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发表于 2016-7-28 16:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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参与人数 4PGB +20 收起 理由
瞎子看星星 + 5 很给力!
最大数据库 + 5 赞一个!
ooomygod0911 + 5 很给力!
jefas + 5 神马都是浮云


 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 16:54 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 16:59 | 显示全部楼层
看来这个职位的竞争压力不大,切姆斯福德的俱乐部主席李先生(Paul Lee)很快就给我发来了面试邀请。



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 17:02 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zhchx0327 于 2016-8-12 22:41 编辑

瞧瞧切姆斯福德的职员阵容,除了助理教练史密斯(Steve Smith),其他人连个头像都没有!


助理教练史密斯的属性太差,我准备选个新助手,而足球总监霍普金斯(Paul Hopkins)工资额度太高,主席先生表示他会妥善处理的……


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 17:12 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 17:13 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 17:15 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 17:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zhchx0327 于 2016-8-25 11:33 编辑

切姆斯福德英国英格兰埃塞克斯郡的郡都,它位于埃塞克斯郡的正中央,据伦敦东北32英里(51公里),它是古罗马时代最早的定居点之一, 自从13世纪早期初叶,它就已成为埃塞克斯郡的郡府。这个城镇拥有约为12万以上常住人口,并且处于持续增长状态。今日,不少周边的小镇已被融入进切姆斯福德,在老城区的大部分地区都保留了历史遗留下来的名称。切姆斯福德目前是英国第36大城镇。

据近些年的考古研究发现,早在1199年之前,位于现在切姆斯福德的位置就有过一定数量的早期人类聚居点,例如一处新石器时代和一处铜器时代的遗址。在公元60年,那时的不列颠还是古罗马帝国一省,在今日镇中央地区考古学家们还发掘了早期古罗马的政府机构建筑和祭坛的遗址。19世纪,一个早期安格洛萨克逊时代的墓穴在切姆斯福德北部的Broomfield被发掘,现在已被大英博物馆收藏,为纪念这次发现当时发现的地址被命名为"Saxon Way"(萨克森路)。
在切姆斯福德曾经发生过诸多历史事件,例如1381年切姆斯福德人曾参加农民暴动,理查德二世亲自出兵平息了暴动,并在切姆斯福德处死了众多暴动策划头目。著名的亨利八世曾在切姆斯福德拥有一处会馆用于狩猎,现在此处已是一所公立高中。在第二次世界大战时期,切姆斯福德曾是英军的重要军需轻工业基地之一,它曾多次遭到德军轰炸机和V2导弹的空袭,最糟糕的空袭一次发生在1944年12月19日,一枚V2导弹落在了居民区现在的亨利路(Henry Road),造成了39位平民不幸丧生,138人受伤,其中47人重伤。亨利路好几处民房被摧毁,周围街道被严重损坏。战后,为纪念死难者,英国政府还特地建立了纪念碑。今日,在切姆斯福德周围的田野里,河畔边还遗留着许多二战遗留下来的混凝土碉堡,在切姆斯福德北部的Broomfield田野上还遗留着当年被击落德军轰炸机的残骸。
自从上世纪80年代以来,切姆斯福德已停止军工业生产,最著名的Macroni Company已经关闭。但是,由于切姆斯福德出于埃塞克斯郡中心和靠近伦敦优越的地理位置,它仍然是埃塞克斯郡经济,政治和文化的中心。昔日在切姆斯福德最大的Hoffman公司也在1988年关闭,以前大部分厂房现在已改装成公寓和健身中心,部分成为了Anglia Ruskin University(安格利亚鲁斯金大学)的新校址。2007年英国4频道的节目“Location, Location, Location”中,切姆斯福德有幸被选为全英第8大最舒适居住区。
19世纪初期,切姆斯福德由传统农业和小商平业为主的城镇发展成为工业城镇。1797年,切姆斯福德附近的河流被开发用于运输,随之而来的是铸铁工业的繁荣,并成为该镇的主要产业。到了19世纪中叶,切姆斯福德的主要产业逐渐转化为农用机械生产制造。今天,众多国际化大公司争陆续在切姆斯福德落户,例如M&G Group, e2v Technologies和ebm-papst UK Ltd.。这些公司为切姆斯福德镇提乃至埃塞克斯郡供了大量的就业机会。近日的切姆斯福德是一个大型商业城镇,拥有80,000员工,2个中型购物中心,2个大型购物园区,诸多夜总会和餐厅,同时拥有繁荣的镇中心购物步行街。目前在切姆斯福德工作的员工约有9%以上拥有大学以上文凭,失业率达1.6%(2007年统计)。
1899年,意大利人Guglielmo Marconi(1874-1937)也就是著名的马可尼--无线电之父来到了切姆斯福德,他开创了世界上第一家无线电工厂,名为“The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company”(马可尼无线通讯电公司),在1920年6月15日,这家工厂首次向全英国发布了播音。正因为如此,切姆斯福德从此美其名曰“无线电诞生地”。今天,通向切姆斯福德的公路边都挂着这个美名--“Birthplace of Radio" (无线电诞生地)。现在马可尼无线通讯电公司已经不复存在,工厂遗址预计于2010年拆毁,从此结束了马可尼在切姆斯福德镇的百年历史。
环绕切姆斯福德周围公路系统更为发达,A12,A414, A130和A131国道可以快速通往伦敦以及伦敦周围各大国际机场(Heathrow机场,London Gatwick机场,Stansted机场,London City机场和Southend机场)。切姆斯福德于2006年开设Park&Ride服务以减缓市区交通的压力。切姆斯福德的出租车业也较为发达,到2005年为止,切姆斯福德又拥有169辆英国传统Hackney Carriage出租车。
切姆斯福德最唯一的大学是安格利亚鲁斯金大学(Anglia Ruskin University),此校历史可追溯到1858年。最让切姆斯福德为豪的是两所著名高中Chelmsford County High School和1551年建立的King Edward VI Grammer School,这2所高中连年在英国名列前茅,其中King Edward VI Grammer School在2010年的全英高中排名表中列第三。



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-7-28 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-7-28 23:13 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 23:38 | 显示全部楼层

切姆斯福德(Chelmsford City F.C.)成立于1938年,历史上并没有太多显赫的战绩,2007-2008赛季他们在伊斯米安超级联赛夺冠从而升级到了业余组联赛南部赛区,上赛季(2014-2015)切姆斯福德最终排名联赛第10位。
切姆斯福德的主场是位于城镇西北角墨尔本公园的切姆斯福德运动竞技中心(Chelmsford Sport&Athletics Centre),这座建成于2006年的球场容量3016人,其中有1270个坐席,俱乐部每年都要上缴5%的门票收入给政府部门作为租金。


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这个奖杯补丁好看  发表于 2016-7-28 23:45
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 23:40 | 显示全部楼层
Chelmsford City Football Club is an English football club based in the city of Chelmsford, Essex. The club is currently a member of the National League South and play at the Melbourne Stadium.
Chelmsford F.C. was established in 1878 by members of the Chelmsford Lawn Tennis and Croquet club in order to give them something to do in the winter.The club won the Essex Senior Cup in 1892–93 and again in 1901–02. In 1895, it was a founder member of the North Essex League, which it left in 1900 to join the South Essex League. In 1903–04, it also entered a team into the South East Anglian League and in 1908–09 it spent a season playing in the Eastern Division of the Spartan League.
In 1912, it was amongst the founder members of the Athenian League, although it also continued to play in the South Essex League for another season. In 1922, the club failed to be re-elected and dropped into the Middlesex County League. In 1923–24, it also entered a team into the Essex & Suffolk Border League. That season, the club won the Middlesex County League and finished second in the ESBL, prompting it to step up to the London League. In the following season, Chelmsford won the East Anglian Cup, a feat repeated in 1926–27 and 1928–29. The club won the title in 1930–31 and in 1935 was a founder member of the Eastern Counties League. Two years later, it left the ECL to become a founder member of the Essex County League.
In 1938, it was decided to form a professional club in order to join the Southern League. Having seen how Colchester Town had fared so badly after the formation of the professional Colchester United, it was decided to close down the existing club and to reform as Chelmsford City, despite the fact that Chelmsford itself would not be granted city status until 2012.
Chelmsford City
Chelmsford City was established in 1938 and took over Chelmsford's New Writtle Street ground. It joined the Southern League and made an immediate impact in the FA Cup, reaching the fourth round in its first season after defeating two League clubs before losing at Birmingham City.At the end of the season, the club applied to join the Football League, but received only one vote.In the 1939–40 season the Southern League was split into Eastern and Western Divisions. City was Eastern Division champions and was declared joint overall champions after drawing a play-off with Lovells Athletic 3–3. The club was the Southern League's first champions when football resumed after the Second World War, also winning the league cup that season.
Chelmsford won the league cup again in 1959–60 and the league title in 1967–68 and 1971–72. The club continued to apply to join the Football League, but never received more than eight votes. The club remained in the top division of the Southern League until 1976–77, when it was relegated to Division One South. In 1977, City was one of six clubs to represent England in the Anglo-Italian Cup. After the formation of the Alliance Premier League it regained its top division status. The club was relegated again in 1987–88 but made an immediate return to the Premier Division after winning Division One South the following season. Another relegation was experienced in 1996–97 and after an issue with the seating at the ground meant they were refused promotion in 1997–98, they did not return to the Premier Division until 2001.
In 2004, the club transferred to the Premier Division of the Isthmian League and was champion in 2007–08, earning promotion to the Conference South. It reached the play-offs in the following season but lost to Hampton & Richmond in the play-off semi-finals. The club qualified for the play-offs again in 2009–10 and 2010–11, but lost in the semi-finals on both occasions. City reached the second round of FA Cup in 2010–11, losing 3–1 at Wycombe Wanderers.In the following season City reached the second round again, taking Macclesfield Town to a replay after drawing at home, however the Clarets lost 1-0 in the replay at Moss Rose.During the 2012–13 season, the club reached the second round for the third year in a row, defeating along the way its Essex rivals Colchester United 3–1 at Melbourne Park.At the end of the season the club qualified for the play-offs for the fourth time in five years, but lost in the semi-finals to Salisbury City.
Reserve team
When Chelmsford City was formed in 1938 it entered a reserve team into the Eastern Counties League. After the Second World War, the team were champions in 1946–47, 1947–48 and 1948–49 (a season in which they also won the East Anglian Cup), going unbeaten in the first season.[9] They also played in the London League between 1945 and 1948, winning the Premier Division in 1946–47 and 1947–48. Although the clubs' later years in the ECL were not as successful, it won the League Cup in 1960–61, before withdrawing in 1963 after losing the title to Lowestoft Town on goal average.It then joined the Metropolitan League, winning the league title and Professional Cup in 1967–68 before being disbanded in 1969 to reduce the club's running costs. However, it was resurrected briefly in 1970–71 and then again in 1976 when it joined the Essex Senior League, in which it played until 1990. The reserves team then joined the Essex & Herts Border Combination and was disbanded again in 1997. Resurrected again in 2004, the reserves team rejoined the Border Combination, before moving to the Capital League in 2007.
After its establishment, Chelmsford City played at the New Writtle Street ground, which it purchased in 1939. During the early parts of the Second World War it was shared by Southend United, before it became a barrage balloon site in 1942. After the war, it briefly hosted greyhound racing. The record attendance of 16,807 was set for a local derby with Colchester United on 10 September 1949. Floodlights were installed in 1960. Several plans were made to increase facilities at the ground, including installing a swimming pool and building office blocks or a hotel, but none came to fruition.
In 1997, the site was sold to developers and the club had to move out of Chelmsford. They initially shared at Maldon Town's Wallace Binder Ground, before moving to Billericay Town's New Lodge. In January 2006, the club moved back to Chelmsford when it became a tenant at the Melbourne Athletics Stadium, also known as Chelmsford Sport and Athletics Centre. The first game back at Melbourne Park was against former landlords Billericay Town and was played in front of a record crowd of 2,998. The club has plans to upgrade the stadium to a 5,000 capacity capable of achieving the necessary 'A' ground grading.The record attendance at Melbourne Park was 3,201 for a game against AFC Wimbledon on 15 March 2008.
European record
In 1977, Chelmsford City were one of six clubs to represent England in the Anglo-Italian Cup. Former England international Jimmy Greaves described the 1977 Anglo-Italian Cup as the "highlight" of his time at Chelmsford City.

发表于 2016-7-28 23:46 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1经验 +1 PGB +1 收起 理由
zhchx0327 + 1 + 1 神马都是浮云


 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-28 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zhchx0327 于 2016-7-28 23:56 编辑

切姆斯福德被球迷们昵称为The Clarets(紫红军团?),球队历史上有着两位传奇人物,托尼·布彻(Tony Butcher)和德里克·蒂芬(Derek Tiffin),布彻在1956年到1971年的15个赛季里出场586次,打进288球;而蒂芬的出场次数也达到了553次,仅次于布彻。

球队目前的队长是曾入选过2次北爱尔兰国家队的马克·休斯(Mark Hughes),他是球队的中场核心;副队长是主力中后卫马克·海恩斯(Mark Haines)。总体来说球队的实力还算不错,不过在赛季初的媒体预测中,切姆斯福德的排名仅仅是第20位,这是要降级的节奏啊!


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-29 00:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zhchx0327 于 2016-7-29 00:10 编辑


因为我不喜欢没有头像的球员,所以右后卫格林(Damien Green)、右边锋巴勒姆(Jack Barham)以及实力不俗的前锋亨特(Billy Hunt)都被我列入了清洗对象……
另外,队里的马弗尔(Marvel Ekpiteta)和马文(Marvin Ekpiteta)感觉就跟亲兄弟一样,虽然他们真的不是……


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-29 00:13 | 显示全部楼层
主力门将迪布尔(Christian Dibble):



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-29 00:15 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-29 00:16 | 显示全部楼层


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