楼主: viery2005

[讨论] 有没有人来说下新引擎有啥显著变化没?

发表于 2013-2-12 09:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-2-12 09:17 | 显示全部楼层
看这头球的命中率, 估计 F靠  又悬了。。。
发表于 2013-2-12 09:22 | 显示全部楼层
Keepers are still useless. I'm getting fed up with the goals are being scored down to keepers not saving something withing arms reach and then the next second he will be making a cracking diving save. It's pathetic.

Also the passing seems to have lost it's common sense i've seen defenders holding onto the ball for too long for no reason at all, i've seen easy passes turned down for an almost impossible ball and i've seen a 10 yard pass backwards to a cb turned down (numerous times) for a 50 yard passback for the goalkeeper (all in 2 games). There also seem to be a lack of common sense in the game when it comes to choosing the right time to play a through ball or a pass to feet. I've seen a player who would be clean through on goal if the pass was player a few yards in front of him but instead it has been played straight to his feet and i have seen a player who has opposition players infront of him and had a through ball played to him (somehow still got the ball despite it being straight at opposition)

There still seem to be a few too many long shots being taken on, often the players will atleast have time to move the ball on to their stronger foot before having a shot but instead just hit a weak shot yards wide.

There might be things getting fixed but in my opinion the game has not improved at all in the last few patches.

I'm not saying the game is un-playable at all because that's not the case, but when i pay £35 for a game i expect it of to be a certain standard but with this years FM it hasn't got anywhere near those standards and are miles off the standards of previous FM's. This is solely down to the match engine, the rest of the game is brilliant, better than ever but the match engine is a major let down in my opinion and although i will keep playing the game i can't see myself playing for hours straight like in previous FM's and will probably continue playing for an hour or so, getting annoyed at the match engine and then not playing again for a few days


ni ya bu hui ziji qu guan fang lun tan kan a ? na shang mian de dou shi di yi shou de
发表于 2013-2-12 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
借你地方 mark 一下 晚上回家看
发表于 2013-2-12 09:27 | 显示全部楼层
I haven no problem with the number of through balls, it all seems fine, it's the timing of through balls, when to play them and when not too. In just 2 games i have seen a number of occasions where where the choice between playing or not playing a through ball has been terribly wrong. I.E. If a striker is clean through on goal with no-one ahead of him then you play a through ball ahead of him for him to run onto the ball to give the defenders less chance of making up the ground whereas if there is an opposition player a few yards ahead of a team mate and you play the pass then you would play it to his feet rather than a few yards ahead (which was actually straight to the opposition who didn't react and allowed my player to get the ball)
发表于 2013-2-12 09:29 | 显示全部楼层
my AMC has no issues with picking out the right through balls, his timing has been spot on. But then he is an incredibly intelligent player who is much more likely to spot the chance and play the right ball. So pretty much mirroring the top level players irl.

五毛 看看这一段
发表于 2013-2-12 09:36 | 显示全部楼层
+ Overall flow of the game seems much better. Passing and movement is better. Attacking movement seems more logical.
+ Cross = goal has been fixed
+ Wingers now seem to be cutting inside a little more than before, and getting on the end of passes
+ Less aimless long shots and long passes
+ Central Defenders seem a little more inclined to put tackles in
发表于 2013-2-12 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
My goodness. My pass completion rate has just gone from around 90 to 80% after installing this patch. I'm struggling to dominate possession as I used to.
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