- Make sure your Graphics Card drivers and installed and fully up to date (确保你显卡驱动装了并使最新)
- If running on a laptop with dual graphics cards, make sure they are configured for the correct card to run with FM(如果你电脑是双显卡,确保其中能正确对应了FM)
- Make sure your Anti-Virus isn’t interfering with Steam or FM as this can cause problems when installing or launching the game (把FM和STEAM添加在你杀毒系统的白名单)
- Make sure your Windows Updates, DirectX and Net Framework are installed and up to date(确保你的WIN,DX和NET FRAMEWORK安装了最新版本)
- Make sure any conflicting programs have been uninstalled (卸载一些干扰FM的软件程序,官方举例如下:
- Raptr Desktop App (Sometimes referred to as 'AMD Gaming Evolved')
- MSI Afterburner
- EVGA Precision
- Toshiba DisplayLink
- openhardwaremonitor)