed a number of unique crashes when verifying files in Advanced Rules
- Restored a number of verification warnings that were previously not generating
- Fixed an issue where fixture rules were removed when adding lower divisions to existing structures and converting to Advanced Riles
- Fixed an issue where certain leagues' default rules appeared with no dates or promotion/relegation information
- Improved the functionality of average points tables in custom nation rules
- Fixed a rare issue where a player would be given a positional rating of 20 and it would not extract into the game properly


- Fixed an issue where a player's unhappiness was removed, only for it to return the next day
- Enabled the editing of nations


- Increased dribbling speed at higher end
- Improved pass and shot accuracy slightly at higher end
- Improved goalkeeper save AI
- Fixed keeper trying to pick up ball at feet but not being able to hold it
- Fixed some instances of unrealistically dreadful poor touch
- Fixed some full backs going forward too quickly off the ball
- Increased likelihood of certain attacking roles dropping deeper to look for ball
- Improved destination height of headed clearances
- Fixed up "Mark six yard area" at corners to mean zonal marking of the edge of the six yard box
- Fixed headed clearance trajectory bug
- Slight reduction in overhit passes
- Fixed potential own goal bug when player tries to stand still with ball near own goal line
- Prevented midfield players going too deep when defending own area
- Increased speed defenders will push up out of box when ball won back or cleared in deep areas
- Reduced instances of defenders turning back on ball and retreating too quickly when team is generally well positioned defensively
- Fixed error causing defenders to mark opponents and drop too deep into own area
- Tweaked pace and target point of some short passes to feet when receiving player is under pressure
- Slightly encouraged some more passes in behind opposition d-line
- Reduced some further instances of overly long first touches
- Reduced premature pot shots from distance when placed to take ball closer to opposition goal
- Encouraged taking on of opponents by players likely to run with ball more
- Some small dribbling AI tweaks
- Encouraged ball forward to target man a bit more
- Tweaked pass AI slightly
- Tweaked cross AI slightly
- Increased fouls slightly at lower levels
- Reduced mentality choice slightly for low directness AI teams
- Increased use of direct play strategy for smaller teams
- Potential fix for odd throw ins
- Fixed an issue when the subbed player doesn't drop the ball
- Tweaked pass choice AI
- Tweaked run with ball AI
- Tweaked when to cross AI
- Tweaked when to shoot long AI
- Tweaked shot choice AI for top players
- Tweaked header accuracy slightly
- Tweaked when to clear ball AI
- Fixed error causing many corners to go too close to goal line
- Tweaked off ball movement around ball player
- Fixes and tweaks to passing AI
- Fixed some issues causing poor dribbling and first touch decisions
- Some tweaks re when to shoot or not
- Increased urgency of off ball movement in some situations
- Fixed offsides being called after player has moved back onside before pass
- Fixed bug where dive by attacker could result in penalty regardless of where it occurred
- Improved keeper reactions in some situations
- Made keepers sweep up balls more aggressively when needed
- Improved keeper positioning when narrowing angle
- Fixed a pass being reported as 550 yards in distance
- Fixed unrealistic examples of keepers holding shots
- Fixed keeper making unnecessary save attempt when already letting ball run out
- Fixed keepers making buggy attempts to save ball when they have it under control already
- Improved goalkeeper distribution
- Fixed buggy offsides being given when player fouled
- Fixed some instances of players continuing with pointless attempts to intercept balls that are destined for opponent
- Made players quicker to move to slow moving ball when under pressure
- Fixed some instances of buggy poor first touches
- Less risky passes around own danger area
- Some minor general passing AI tweaks
- Tweaked long shot AI slightly
- Reduced instances of silly passes when player in goalscoring opportunity
- Made players less gung ho about drifting offside
- Fixed buggy kick offs where the 2 players get in each other’s' way
- Fixed some keeper clearances being given insufficient elevation
- Fix for some crosses not being attempted
- Reduction in dangerous and long back passes
- Reduced DFK conversion slightly
- Further fixes for keeper handling and judgement of ball issues
- Removed illogical zonal marking on free kicks around corner of penalty area
- Reduced unnaturally looped kicks from ground
- More minor tweaks to on ball decision making AI
- Fixed rare occurrence of player "teleporting" randomly on ball
- Reduced unrealistic instances of long shots
- Fixed bug causing some shot velocities to be reduced
- Fine-tuned shot and pass accuracy
- Fine-tuned player ratings
- Fixed underhit long kicks
- Fix occasional penalty awards when offence nowhere near area
- Fixed rare occurrence of match not kicking off after goal

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-1 01:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 01:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 03:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 03:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 04:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 07:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 10:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 11:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 12:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 14:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-3-1 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
Fixed some instances of unrealistically dreadful poor touch
发表于 2014-3-1 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-1 23:11 | 显示全部楼层
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