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[转载] Football Manager 2015 特色

发表于 2014-10-13 13:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jht1983 于 2014-10-13 20:15 编辑


Football Manager 2015 Features

Redesigned User Interface
The interface for Football Manager has been completely redesigned and features a new responsive sidebar, making some of the previously hidden areas of the game available in just a few clicks.


Player Promises Page
You can easily view all the promises you've made to your players, fellow managers or the board in the brand new promises page. Now there's no excuse for forgetting you promised to give that kid a run in the first team!

在全新的诺言页面,您可以轻松地查看所有你对球员,各位经理人或董事的承诺。你现在应该没有理由忘记你给那些小朋友们的承诺了吧 (好吧,我估计我还是会爽约)

Managerial Style
When you start a new game you'll now have the option to choose what style of manager you want to be. Whether you'll be a tracksuit manager on the training ground or a more distant tactical manager. You can also set your mental and coaching attributes as well as what coaching badges you hold.

当你开始一个新的游戏,你现在可以选择你想要成为什么样式的教练风格,既可以是穿着球服在教练场上的教练(亲民,什么都自己干),也可以是远离球场冷漠的战术大师 (应该是让助教干,你协助吧). 您还可以根据你执教的模式来设置自己的心理和教练的属性

Coaching Badges
As a manager you can now take time out to train for your coaches badges. These will increase your coaching and mental attributes allowing you to get the most of your players and ensuring you have the respect of the players, fans and owners. However choose when to take your badges wisely since dividing your time could have a negative influence on your team.


Most significant improvements to the 3D Match Engine since FM2009
The Football Manager 2015 Match Engine has been given its biggest overhaul since FM2009 with new new cutting edge motion capture data enabling the game to accurately reflect real player movements. There have also been improvements to the stadiums and weather in FM2015, players will look wetter when its raining and more reflective in the sun, while stadiums will feature team specific colours and banners.


Touchline Team Talks in FM2015
FM2015 introduces Touchline Team Talks which allow you to talk to your squad during the game, you can shout encouragement or abuse at the entire team, or specific individuals, just as you would during pre match, half time or full time team talks.


New default tactics and improved tactics from AI managers
There are more default tactics than ever, so you'll never be short of a tactic to choose from and the AI will be more varied in the tactics they put out against your side. AI managers will now utilise their tactics more effectively than before, including incorporating player roles more intelligently into their tactics, and they’ll also have preferred roles that they’ll integrate into their tactics system.

还有更多默认的策略比以往任何时候,所以你永远不会成为短战术可供选择, AI会在他们做出了对你身边的手法更加多样化。人工智能经理现在会更有效地利用他们的战术比以前,包括更加智能整合的角色球员到他们的战术,他们也会更喜欢的角色,他们会融入自己的战术体系。

Four new player roles
Football Manager 2015 sees the introduction of four new player roles a Roaming Playmaker, who splits his duties between both a Deeplying Playmaker and an Advanced Playmaker. The second new role is a Raumdeuter, who is a sort of wide poacher, who stays out wide during the build up play before entering the mix late on in an attack. The third role is an Inverted Wingback who will tend to drift inside alot more than a regular wingback. Finally there is the new Wide Playmaker role suitable for wide men who want to drift inside more than a conventional winger.

roaming playmaker (DM and CM), - 比如巴西的蓬蓬头路易斯
raumdeuter (AMRL), 比如德国的穆勒
inverted wing back (WBRL), 比如国米的扎内蒂
wide playmaker (MRL) - 没想好有谁是

New Player Preferred Moves
FM2015 introduces new Player Preferred Moves. There is a new 'penalty box player' PPM suitable for those players who like to do their work in the box rather than dropping wide or deep. There is also a 'refrains from shooting from distance' for those players who like to look for a killer pass or work the ball into the box instead of having a crack. For goalkeepers there is a new ‘likes to throw the ball long to start counter attacks’ perfect for those sides who want to push straight on the attack from a defensive position.

FM2015引入了新球员的习惯动作。有一种叫做点球区球员,他们更喜欢在点球区活动儿不是拉边或者下底。另外一种是不喜欢从禁区外远射,这类人更喜欢做最后一传的终结者或者把球送进禁区而不是禁区外早泄(哈) 。对于守门员有一个新的叫做“长抛球反击”很适合从本方防守直接反击进攻(我喜欢这个)

Scouting Improvements
Scouting has been improved to be better integrated into the player search functionality, becoming a central place to find new players. There are also new ways to search for players, such as instructing your scouts to search for a replacement for a particular player. Scouts will also get in touch more regularly to offer their thoughts on an assignment, or suggest new assignments. You can also scout players over a long time frame, such as 3 months if you're preparing for the next transfer window, or waiting until a players contract runs down. Scout reports also include a new 'Pros and Cons' section, making it easier than ever to get a quick overview of player from your scout.


Improved Fog of War
Fog of War is an option you have when starting a new game which makes attributes of non scouted players hidden. However in FM2015 this has been revamped so that players you don't know much about have a range of attributes such as 12-16 and you'll have to scout them more and with better scouts to see exactly what the players rating is for that particular attribute.


Improved Search
The new interface comes with an improved search which works similarly to modern web browsers. Simply start typing and a list of suggestions will drop down depending on what you've typed. The search will now be faster and more intelligent allowing you to very quickly get around the game.


Improved Player Search
There are new options when searching for players in FM2015. You can now search only for those players who have been scouted making it easier to compare scouted players against each other. FM15 also boasts new ways to filter your search such as searching for players who are unhappy at their current clubs or searching for players who count towards your home grown quota.

有寻找玩家在FM2015的时候是新的选择。现在,您可以只搜索那些谁一直球探使其更容易比较彼此球探球员的球员。 FM15还拥有新的方法来过滤搜索,如搜索球员谁是不满自己目前的俱乐部或寻找球员谁对你的家庭长大的配额数。

Improved Player Interactions
The different ways in which you can interact with your players has been massively expanded in FM2015. You can even ask players to talk to the media or to look for a new club themselves if you're having problems selling them. FM15 also brings the ability to talk to a group of players about the same issue, not all issues require a full team talk, but if 5 or so players are concerned about the same thing you can now get them together to talk as a group rather than dealing with each one individually. Players will also ally with each other or against each other, so players may choose to stand up for their coach in discussions with troublesome players.

不同的方法,使你可以与你的球员互动已大规模扩大FM2015 。你甚至可以要求球员跟媒体或者寻找新东家自己,如果你有问题销售。 FM15也带来去跟一群玩家同一个问题,不是所有的问题都需要一个完整的团队谈话的能力,但如果5级左右的玩家都在关注同样的事情,你现在可以让他们一起来讨论作为一个群体,而不是处理个别每一个。玩家也将加盟与对方或互相反对,所以玩家可以选择站出来为他们的麻烦的玩家们讨论的教练。

Media Improvements in FM2015
FM2015 sees the journalists split into two distinct groups; tabloid and broadsheet. This will provide a greater mix of media interaction, styles and personalities within the media. Tabloids will be looking for their next big headline while broadsheets will be looking for a more tactical analysis. Brand new in Football Manager are tunnel interviews and training ground interviews. Just like in real life you may be called on to answer questions at any time.


Improvements to Finances
Finances have been improved in FM2015 to give you a better idea of the money going in and out of your club and whether or not you're meeting your targets. It's now easier to plan for the following season as transfer and wage budgets are set earlier in the year and take into consideration future transfers and players that will be leaving when their contract expires, thus freeing up part of your wage budget when searching for a replacement.

在FM2015财政得到改善,给你一个更好的主意,钱进出你的俱乐部,以及是否或不是你满足你的目标。它现在更容易规划下个赛季的转会和工资预算在今年早些时候成立,并考虑到未来的转会和球员时,他们的合同到期将要离开,从而释放你的工资预算的一部分寻找替代时, 。

Manager History
You will now be able to get a better understand of not only your own managerial history, but the history of past and rival managers as well. When you join a club you will now be able to compare yourself to how past managers have done as well as get an insight into how the board tend to react to things like bad form. The improvements will allow you to track all the finest moments and results from your career, as well as those few embarrassing moments, such as the humiliating defeat to a lower league side.


Better Job Interviews
Job interviews have been expanded following their introduced in FM2014. You will now be asked more specific questions about whether you can make the step up (when applying to a larger club), or why you didn't spend very long at one of your previous clubs. Your track record in the transfer market will also come under scrutiny. You'll have to answer these questions very carefully if you're going to get the job.


Changes to training
Training has been expanded in FM2015. You can now ask a player to train for a specific mentality rather than just a player role. Amateur and semi-professional training is now more realistic, taking into consideration the shorter amount of time staff get to spend with players. Coaches also have new personalities and styles of coaching, that makes each individual coach unique. What's more, if you choose to be a tracksuit manager you will now be hands on, on the training ground yourself and the attributes you develop will directly influence your star rating as a coach.


For years Football Manager has used the advertising hoardings within the game to promote a number of important charities. Now they have gone a step further and introduced Movember. Each November the generated faces of regens will begin growing mustaches which gradually develop over the course of the month.

Twitch TV Integration
Football Manager 2015 features brand new twitch.tv integration. Meaning it's easier to make and share videos of your game, including live streaming.

Voice chat and video
It has been confirmed that a later patch for Football Manager 2015 will introduce voice and video chat, so you can keep in touch with friends will playing your game.

Over 600,000 players and staff
Football Manager 2015 has the biggest database EVER with over 600,000 players and staff.




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发表于 2014-10-13 13:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-13 13:45 | 显示全部楼层
机翻看着 确实有点捉急
 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-13 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
tanhuawudi 发表于 2014-10-13 15:45
机翻看着 确实有点捉急

发表于 2014-10-13 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
不存在  也能看个大概了  
比较期待临场喊话 的修改,应该是更加趋于便捷化,现实化,
感觉SI应该是想慢慢的用更多的谈话选项和战术图  取代以前的滑块,这样也比较真实,
不过对于刚接触游戏的玩家 可能更加会有一种,云里雾里,只可意会不可言传的感觉,直观的表现就是,设置的指令,体现在球员和整体上面,不够明显,看不出多少明显变化,但是,恰恰又会影响战局的走势,而且现在很多人都是看综合,大部分,很少有看全场的,又不怎么会分析数据,这样的话就算赢也不知道怎么赢的  对游戏了解一知半解,
我个人来说 至少FM13以前 我都是这样的感觉,感觉明白了些东西,但是多打几场有感觉好像不是自己想的那样,办公室闲来无事收集大量文字攻略,才得以有点感悟,但是对于其他兄弟又有多少时间来查看攻略慢慢研究,这点我期待有个本质上的变化。
发表于 2014-10-13 14:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-13 14:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-13 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
rednow 发表于 2014-10-13 16:05

 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-13 14:08 | 显示全部楼层
tanhuawudi 发表于 2014-10-13 16:01
不存在  也能看个大概了  
比较期待临场喊话 的修改,应该是更加趋于便捷化,现实化,
感觉SI应该是想慢慢 ...

给我个虐电脑的机会就行  哈
发表于 2014-10-13 14:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-13 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-13 15:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-13 15:34 | 显示全部楼层


+1  发表于 2014-10-13 17:30
发表于 2014-10-13 17:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-13 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-13 18:03 | 显示全部楼层
收集梦想 发表于 2014-10-13 20:01

发表于 2014-10-14 08:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-14 09:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-14 09:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-10-14 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
wide playmaker的话大卫·席尔瓦和马塔算不算?
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