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[求助] 有人可以帮忙搬运一下这个记分牌补丁吗?

发表于 2022-3-7 10:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 giggsxbr 于 2022-3-10 09:24 编辑

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Football Manager 2021 Scoreboard Mods
These are a collection of Mods that switch the short (six letter) team name in the scoreboard to the normal team name as shown on the tables and enable the team logos as well.

There are four versions of the mod, one that changes the team names, adds the logos but doesn't use the team colours, and three that change the team names and use the team colours with one of these only enabling logos, the second enabling both kits and logos and the third enabling kits and logos overlaid.

Install Instructions
Advanced Instructions
Full Time Review Fix
How To Create The Mod - Team Names Only Version
How To Create The Mod - Team Colours Versions
How To Display the Team Kit Instead Of The Logo
If you like my work then feel free to send me a donation through paypal. Note this is completely optional all of my content will always be free.

Team Names with Logos Mod
This version switches to the normal team names and adds the logo as well.

Team Names and Colours with Logos Mod
This version switches to the normal team names and changes the colours to use the team colours, whilst also adding the team logo.


Team Names and Colours with Logos and Kits either side Mod
This version switches to the normal team names and changes the colours to use the team colours, whilst also adding the team logo and team kit to either side of the team name.

Team Names and Colours with Logos and Kits overlaid Mod
This version switches to the normal team names and changes the colours to use the team colours, whilst also adding the team logo and team kit overlaid each other.

Install Instructions
After downloading the version of the Mod you want and extracted the contents of the zip file you should have a panels folder.

If you are using the Default FM21 Skin

Then you can just place the panels folder directly into your User Data Location which by default is located:

Windows: \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\

MAC: \Library\Application Support\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\

If you are using a Third Party Skin then you may need to place the panels folder inside the folder for the skin you are using;

Windows: \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins\<skin name>\

MAC: \Library\Application Support\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\skins\<skin name>\

If the Mod doesn't work with your skin or your skin has already modified these files then you'll need to check the Advanced Instructions below as you'll need to edit the files to get it working with the skin.

Redistribution Terms

You are free to post this content to your website provided:

1. It is not sold or behind a paywall.

2. You don't advertise it as being exclusive to your website.

3. My username and blog address are included: http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk/

4. If linking to my work then please provide a link to the download page rather than the download link as the download link may change.

If you have any questions then the best place to ask them is in the Skinning Hideout at the Official SIGames Forums where I can be found most days.

Advanced Instructions
Full Time Review Fix
If you are using the default match screens you may have noticed that the team names aren't aligned on the Full Time Review Screen when checking a past match, I have included an optional fix with these mods to remove this scoreboard (as there is one in the header on this screen anyway).

To enable the fix browse to the panels\match folder of where you installed the mod and you'll notice a zip file called match full time review panel. All you need to do is unzip this file which should create a match full time review panel xml file in your panels\match folder. Then reload your skin with the skin cache turned off and this should remove the broken scoreboard from this panel.

(For Skinners the issue is caused by this screen not likely the auto_size code applied to the team names, so if you need/want the scoreboard enabled here delete the auto_size code from the home/away name widgets and replace with a fixed size).

How To Create The Mod - Team Names Only Version
To change the Scoreboard over to using the longer team names as shown on the tables instead of the short names is fairly simple.

The xml file we need to edit is the match score area panel file located in the panels\match folder extracted from the panels fmf file.

In that file locate this code for the Home Team:

<widget class="text_button" id="T1nm" font="title" size="9.5" alignment="centre" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target="false" colour="black"/>

And replace it with the following code:

<widget class="team_button" font="title" alignment="right, centre_y" multiline="true" auto_size="all" colour="black" icon_enabled="true" mode="1">

<record id="object_property" get_property="home" set_property="valu" />


Next locate the code for the Away Team which looks like this:

<widget class="text_button" id="T2nm" font="title" size="9.5" alignment="centre" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target="false" colour="black" multiline="true"/>

And replace it with the following code:

<widget class="team_button" font="title" alignment="left, centre_y" multiline="true" auto_size="all" colour="black" icon_enabled="true" mode="1">

<record id="object_property" get_property="away" set_property="valu" />


The Home and Away code is largely the same with the only difference being the get_property part on the second line, where we have home for the Home Team and away for the Away Team.

If you don't want the badges showing, then change the icon_enabled part to false, you can also change the font, alignment and colour from this line, however I would generally leave the auto_size and multiline bits alone as they stop the longer team names being cut off.

After you are happy with the format of the text there are two more bits of code that we need to edit in this file

First locate this line of code, that should be just above the Home Team code we replaced;

<container width="235" id="temc">

This value controls the overall width of the Home, Away and Score panels. By default the Score panel takes up 75 pixels with the Home and Away panels then using half of the remaining space, so when you have worked out how long you need to make the teambar double that value and add 75 to give you the width value to enter above. For my version I set a width of 517 as this lined up nicely with the Notable Events Panel whilst giving enough room for the larger team names.

Next go upto the top of the file and you'll see this line of code:

<panel width="356">

This value controls the overall width of the panel which includes the Team Names, Scores, Time and Comp Logo. You'll notice this value is 121 pixels higher than the other width so when adjusting this value make it 121 pixels higher than the above value you already edited.

One thing you'll notice is if you add up the width of the Clock (100), Comp Logo (47) and Score (235) Containers is that they don't add up to 356 they instead add up to 382 and this is because due to the shape of the default graphics the Clock and Score containers have each been moved to the left by 13 pixels (the horizontal_gap code on the attachment_group lines) which reduces the container length by 26 pixels overall which gives us our final value.

How To Create The Mod - Team Colours Versions
Due to the way the Match Screens work the game won't read the team colours correctly from the scoreboard file, however we can trick the game into reading the team colours by moving the team details into a sub file that the game will read the team colours from. This mod does this by moving the team details into the match incidents files (which were used for the Match Overview screens) where the game will still read the colours and then calls some custom files so we don't interfere with the use of the match incident files elsewhere in the game.

The xml file we need to edit is the match score area panel file located in the panels\match folder extracted from the panels fmf file.

In that file locate this code for the Home Team:

<container class="main_box_no_margin" red_replacement="white" appearance="boxes/custom/match/tv captions/si tv/score/home team/paper" id="T1Co">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

<widget class="text_button" id="T1nm" font="title" size="9.5" alignment="centre" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target="false" colour="black"/>


And replace it with the following code:

<container class="home_match_incidents_panel" id="Hnkp" file="match/match score home" height="40">

<record id="object_property">

<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />

<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />



Next locate the code for the Away Team which looks like this:

<container class="main_box_no_margin" red_replacement="white" appearance="boxes/custom/match/tv captions/si tv/score/away team/paper" id="T2Co">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

<widget class="text_button" id="T2nm" font="title" size="9.5" alignment="centre" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target="false" colour="black" multiline="true"/>


And replace it with the following code:

<container class="away_match_incidents_panel" id="Ankp" file="match/match score away" height="40">

<record id="object_property">

<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />

<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />



The Home and Away code is largely the same with the differences on the first line, where we have a different class for the Home and Away file, we also have different ids and this ensures the game correctly populates the Home/Away team data into the correct place.

Then we have the file bit of code and this directs the game to read the code from the linked file and it is within these files that the actual code to display the team names and colours is now located. Also the filenames used here don't really matter they just need to match up with the names of the actual files we'll be creating in a moment, so you can use your own names if you wish just pick a simple descriptive name and avoid using an existing filename otherwise you'll cause a conflict somewhere else.

In addition you can also point the Home and Away files to the same file, this is useful if you want the Home/Away layout to be the same, however in our case we are going to mirror the Home/Away layout so need two separate files.

However before we move onto the Match Incidents files there are two more changes we need to make in the match score area panel file and these involve increasing the width of the panel to ensure that the longer team names will actually fit.

First locate this line of code, that should be just above the Home Team code we replaced;

<container width="235" id="temc">

This value controls the overall width of the Home, Away and Score panels. By default the Score panel takes up 75 pixels with the Home and Away panels then using half of the remaining space, so when you have worked out how long you need to make the teambar double that value and add 75 to give you the width value to enter above. For my version I set a width of 517 as this lined up nicely with the Notable Events Panel whilst giving enough room for the larger team names.

Next go upto the top of the file and you'll see this line of code:

<panel width="356">

This value controls the overall width of the panel which includes the Team Names, Scores, Time and Comp Logo. You'll notice this value is 121 pixels higher than the other width so when adjusting this value make it 121 pixels higher than the above value you already edited.

One thing you'll notice is if you add up the width of the Clock (100), Comp Logo (47) and Score (235) Containers is that they don't add up to 356 they instead add up to 382 and this is because due to the shape of the default graphics the Clock and Score containers have each been moved to the left by 13 pixels (the horizontal_gap code on the attachment_group lines) which reduces the container length by 26 pixels overall which gives us our final value.

Now that you have edited the match score area panel we can move onto the match incidents files which contain the important code.

Match Score Home
<panel colour_team_names="true" >

<widget class="picture" id="bkcl" auto_size="vertical" file="boxes/custom/match/tv captions/si tv/score/home team/paper" cached="true" rthr="68" alignment="centre" red_replacement="white">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />

<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" />



<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="30,-1" gap="0" offset="0"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>


<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="15" />

<widget class="match_team_logo_picture" id="TeLo" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" alignment="centre">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="5,0,5,0" />



<widget class="text" id="mitn" font="title" auto_size="all" alignment="right,centre_y" multiline="true" colour="black" >

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="5,0,5,50" />




Match Score Away
<panel colour_team_names="true" >

<widget class="picture" id="bkcl" auto_size="vertical" file="boxes/custom/match/tv captions/si tv/score/away team/paper" cached="true" rthr="68" alignment="centre" red_replacement="white">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />

<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" />



<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="30,-1" gap="0" offset="0"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>


<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="15" />

<widget class="match_team_logo_picture" id="TeLo" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" alignment="centre">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="5,0,5,0" />



<widget class="text" id="mitn" font="title" auto_size="all" alignment="left,centre_y" multiline="true" colour="black" >

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="5,50,5,0" />




Above is the example code I have used in my files for the Left/Home and Right/Away panels (the code in my file is slightly different due to it having comments that explain what the various bits do which I've removed from these examples).

The panel colour line at the top is used to tell the game we want the text to be recoloured to use the team text colour.

The picture widget on the next line is the background graphic used, the bkcl id tells the game we want to set the graphic to use the team kit colour and the file bit tells the game what graphic we actually want which sets the shape of the graphic.

Next we create a container which holds the team name and logo. The layout lines set how these items are laid out - in the layout bit the value of 30 is for the Logo which tells the game we want that to have a width of 30 pixels, whilst the -1 number is for the team name and tells the game to use the rest of the space for the name. You shouldn't need to touch the other two layout lines as they are used to display the widgets.

Then we have another container which is for our Logo (or Kit), which we have put this container so we can centre the logo/kit within that 30 pixel space we assigned it to which ensures logos of different widths don't move place. The layout line for the container tells the game where we want this container aligned (Left or Right depending on Home/Away) and we set an inset of 15 to give us enough padding from the edge of the graphic.

The widget line then controls the actual logo\kit with the class and id determining whether the team logo or team kit is displayed, with the rest of the code centering the logo within the container and ensuring it resizes correctly to fit the space. The other layout line adds some top/bottom padding to the logo.

Finally we have the text widget this is the code that is used to display the team name. The mitn id is what tells the game to use the normal team name (i.e. the one shown on the tables) rather than the default short version. The other items on this line you don't really want to change are the multiline and auto_size bits as these stop the longer team names from being cut off, however you are free to change the font file or add a spec="X" bit if you want to apply a style to the text, whilst the colour bit is only used if you disable the team colour code from the top of the file.

The above code shows you how to display the Team Names with Team Colours and the Logo, if you want the kits and logos to show then you can have a look at the code of those versions of the mod as the basic code is the same and I have commented the files to talk you through editing them.

How To Display the Team Kit Instead Of The Logo
NOTE: These instructions only apply to the versions of the mod that have enabled the Team Colours as well.

If you want to show the kit instead of the logo then you just need to make two changes;

Locate this bit of code in the match score left/right files: match_team_logo_picture and replace it with kit_picture then locate the TeLo id and change it to read teKP.

So the widget line for the Logo would now look like this for the Kit:

<widget class="kit_picture" id="teKP" image_alignment="right" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" alignment="right">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="5,0,5,0" />


(With the Alignment depending on what side you edited).
发表于 2022-3-17 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
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