jionggedandan 发表于 2011-11-7 16:12

本帖最后由 jionggedandan 于 2011-11-8 21:50 编辑

ID jionggedandan
Counter Attacking
Counter attacking is a speciality and requires you to exploit space and get the ball forward fast and early. If you fail to get the ball forward quick then you’ll have wasted the opportunity.
Technical Attributes
Crossing – Whether it is from deep or the by-line, it’s a weapon that you can use to devastating effects. An early cross to an attacker can instantly put the opposition onto the back foot.
Dribbling – To take advantage of any space that appears you’ll want players who are able to bring the ball forward.
Finishing – To make the most of any move you’ll want to put it into the back of the net.
Long shots – Players sometimes find themselves with a good opportunity to shoot from distance, especially when counter attacking.
Technique – For the same reasons I mentioned in the attacking one.
Mental Attributes
Aggression – Players should want to be involved in everything. This can also help with winning the ball back early and starting quick counter attacks.
Bravery – You don’t want players who bottle it when trying to win the ball back early do you?
Off The Ball - Movement is the key to all attacking formations and play. If an attacking player has a low rating then he’ll be less likely to find a little bit of space and make the right movement to beat his marker before he receives the goal. Sometimes it can be the difference that gives you that extra yard.
Work rate - Players will need to work hard both in defence and attacking situations. They will be up and down the field all day long, so should be prepared to put in the hard graft.
勇敢—你不会想让那个去抢球的队员畏首畏尾。(bottle it不知道该怎么翻,知道的请指正)
无球跑动—移动是所有进攻的关键。如果进攻球员的这项属性低,那么他将在接球前(before he receives the goal,我觉得是ball吧)更难去找到空间去做出正确的移动击败盯他的人。有时候有那么一点额外的空间会带来很大的不同。
工作投入—在进攻和防守中球员都要全身心投入。他们将会全场飞奔,因此需要做好吃苦的准备。(put in the hard graft:刻苦努力)
Physical Attributes
Pace – I like to play fast paced attacking football so for me pace is essential. Especially for player’s who like to drive forward and beat their man. It’s important for me that they can reach the top speed. Plus the players will be back and forth all match long.
Acceleration – This will provide that little edge in gaining an extra yard on the opposition. This and pace are very important.
Stamina – As the players will be up and down a lot, they need to be fit.
Strength – Having a high attribute for this will ensure he can hold his own against the opposition should they get close to each other. You don’t want your players to get out muscled and knocked off the ball. It will also help you win the ball back.

john1990822 发表于 2011-11-7 17:49


Composure then comes into the equation and allows him to not panic about receiving such a difficult ball. Technique also plays a part here;


Technique is the aesthetic quality of a player’s technical game – how refined they appear to be with the ball. A player with high technique will be more likely to pull off a tricky pass or a cross-field ball with greater ease than someone less technically able. This in turn affects a number of technical attributes – poorer technique will let a player down.


This is also an important attribute when first touch is used, they go hand in hand.


The next attribute that really sticks out is Determination. Look at how Milner attacks the game immediately after controlling the ball. That is a determined run, by a mile. There is a bit of Agility, Dribbling, Acceleration, and I would say perhaps Aggression and almost certainly Workrate involved. No doubt a bit of Composure and Technique as well, and Anticipation of the challenge of the number 7 Ireland. Overall though, Determination is written all over that move.


The two attacking player’s in this move are way offside that is why Milner makes the decision to run with the ball. His run is determined but he is also anticipating that Agbonlahor will get back on side. For this to happen Agbonlahor needed to show great determination and acceleration to be able to get back in time. Milner’s timing is crucial here because if he plays the ball now then the whole move collapses. So his decision to hold onto the ball and drive forward before picking the pass is down to his decision making and determination to see the move succeed. Another thing is this move is Teamwork;


How well the player follows tactical instructions and works for and alongside his team-mates. A team full of players with a high rating here will work better as a unit. Players with lower ratings will slack off and not ‘buy in’ to the team ethos.


Concentration played a very important role in the move as well. The Concentration aspect of the move can be shown in how well each player anticipates each other’s movements throughout the move. As this move is early in the match, the final action in the move is a matter of split seconds between pass and run. If this was later in the match then both players might lose Concentration in the later parts of the move and mis-time or even fail to spot the final run or final pass of the move.


Concentration is;

This reflects a player’s concentration on an event-by-event basis. A high rating here will mean the player can concentrate harder for longer and be able to respond to incidents late in the game just as well as he did early on. Lower concentration will see players lose focus and perhaps become liable to mistakes at crucial times in the match.



jujuice 发表于 2011-11-7 19:22








john1990822 发表于 2011-11-7 20:20

本帖最后由 john1990822 于 2011-11-8 08:50 编辑


Once the ball comes over the top of the defender the striker already has a good 5 yards advantage and would never catch someone as fast as Agbonlahor up. He doesn’t even need a good first touch for this as he lets the ball bounce in front of him. He almost runs onto a dead ball by the time he gets on the end of it. Then he picks his corner and fires it home to make it 0-1.


So this move came about using;

Off the ball – Anticipation – Agility – Acceleration – Pace – Strength - Composure – Decisions – Technique - Finishing



Apart from pace and acceleration, Agbonlahor is quite poor in the other attributes. But that didn’t matter this time due to him getting into a position what allowed him time and space without been under too much pressure.

The player circled in red is trying to attempt a last ditch tackle just as Gabby is about to fire the ball home. The other defender Toure is just behind Agbonlahor and from viewing the clip several times you can see he tried to out muscle Gabby off the ball. But Agbonlahor is quite strong so he just dismissed Toure’s attempt and shrugged it off. Toure had one attempt to muscle him off the ball as he was behind the attacker so couldn’t tackle him as he would have given the penalty away.


The finish was also important. Finishing is;

The player’s ability to put the ball in the back of the net when presented with a chance. A high finishing attribute will put the shot on target a majority of the time as a bare minimum but compared to a player with poorer finishing will find the places where the goalkeeper can’t save it. This is purely the ability of the player to perform an accurate shot – Composure and Decisions will also impart on the ability of a player to score consistently.


tianye1908 发表于 2011-11-7 20:45


wwwxboy123 发表于 2012-9-2 23:36

这贴果断不能沉啊 我顶!{:em78:}
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