hironohiro 发表于 2012-11-24 11:25


本帖最后由 hironohiro 于 2012-11-24 11:31 编辑



Update 6 (Project FM 2013= Over): Let me make this clear to people, SkidrowTeam only intends and will always intend to crack games for fun and educational purposes. In no way will we provide games with updated patches and cracks. If you enjoyed the game then please do support the developers and buy the game. But with FM 2013 it needed a specific patch to make it functioning fully. I had allot of hate messages and people that are being very disrespectful reason being cause we have not got a fix for it. No one told you to stay here all day everyday 24/7 to expect a crack fix out. I am not ruling it out completely from the entire warez scene meaning if another team releases it I will be happy to update and further note the fix, but as far as SkidrowTeam go, its not happening. Project FM 2013 is officially over.

更新6(FM2013项目over):我把话挑明了吧,Skidrow一直是出于乐趣或者是教育目的来做游戏破解的。我们决不会傻呵呵的紧跟着每一次游戏放出更新补丁就破解一次,因为那样等于是免费送你们最新版的游戏玩。如果你的喜欢这款游戏,那么请你们花一点钱来支持游戏开发者的辛勤工作。现在的情况是,FM2013这款游戏的运行非常依赖于SI官方每一次更新的引擎补丁。由于这个原因,我们组很难紧跟着SI的每一次更新来修复我们的破解。然而就因为这个问题,我收到了太多人的谩骂邮件,侮辱性的留言,我受够了。这么说吧,我们谁也没逼你们一周7天,每天24小时的在那儿等这个破解,你们自找的。现在呢,我不排除其他组织放出破解的可能,如果有,我也会很乐意提供进一步的信息。但是,对于Skidrow而言,我们宣布,FM2013项目 正 式 结 束。


Alright guys so far their are some major problems with the game crashing for instance, trying to get into a meeting with the staff and it will crash. Just be patient and the SkidrowTeam are currently working on a fix. Just to be aware I created this thread so people don't think its only them with the problem.

Edit: As you may be aware, allot of the users are having a lot of issues with Football Manager 2013 and therefore have experienced it crashing. SkidrowTeam are aware of this and are dealing with it with a crack fix soon to be released but no ETA (Estimated Time Of Arrival).

So the current issues we speak of and the community are experiencing are;
Crashing when meeting with staff members.
Crashing randomly and creating dump files of crash logs.
Crashing when starting a new game.
Crashing when entering the team history transfer/world transfers.
Crashing when entering team report.
Crashing caused when trying to seek for backroom advice.
Crashing related to terminating players which are loaned.
Crashing related to transfers.
This thread will be updated if their is any crack fixes, or additional faults discovered.

Update regarding fix by fellow fellow Raz3r colleague, it was intended to fix the multi-language version ofthe game but it has still not fixed it to my knowledge and with further testing, so be patient and sorry about the delay.

Update 2 (06/11/2012): Thanks for the constant feedback guys, thanks for being patient as you know its not really easy creating a crack which is 100% in working order and it takes time this is due to reverse engineering certain codes and numbers. Just a little note for everyone out their since a lot of people keep on asking me the same questions. We are a non-profit organisation using our time to provide the best experience to users around the world with the latest games. I am sorry if it takes more then a few days after the official game is released but please bare in mind that cracking a game is a long process and with the latest encryption which the developers have been adding to their games have made it a much harder process in order for us to crack the game and ensure it doesn't crash. Now SkidrowTeam are on the case as I mentioned earlier so please don't feel let down if we do not have the crack-fix out yet. Thanks very much for your patience once again!

Update 3 (09/11/2012): I cannot believe the amount of idiots which spread false rumours that I will release the crack in 10+ hours last night. I said I will update the community within 10+ hours about the current situation since I went to work. I would like you to be informed that SkidrowTeam have a daily life to life basis as well meaning they have real life jobs and some have families even. Don't expect us to offer 100% premium service full of disrespectful comments and spamming where I have repeated this numerous times we are a non-profit organisation, understand that and be patient? Yes I am aware of Sega releasing a new patch, so is SkidrowTeam and are taking actions in order to make everyone happy. But you cant expect something quick as this requires time to test and make sure its fully working. The new patch fixes a lot of problems which was even mentioned in the patch log. So even the original was not stable enough to be played. So be patient and I thank again for all of the users which are respectful and didn't bombard the chat box and me with silly, stupid comments.

Update 4 (11/11/2012): So, SkidrowTeam have fallen into problems within the crack itself including the latest patch this doesn't mean they have stopped working on it because they are releasing other PC releases. People should bare in mind that Football Manager 2013 isn't the only game which exists in the PC platform. I ask you still be patient as their are many big releases coming up this month including COD: Black Ops 2 and Assassins Creed III. Cracking is not as easy as it sounds and it requires many patience in order to get to the final coding of the HEX and trying to get rid of the encryption which developers these days are doing a hard job on. Its not their fault, they want to protect their profit but its not impossible for the team to crack the game as SkidrowTeam have been successful in my many attempts when it comes to other releases. Thanks for supporting SkidrowTeam and I will continue to update this thread and many thanks for the supporters out their I would like to thank each and every individual for being patient and not flooding my inbox with stupid messages regarding FM 2013.

Update 5 (20/11/2012 Final for now): No ETA, SkidrowTeam have put this project a side for now, they will get back to it at a sooner date but for now its the same problem which we are experiencing as last year. The developers of the game SI have 【屏蔽词语】ed up their own game and even original users are still experiencing problems with their game. They only worked on the encryption mostly for this years edition of Football Manager and to be honest, I have a retail copy and I don't touch it due to it be so badly programmed and rushed out without the fixes. Sorry for this late update but please understand SkidrowTeam are busy with other projects as well. I will update this thread again in the future if I have a crack release or any kind of related fix. Thanks for your patience and once again I apologise for the late update.

Update 6 (Project FM 2013= Over): Let me make this clear to people, SkidrowTeam only intends and will always intend to crack games for fun and educational purposes. In no way will we provide games with updated patches and cracks. If you enjoyed the game then please do support the developers and buy the game. But with FM 2013 it needed a specific patch to make it functioning fully. I had allot of hate messages and people that are being very disrespectful reason being cause we have not got a fix for it. No one told you to stay here all day everyday 24/7 to expect a crack fix out. I am not ruling it out completely from the entire warez scene meaning if another team releases it I will be happy to update and further note the fix, but as far as SkidrowTeam go, its not happening. Project FM 2013 is officially over.

CHICHIQIAO 发表于 2012-11-24 11:26


hironohiro 发表于 2012-11-24 11:38



jacky_ufo 发表于 2012-11-24 11:39

装B啊 支持正版 看看哪个游戏没有S的破解?这次是能力所限吧 别找借口!谁也没求着你放破解 做破解不就是为了那点成功感吗 作为玩家大可以买正版 甚至不玩又有何妨 不要说的这么极端!

251791460 发表于 2012-11-24 11:40


chg0702 发表于 2012-11-24 11:42

jacky_ufo 发表于 2012-11-24 11:42

251791460 发表于 2012-11-24 11:40 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif

   没有所谓的伸手党 如果全买正版 那些所谓的破解专家和黑客就失去人生价值了 :lol

pppirlo 发表于 2012-11-24 11:44

回复 5# 251791460


perfumemurdere 发表于 2012-11-24 11:45

没有所谓的伸手党 如果全买正版 那些所谓的破解专家和黑客就失去人生价值了
jacky_ufo 发表于 2012-11-24 11:42 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif


251791460 发表于 2012-11-24 11:45

回复 7# jacky_ufo

Steam联机 发表于 2012-11-24 11:47

装B啊 支持正版 看看哪个游戏没有S的破解?这次是能力所限吧 别找借口!谁也没求着你放破解 做破解不就是为 ...
jacky_ufo 发表于 2012-11-24 11:39 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif


闲小云 发表于 2012-11-24 11:47

看 来 这 次 要 入 正 了 ,还 是 等版本 稳 定 了 ,汉 化 完 美了 再 说 吧

清晨露水 发表于 2012-11-24 11:47


milletxm 发表于 2012-11-24 11:47


jacky_ufo 发表于 2012-11-24 11:49

perfumemurdere 发表于 2012-11-24 11:45 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif

   那是个人素质问题 和破解不破解没关系 有的人张嘴就是脏话我个人来讲 就算永远没有我也不会去奢求别人给予自己什么东西!

sonyabcd 发表于 2012-11-24 11:49


asdyknn 发表于 2012-11-24 11:49

o(︶︿︶)o 唉,看来要告别了,好好学习去了

jacky_ufo 发表于 2012-11-24 11:55

Steam联机 发表于 2012-11-24 11:47 http://www.playgm.cn/images/common/back.gif

   你可拉倒吧 首先说 别一棒子打死 骂人不骂人是素质问题 不是每个玩破解的人都张嘴骂人的 你能保证你没玩过盗版破解游戏?其次 你没有好好看他写的 他说了 他的小组没能力每次跟进破解 意思就是能力不足 基本所有游戏破解第一版都是S小组的产品 为什么这次FM2013等了这么久 不是能力 还是什么?破不破 没关系 你要做好人 就解散破解组 这样所谓的那些伸手党以后只能买正版了 可惜这事情可能发生吗 破解是那群人人生的意义 比你放弃玩盗版还难!!!

火箭熊熊 发表于 2012-11-24 11:55


haibo3154 发表于 2012-11-24 11:55

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查看完整版本: Skidrow组最终宣布,FM2013破解项目正式以失败结束