关于昨天中文支持的帖子,SI的制作人Miles Jacobson回复如下
本帖最后由 master_wu 于 2012-3-23 12:28 编辑There's quite a bit of misinformation in here, so thought I'd clear a few things up.
Firstly, the game is no longer banned in China as far as I know.
The reason for no official Chinese translation is the same that is given for many other countries - we do not sell enough games in China to justify the cost of making a translation. Because of the huge amount of text in the game, it costs a lot of money to not only translate, but also test the translation, for any country. We have a set threshold internally of when we'll start looking at official translations - our sales in China are way off this target, unfortunately.
We'd love nothing more than to be able to translate the game into every language in the world, but also have to do cost benefit analysis, and the number of extra sales that would be gained according to experts in the market in the territory are also nowhere near where we'd need to be to justify the cost.
As for unofficial translations, we don't offer support to these, nor have suggested they are possible. Nor am I allowed, legally, to comment on this subject any more than I have done already - hence the message I sent out on Twitter the other week about how I won't talk about translations on Twitter any more. I/we can't talk about them here either.
至于对非官方翻译,我们不提供支持,也不建议他们这么做。我也不想谈论这个话题,所以前几周我在推特上发布了不再讨论翻译问题的信息。我们同样也不在这(论坛)讨论 外国人的版权意识无可否认是很强的。。。 一语中地。。。。。。。 建议他们把爆棚小组收购了吧 他说的是实话,也没有任何错误,只能说,SI打从一开始就不指望中国玩家的支持 成本有多高呢???爆棚都可以做出来,这么大的公司,不满意呢 明年正版销量要下来了 回复 6# samchgj
爆棚不负责压盘,不负责销售 成本有多高呢???爆棚都可以做出来,这么大的公司,不满意呢
samchgj 发表于 2012-3-23 11:27 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif
爆棚的人都是凭兴趣做的,但是官方做的话也要出钱。。。而且他们翻译之后又要出测试啊什么,比爆棚要严谨很多。。。。而且每次更新就要翻译一次,测试N次,不合算 说白了就是我们都用盗版,很少人买正版。 12会不会是绝唱,爆棚还能坚持几年? 正版飘过 希望引进国内 如果真出中文版的话,买的人肯定会比现在多的多,考虑到中国玩家的庞大基数,那么买正版的总人数绝对不会比欧洲国家的人少,这就是si可以赚钱的地方。
si现在的意思就是现在中国没多少人买正版,那我就不做中文版的,这从商业上来说,很愚蠢也很奇怪。。 正打算用这个话题教育儿子,"看你老子玩个游戏都玩不痛快,就是因为E文不好,你要好好学习E文,以后好接你老子班!{:em23:}"。 回复 13# giovani1983
当下的国内环境让si没有开发中国市场的欲望。。。 最后句感觉有点默认非官方翻译存在的意思,而且没有说要追究法律责任,爆棚2013应该还是继续翻译的 回复 13# giovani1983
这个真完全说反了。。 其实很简单 SI可以用一个合理的价格来购买爆棚的汉化就好了 非盈利的语言包,我觉得是在帮助SI推广游戏,并没有危及版权问题。 算了吧。中国还是用盗版的多。有了中文版,就会有纯粹复制的中文版。
Si 收不回成本的。