Calum holds the UEFA B License coaching qualification and has overseen the development of Academy graduates such as Sam Hughes, Tom Crawford and Matty Waters. Calum is responsible for all the Academy teams at the club from Under 9s through to U18s and works directly as the club’s Youth Team manager, also overseeing the club’s scholarship programme. Calum was offered a full-time position with the club in January 2016 thanks to the sponsorship of principal Academy Sponsor Swettenham Chemists.
7月19日晚上,意大利足协召开新闻发布会,正式宣布迪马特奥(Roberto Di Matteo)成为蓝衣军团的新帅!此前执教埃因霍温的迪马特奥曾经率队夺得过一次荷甲冠军,两次荷兰杯冠军以及两次荷兰超级杯冠军。而在几个小时前,勒沃库森的功勋主帅罗杰·施密特(Roger Schmidt)正式宣布辞去俱乐部职务,他将接手霍尔特比留下的烂摊子。