shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:25

Sheff Utd Shots

Now this page shows all my players that played and tells you the amount of shots they had, how many on target and the goals scored. This page also identifies the type of shots a player had. When you click on a player’s name on the pitch to the right this happens;

These are the shot types for Luigi Vanni. Now you can see he forced 2 saves from the keeper and put 1 wide. The areas the shots were taken from seem perfectly fine and would be where you expect your striker to be. So the shots for this player seem alright to me and I don’t see any real issues. Let’s go and look at the rest of my teams shots.

This is for my inside left forward Magaye Gueye. He only had 1 shot but he scored from it. And the position it was scored from is the sort of position you’d want an inside forward to take up.

Deniz Naki is my right inside forward. He only had 2 shots but 1 resulted in a goal. The first thing what struck me here was he scored a goal from the left side, yet he is my right inside forward. So I viewed the clip and it shows he was making a run to the SC position when my DMC picked him out with a pass. He continued the run and ended up on the left and tucked it away. It was a really well worked goal when viewing the clip. It also shows the player wasn’t out of position to start with. He just continued his run from a quick counter attack move.

These shots were for Jonathan Dos Santos who is my more attacking midfielder. Now you’ll notice it says he only had 3 shots yet shows 4 coloured circles. The blue one what shows at the bottom of the screen is a blocked shot but a defensive block not an attacking one. Therefore he blocked a shot and didn’t get his blocked. The blue circle at the top of the screen though is his shot been blocked.

I know all the shots he had were outside of the box but that is what I expect for him. This is where he’s most effective and he’s scored quite a few goals from these areas. As the number of attempts he had isn’t that high then I have no real problem with him. He’s doing exactly what I expect and want from him. If the number of attempted shots were higher and not on target then it could have been an issue and I might have instructed him to play differently.

That’s all the shots I had and I’m happy with the amount of quality there seemed to be. After all I’d rather have quality chances rather than quantity. I seemed to have shots in good areas of the pitch.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:25

Passing and Possession

Next up we take a look at the passing and possession from the same game.

There is no doubt in my mind that many users of the forum put far too much emphasis on the possession stat. While it tells us how much of the ball we’ve had, it doesn’t tell us what we actually did with the possession. You can have as much possession as you want but if it’s all in your own half then you aren’t going to do much are you? It’s quite easy to dominate the possession in a game by just letting the defenders pass the ball around. But playing like this won’t win you many games if you’re not getting forward much.

In the game above I had 51% of the possession which suggest that it was an even affair, so now let’s take a look at what areas I had the possession in and what sort of passing my players did.

Action Zone’s

The battle was definite in the middle of the park which was expected. The rest of the action zones seem even considering I knew Man Utd would be a very attacking outlet and I adjusted from my normal playing style to compensate the extra attacking threat they possess.

Now let’s look a little closer at the passing my players did.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:25

Sheffield United’s individual passing stats

The first thing I notice is how involved my defensive midfielder Sandro is. He seemed to see a lot of the ball and judging from the clips I watched from the shots section, he was involved in the breakup of play and often was the starting point of my attacks. This is exactly what you want from a DMC. Let’s take a look at what areas he was in and making passes from.

The more green dots he has the better for this section. As you’ll see he had a few of his passes intercepted. In fact 10 in total. I’ve just looked at the clips for these interceptions and 8 out of the 10 were attempts to counter attack quickly and play a ball into the forward or wingers. I know not all of them connected but against strong opposition who I was playing on the counter attack against he did extremely well. You’ll see he was playing the ball backwards, sideways, forwards and at angles. His play is very varied and none of the intercepted passes were in defensive situations, they were all high up the pitch and not deep enough to be costly. However it’s something to keep an eye on and if it is becoming an issue and giving the possession away I can alter his passing. At the minute his passing is on mixed as I like him to try all types of passes and not be limited as I feel the defensive midfield role works better when he isn’t limited in what he is able to try. Especially with a quality player like of Sandro’s calibre.

I should also point out that the length of the yellow arrow is also the pass type he tried. The Longer the yellow arrow is, the longer the pass and vice versa. It’s not worth me going into detail about every single players passing here as it’s not necessary and you should have an idea what to look for now already.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:26

Manchester United’s individual passing stats

Let’s take a look here at some who didn’t have the best game for Manchester United from a passing perspective. We look at Antonio Valencia.

He seemed to have a really bad game here and only managed to complete two passes which were attacking. The others completed were either defence back passes or sideway passes. He wasn’t allowed the time to pass and was closed down heavily by my defensive players whenever he received the ball. If this was my player I’d have probably subbed him or changed his settings as he was not been utilised enough for the majority of this game. Things that could have been changed were his passing style for a start. Judging by the passing he did he was given a more direct passing approach. I’d have maybe asked him to play either a shorter or mixed game and kept an eye on it throughout the game to change it further if needed.

If he was set up as a standard winger id have maybe tried asking him to cut inside more as he was ineffective out wide. If this didn’t work you can always sub him and bring someone else on to try and make them more influential. If not then you’re basically playing with 10 men for most parts of the game.

Hopefully the above will give you a basic idea of how we can look at the passing section and determine if someone is playing well or not.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:26


The way my tactic is set up the crossing is always low. As my attacking wide players are set up to play as inside forwards, so are encouraged to always drift inwards. So from my point here the crossing attempted by my player’s shouldn’t be that high at all. This part of the analysis can be used for making tweaks in game and is worth always keeping an eye on in possible. Especially if you notice you’re forwards aren’t receiving the ball as you had hoped. It’s also good to find out which areas your players are crossing from.

As you can see from the screenshot above the crosses attempted are minimal and the only ones I attempt are from set pieces. That’s why Jonathan Dos Santos tried so many, but apart from that my team shouldn’t be crossing unless they have a really good opportunity to do so.

Whereas Manchester United were quite different and rely heavily on supplying crosses for their forwards. I actually managed to limit them quite successfully. Here are Man Utd’s stats and in particular Antonio Valencia.

He tried 13 crosses and only completed one. For a right winger who is the main supply for the strikers this simply is not good enough. If the supply is cut off to the strikers they will struggle to score. Man Utd play with a target man striker at all times on my games. So cutting off the supply from the wide men is half of the battle won. If you look at Valencia’s crossing positions you’ll see he was in the right areas but my defenders were all over him not allowing him time and space to get crosses off. Therefore intercepting them and making our own counter attacks.

Andersson was the left winger and he didn’t do any better. Take a look at his positions he got crosses in from.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:26

He was in the correct areas but wasted them. Take a look at these screenshots to see what I mean.

Andersson is the player circled and he is just about to receive the ball once Dzeko wins the header.

That screenshot shows him now he’s received the ball. But look at all the players I have back. The only option Andersson has is to cross early or run into the corner.

As you can see from this screenshot he was forced out wide by my right back, while the other players dropped back to provide cover should he cross the ball. You should also notice that if my right back got the ball back then I would have players placed to hit them on the counter attack.

Then in this screenshot you can see when he finally put the cross in it was too late as the strikers had hung back to long waiting for him to put the cross in. Not only that but my right back pressed him too much and stuck with him and forced the delayed cross. My keeper just collects the ball from this cross.

This happened all the time during the game from both sides. Again if it was my team doing this I would have looked to change it and try playing through the middle. As Manchester United's wide play just wasn’t working on this day. If they had changed and focused play through the middle I would have had to adapt also, but they didn’t.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:27


These stats show both offensive and defensive roles of a player. Attacking players who miss a lot of headers tends to let you know you need to pass the ball around more and attempt less crosses. To get a better idea of the type of headers a player keeps losing. Then you can click on the red circles to view them. Then you can make a better call, as to what to change.

Defensive issues with headers are trickier to sort out though. And there might not be a clear solution. If this happens then like above you need to assess what sort of headers the defensive players are losing out on. If it’s a case of your players simply not good enough in the air (this can be a common issue) then you can change things like less tight marking, deeper defensive line or ask one defender to play slightly deeper. By allowing a player to play slightly deeper by changing his mentality, you provide cover should the opposition win the header or do any kind of flicks on. This limits the damage, it’s not an ideal solution but there isn’t much you can do against someone who is good in the air and your players aren’t. You can go out and buy a defensive player who is good in the air but sooner or later he will also come up against someone better than him.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:27


This page is very important for defenders as it allows you to view the tackles a player does and also shows you the areas of the pitch. So you’ll be able to see if a defender is positioned where you’d want him to be, or show you if he’s been dragged out of position often. It can be useful for all players but I find it best used to keep a track of the defenders. When viewing a player and checking out his tackles he’s done in a game then you want to see more green circles than red ones. If a defensive player as too many red circles then you have massive defensive issues. I can’t stress how vital this page is for me. I can pin point players who are going for tackles and missing them. If that happens I can either ask them to tackle more ‘easy’ or ask them to close down less.

Let’s take a look at my stats;

As you can see my defensive players win most if not all of tackles they enter. You’ll also notice that Jonathan Dos Santos wins a lot even though he only has a tackling stat of 8 and is my more attack minded MC. He is instructed to do easy tackling meaning he only enters tackles he knows he can win.

I only made 2 tackles in side Manchester United’s half. This is because when I lost possession I dropped off and allowed them to attack us so I could make use o【屏蔽词语】 counter attacks. My players only attempted tackles once they were inside my half. This helps keep the squads shape and stops players been out of position or allowing them to get turned easily.

You’ll notice from the Man Utd’s stats that they were bringing their attacking players further back than me to help in defensive duties. You might also want to look at the interceptions page while viewing these. As it will show if players are missing or making interceptions in vital places.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:28


This page is very important for defenders as it allows you to view the tackles a player does and also shows you the areas of the pitch. So you’ll be able to see if a defender is positioned where you’d want him to be, or show you if he’s been dragged out of position often. It can be useful for all players but I find it best used to keep a track of the defenders. When viewing a player and checking out his tackles he’s done in a game then you want to see more green circles than red ones. If a defensive player as too many red circles then you have massive defensive issues. I can’t stress how vital this page is for me. I can pin point players who are going for tackles and missing them. If that happens I can either ask them to tackle more ‘easy’ or ask them to close down less.

Let’s take a look at my stats;

As you can see my defensive players win most if not all of tackles they enter. You’ll also notice that Jonathan Dos Santos wins a lot even though he only has a tackling stat of 8 and is my more attack minded MC. He is instructed to do easy tackling meaning he only enters tackles he knows he can win.

I only made 2 tackles in side Manchester United’s half. This is because when I lost possession I dropped off and allowed them to attack us so I could make use o【屏蔽词语】 counter attacks. My players only attempted tackles once they were inside my half. This helps keep the squads shape and stops players been out of position or allowing them to get turned easily.

You’ll notice from the Man Utd’s stats that they were bringing their attacking players further back than me to help in defensive duties. You might also want to look at the interceptions page while viewing these. As it will show if players are missing or making interceptions in vital places.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:28

Runs Past Opponent

Runs past opponent can tell how you are attacking and getting past players. If you view the opposition’s page it will also tell you the areas you need to keep an eye on. Take a look at my stats;

Not very impressive are they? That’s because I’m not set up for players running with the ball and for this game had to be restrained, as player for player Manchester United were slightly better than my squad. Especially in the full back positions.

Now if we look at Manchester United’s stats;

Now you’ll see that the wide players kept having a lot of successful runs past my players. We’ll the reason for this was pace. My left back was only 16 at the time as well, so wasn’t experienced and I expected him to get beat quite a bit. However I compensated this by providing cover using my defenders and defensive midfielder. As man for man my full backs would get skinned all day long, I had to make sure I numbered up on the Man Utd wingers. And if we look further back up the post we’ll see I did just that for most of the game and made their wingers ineffective for 90 minutes.

You have to do things like that if you are faced with wingers with pace and acceleration. If I didn’t provide cover from other areas they would have tore me apart all game long.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:28

Set Pieces

This part is self explanatory and I'll be going into detail about it a lot more when I show you the tactic I've created and we talk about the evolution of tactics.

Scoring Chances

This is a very good way to determine what kind of areas the goal scoring chances are coming from.

Average Position

This is by far the most important one for me. It allows me to see if a player is set up positional as I'd like him to be. It also allows me to see if my defenders are too advanced, wide players too narrow.

This was by far the best new feature for FM11, the heat maps are so important. Yet nobody seems to mention them at all and I've not seen a discussion about them on here. We will be talking about them greatly in the coming weeks as I show how useful I find them for creating tactics and implementing player instructions.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:29

Set Pieces

This part is self explanatory and I'll be going into detail about it a lot more when I show you the tactic I've created and we talk about the evolution of tactics.

Scoring Chances

This is a very good way to determine what kind of areas the goal scoring chances are coming from.

Average Position

This is by far the most important one for me. It allows me to see if a player is set up positional as I'd like him to be. It also allows me to see if my defenders are too advanced, wide players too narrow.

This was by far the best new feature for FM11, the heat maps are so important. Yet nobody seems to mention them at all and I've not seen a discussion about them on here. We will be talking about them greatly in the coming weeks as I show how useful I find them for creating tactics and implementing player instructions.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:29

Tactic Building

With the introduction of the Tactics Creator designing tactics has never been as easy and opened the door for those who used to struggle to design a tactic. It gives you a much better chance of succeeding and getting things right. But you still have to make changes and maintain the tactic. Using the tactics creator is a good base to start from but for me it goes a lot deeper than that. So I am now going to describe how I create tactics and maintain them based on stats and visuals from what I see happening in games. We have many tools available inside the game to show us flaws and faults our tactics might have. We also have the information to solve most of them from the analysis tab. That’s why it is important that you familiarise yourself with what I posted above. It will make it a lot easier to understand what I’m banging on about if you take a few minutes to just look over it in your own games.

As I’ll be talking about my career game and not a game I’ve created to demonstrate what I’m on about, you should notice how my style changes as I progress and get stronger as a team. The team I’m using is Sheffield United (was there ever any doubt?). I don’t have any money to spend nor do I have the player’s available to play the type and style of football that I’d like to. So due to this in the first season I keep things pretty basic until I bring a few new players into the team who can play the type of football I’d like. For me I’ve discussed the first season in great detail for the past few versions of Football Manager. So I don’t feel like covering old ground again. Plus the real challenge of tactic creating will begin in season two for me. So I’ll give a brief summary of season one and then I can discuss every aspect of season two. I’ll explain why I buy certain players due to the stats they have and discuss how I’ll build a tactic around them based on the attributes they have.

No matter the size of the club or the clubs expectations this thread should be useful for all. Only the attribute numbers will be lower/higher depending on how good or bad a side you use. All the principles will still be the same regardless of what side you manage. Many people believe you can’t play attractive football at lower levels or base tactics on stats. That is not true and over the course of this project I hope I’ll be able to highlight that and show you that you can play any way you want. But to be able to do that you’ll have to understand how the game mechanics work. This is the purpose of this thread.

There are a lot of good tactic threads on the forum but very few give you a real insight into why they work and why it is successful for them. Hopefully I will be able to illustrate exactly why someone over performs or under performs. It will be a lot of work and a lot of text to read but please stick with me on this it will be worth it. I’ll also be a lot more active and update the thread a lot over the next few weeks. I’ve finally got some free time to finish this project or at least take it to the next stage and leave you with lots of things to discuss.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:29

I was going to do a brief summary about season one however I’ve now changed my mind. It just doesn’t fit with the rest of the thread and would be misleading as I didn’t create a tactic based on stats. That said however, I will be happy to post the results and system used should people want to know more about the first season. Just let me know in the discussion thread 

Season Two

I’ve managed to get promoted to the Premiership so this season will be every hard. Last season I had a lot of loan players (already at club when took over) so don’t actually have a big squad. So I need to strengthen all areas for less that £10 million which has proved a hard task. But I think I’ve done alright and got a squad capable of beating the drop. Here are my signings so far;


To have any kind of chance at survival you have to have a strong defence and a good goalkeeper. Trying to get a good goalkeeper on the cheap is hard to do unless you stumble across a young regen. I scouted this player a few times before I got promoted and was keeping an eye on him. He’s young and has very good stats compared to my other goalkeeper. Plus his price was cheap. He probably lacks the mental attributes but I’m sure they will improve over time.
The main reasons I got him was because he has good aerial ability and I expect teams to bombard me with crosses. Especially at the start when I am favourites to go down. Teams will be quite attacking against me the first half of the season. So it’s vital I can get someone who can cope with high ball situations.

Another reason was due to him been very good at one on ones. I’m guessing my defence will make quite a few mistakes this season, especially as it’ll be quite a new back 4 who haven’t played with each other before. So to get off to a good start I need to ensure I have the players with the right attributes so they can deal with any kind of mistakes.

These were the main two reasons I got him. And he was the best I could afford for less than £3million. I couldn’t afford much more as 33 million is a third of my transfer budget.

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:30

Pre Season

Pre season for me is very important; it’s about getting all players’ match fit and ready for the season. Even if they are rotation or sub players, you still need to ensure you get them fit before the start of the season. This is why I always swap players at half time for all my friendly games if possible. It allows them all game time and fit for the start of the season. It’s also a good time for trying different tactics. The results are unimportant but you’ll still the plus side and negative sides of a tactic and will have a little understanding on if it works for your players.

I do have a tip though for pre season and it’s something I always do on any saved game I play. That is to always play lower reputation sides. Playing tough pre season games offer no advantage at all in my opinion. My sides always perform a lot better once the season starts if they have easy games where they can score lots of goals and build confidence. Plus by playing lower reputation sides your players won’t have to work too hard to get a result. After all pre season is all about fitness and giving player’s confidence. Well this is how I achieve it. For me it makes no sense to make my player’s work too hard in the stages before the season starts. Some might argue their player’s get fitter quicker or something but I honestly don’t believe that. For the way I play this set up is ideal and almost helps with the successful starts to a season.

Next up the tactic.......

shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 13:41


shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 14:42

本帖最后由 shawnyong 于 2011-10-18 14:52 编辑


shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 22:32


shawnyong 发表于 2011-10-18 22:39

本帖最后由 shawnyong 于 2011-10-18 22:47 编辑


(分析截图的信息)Stephen Ireland 在蓝色圈内一直试图斜传给Shaun Wright Philips.由于我阵型在右侧缺乏宽度,因此被利用这侧的空间。看起来Stephen Warnock(黄色箭头)将难以覆盖。但那不是糟糕的事情,因为Warncok在好的起始位置上进行拦截。因此,在任何事情发生之前,后卫的位置感属性已经在工作了。让我们提醒自己位置感实际上是什么意思。
预判也是一部分,因为球员需要预判Shaun Wright Phillips如何跑位。因为预判在这里对如何跑位的也起到一定的作用。


xu565034952 发表于 2011-10-18 22:46

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