本帖最后由 llj58243335 于 2022-4-26 00:56 编辑试了几个主流皮肤,各种显示bug,还是用原皮,女职员概况资料头像怎么放大?求大神
拿已有的那些皮肤试出来了,是non player profile.xml这个文件可以放大职员头像,附件是我随便从一个皮肤里拿出来的,放到原皮Football Manager 2022/panels/non_player路径下就可以了 我记得版主发过一个单独的收信箱头像放大的补丁 会DIY的话可以研究下这个
That screen is controlled by the player overview panel xml file file found in the panels\player folder which you'll need to extract from the panels fmf file. You just need to play around with the numbers until you are happy - you can gain some free space by reducing the gap values, otherwise you'll need to adjust the height and layout values and then play with them until you are happy. 刘玮我是 发表于 2022-4-25 20:26
收件箱放大搞定了,职员点进去详情页头像也想放大 giggsxbr 发表于 2022-4-25 21:01
That screen is controlled by the player overview panel xml file file foun ...
好的,没现成的话,我研究看看 已经解决。。。。。