楼主: Tottiseiya

【TT10】【Tactical Theorems】TT战术理论!英文完整版正式发布!神啊!

发表于 2009-10-27 01:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 4everRed 于 2009-10-27 03:04 编辑


临场指挥在游戏中是用于【对比赛中出现的意外的状况和 各种危机,为了巩固明显优势或单纯地为了使你的战术意图更不易被针对】的临场战术微调功能。某些指令可以贯穿于全场比赛中的战术调整,另一些则是用于应对特定情况或一时的危机的。临场指挥将成为你fm2010生涯中里一个强大的辅助工具--他可以在帮助你实时调整战术;在应对某些特定的对手在特别的时间给你带来的特殊的威胁的时候更可以起到非凡的效果。他简单易用却能让你快速简易地大幅调整战术,利用好这些临场指挥功能,可以帮助你扭转局势甚至反败为胜。不过,当你错误地使用这些指令,也可能会带来反效果。

对多数玩家来说 问题的关键在于如何准确地理解和运用这些指令
以下是这些指令的列表 和一些简单的描述 能帮助你理解这些指令的功能 和适时地用好他们

Passing Length Modifiers
Retain Possession
Effect: Instructs the team to try to hold on to the ball rather than making rushed long passes.
Action: Shortens passing length, slows tempo.
战术微调:缩短传球距离; 降低节奏(tempo)
Useful: When struggling to hold on to possession; when havinglow pass completion percentage; to keep the ball from the oppositionwhen leading to hold on to a lead.
使用时机:当球队难以保持控球率; 当传球成功率很低; 当领先对手需要增加控球时间保持胜果的时候
Get Ball Forward
Effect: Instructs the team to get the ball up to the forward line quickly to put pressure on the opposition
        球队快速向前锋线传球 给对手施加压力
Action: Increases passing length, increases tempo.
        增加传球距离; 加快节奏
Useful: When not penetrating the opposition; when having highpossession and/or pass completion rates but few good shots; whenneeding a goal later in the game; when playing on a large pitch.
        当无法穿透对方防线; 当有很高的控球率和传球成功率却很少有好的射门; 当比赛临近尾声急需进球; 当场地较大时

Try Through Ball Modifiers
Pass Into Space
Effect: Instructs the team to play the ball in front of the receiving player so that he can run on to it and create space for attacks.
        球队把球传到接球队员的前方空挡 让他们可以通过跑位进攻
Action: Increases try through balls.
Useful: When not penetrating the oppositions; when having highpossession and/or pass completion rates but few good shots; whenplaying against a side with far less acceleration or pace than your own.
        当无法穿透对方防线; 当有很高的控球率和传球成功率却很少有好的射门; 当对手的速度比你慢很多的时候
Pass To Feet
Effect: Instructs the team to make passes directly to a player rather than in front of him so he can run on to it.
Action: Reduces try through balls.
Useful: When struggling to gain high enough possession or passcompletion percentages; when many passes are being intercepted; whenyour team has far less acceleration or pace than the opposition.
        当难以获得足够高的控球率或传球成功率时候; 当传球经常被拦截时; 当球队速度比对手慢很多时候

Passing Length and Direction Modifiers
Pump Ball Into Box
Effect: Instructs the team to play long balls in to the opposition penalty area to try to get an advantage.
        球队多用长传冲吊入禁区 以获得机会
Action: Large increase in passing length but decrease in trythrough balls for defenders and defensive midfielders, tells players toplay with less wide play, makes full backs and wingers hold up theball, increases forward runs for forwards, sets maximum crossing forfull backs, focus passing through the centre.
         大幅提高传球距离 减少后卫和防守型中场的直塞球倾向 缩小宽度 打开边后卫和边锋的控球  提高前锋的前插跑动 把边后卫的传中设为最高 设置集         中中路传球  
Useful: When needing a goal late on in the game; when possessing taller and/or stronger forwards than the opposition defenders.
        当比赛尾声急需进球时;  当前锋比对方后卫更加高大或强壮时
Clear Ball To Flanks
Effect: Instructs the team to clear the ball to the flanks in order to reduce the possible danger.
Action: Large increase in passing length but decrease in trythrough balls for defenders and defensive midfielders, tells players toplay with more wide play, focus passing to the wings.
        大幅提高传球距离  降低中卫和防守型中场的直塞球倾向 增加宽度 集中边路传球
Useful: When trying to hold on to a lead late on in the game;when the opposition is countering through the centre; when possessingquick wingers who are good on the counter attack.
        当球队需要保持领先优势; 当对手集中于中路对抗; 当拥有擅于反击的快速边锋时;

Long Shots Modifiers
Shoot On Sight
Effect: Instructs the team to take the opportunity to shoot whenever they get anywhere near to the goal.
Action: Increases try long shots.
Useful: When playing against a side who are “parking the bus”;when struggling to get any shots in at all; when needing a goal at allcosts.
        当对手摆出铁桶阵; 当几乎无法获得射门机会; 当不惜代价急需进球

Work Ball Into Box
Effect: Instructs the team to only shoot once they get close to the goal.
Action: Decreases try long shots.
Useful: When shooting far too much from range; when creating alot of shots but few clear cut chances; when playing with a team whoare poor at shooting from range.
        当远射过多时; 当射门次数很多但真的好机会非常少的时候; 当本队远射能力很差的时候

Pass Direction Modifiers
Exploit The Flanks
Effect: Instructs the team to play the ball out wide in order to try to play the ball down the wings.
        球队多向边路传球 尝试从边路进攻
Action: Focus passing down the wings, increases forward runs,crossing and mentality for full backs and wing backs, increased wideplay for wing players, central midfielders hold up ball.
        集中边路传球 提高前插跑动 提高边后卫和边卫的传中倾向和心态 提高边路球员的边路活动 设置中场球员控制球
Useful: When the opposition are flooding the centre; whenplaying with good wide players; when playing with a team who are goodat crossing; when playing on a wide pitch.
        当对手收缩占据中路; 当拥有好的边路球员; 当球队擅于传中; 当球场宽度比较大

Exploit The Middle
Effect: Instructs the team to play the ball through the middle of the field.
Action: Focus passing through the centre, increased mentalityand try through balls for defenders and defensive midfield players,decrease forward runs for wide players, increase forward runs fornon-defensive central players in midfield and attack, decrease wideplay for wing players.
        集中中路传球 提高中后卫和防守型中场的心态和直塞倾向 减少边路球员前插跑动 提高中前场非防守型中路球员的前插跑动 减少边路球员的边路活动
Useful: When not playing with any wider players; when theopposition are leaving gaps in the middle of the field; when playingwith a strong side with good central players; when playing on a narrowpitch.
        当球队缺乏好的边路球员; 当对手中路的空挡较大; 当球队中路球员比对手更强; 当球场较窄小

Run Modifiers

Look For Overlap
Effect: Tells deeper wide players to run beyond the wide midfielders to offer more passing options and crossing opportunities.
        让后防边路球员助攻范围拓展到中场边路球员前方 以获得更多的传球路线和传中机会
Action: Increases mentality, more crossing, cross from furtherup the field and maximum forward runs for full backs and wing backs,hold up ball and decrease of mentality, forward runs and run with ballfor wide midfielders, attacking midfielders and forwards, reduces wideplay for wing players.
        提高边后卫和边卫的心态和传中倾向和传中点深度并最大化前插跑动  中场边路球员,前锋和进攻型中场球员设置控球并降低心态和前插跑动减少带球突破 减少边路球员的边路活动
Useful: When using excellent attacking full backs and needingextra penetration down the wings; when needing more passing options inthe final third; when playing against a side who are weak orundermanned down the flanks.
        当拥有出色的进攻型边后卫并需要加强边路突击能力;  当比赛后半段需要更多的传球选择; 当对手边路能力薄弱或者少人
Take A Breather  
Effect: Allows the team to slow the pace of the game down to conserve energy.
Action: Decrease forward runs, decrease tempo.
        降低前插跑动 降低节奏
Useful: To try and slow the pace of the game when playing invery hot conditions; to keep players fit when well in the lead; to calmthe game down before radically increasing the tempo and catching theopposition cold.
        在非常炎热天气下并且球队领先的时候降低比赛节奏以节约体能小号;  当需要冷静比赛降低节奏捕捉对手失误

Width Modifiers
Play Wider
Effect: Instruct the team to play with more width.
Action: Increases width, focus passing down both flanks.
        增加宽度 集中边路传球
Useful: When the opposition is attacking down the wings; whenthe opposition is flooding the centre of the field; when needing morespace to break down the opposition; when playing on a narrow pitch.
        当对手集中边路进攻;  当对手阵型站位集中中路; 当需要更多空间来击垮对手;  当在狭窄的场地比赛
Play Narrower
Effect: Instructs the side to tighten up through the centre.
Action: Decreases width, focus passing through the centre.
Useful: When the opposition is attacking through the centre;when the opposition is leaving holes in the centre; when needing tokeep the game tight and reducing space for the opposition; when playingon a wide pitch.
        当对手集中进攻中路; 当对手中路留有空挡; 当需要加强对抗压缩对手发挥空间; 当球场宽度较大  

Defensive Line Modifiers

Push Higher Up
Effect: Tells the defence to push higher up the field when in possession.
Action: Increases defensive line height, increase closing down.
        提高防线位置 提高紧逼
Useful: When playing against slow strikers; when playing againsta team sitting deep; when needing to reduce the space of the opposition.
        当对手前锋速度较慢;当对手全线退防; 当需要缩小对手比赛空间

Drop Deeper
Effect: Tells the defence to sag further back when in possession.
Action: Decreases the defensive line height, lower closing down.
        降低防线位置 减少紧逼
Useful: When playing against quicker strikers; when playingagainst a team pushing up; when looking for more space with a teampacking the midfield and defence.
        当对手前锋速度较快;  当对手压出来打; 当自己需要更多空间来保持中场和防线的协作

Closing Down Modifiers
Hassle Opponents
Effect: Instructs the team to close down the opposition and reduce the space available.
Action: Vastly increases closing down settings, changes marking to tight-man, increases tempo.
        大幅提高紧逼设置 改变盯人方式为紧盯人 加快节奏
Useful: When needing to regain possession quickly; when playingagainst a slow, technically inferior team; when needing to reduce spacefor the opposition.
        当需要快速夺回控球权; 当对手速度较慢技术很差; 当需要压缩对手活动空间

Stand-Off Opponents
保持距离 别盲目上抢
Effect: Instructs the team to hold back from the opposition and try to direct them away from danger.
        球队保持防守位置 尝试排除危险
Action: Vastly decreases closing down settings, changes marking to loose-zonal, decreases tempo.
        大幅降低紧逼设置 改变盯人方式为宽松区域盯人 降低节奏
Useful: When playing against a quick, technically superior team;when needing to hold team defensive shape; when looking for more spaceto break down a team who refuse to come out of their own half.
        当对手速度较快技术非常好的时候; 当需要稳固球队防守; 当引诱收缩半场防守的对手出击以获得更多空间进攻

Tackling Intensity Modifiers
Get Stuck In
Effect: Instructs the team to tackle hard to regain possession.
Action: Increases tackling intensity to hard.
Useful: When needing to regain possession quickly; when playingagainst a team with little bravery; when not getting a high enoughtackles completed percentage.
当需要快速夺回控球权 当对手勇气不佳 当抢劫成功率不够高
Stay On Feet
Effect: Instructs the team to only make tackles when they are definitely “on”.
Action: Decreases tackling intensity to easy, except for the “ball winning midfielder”.
        设置抢断强度为最低 除了队中的ball winning midfielder外
Useful: When conceding too many free kicks; when looking to holddefensive shape; when playing against very quick players good at ridinga tackle.
        当犯规过多给与对手太多任意球机会; 当需要稳固防守; 当对方拥有非常快速灵活擅于躲过抢断的球员

Extreme Shouts
极端的喊话 - -!
The following shouts are only available when playing the contain or overload strategies.
Play Even Safer
Effect: Tells the team to play even more defensively when using the contain strategy.
        让球队更保守地全力防守 当球队已经使用contain的心态
Action: Sets forward runs and try through balls to minimum for all players except forwards, decreases run with ball.
        设置全队除了前锋以外的前插和直塞球到最低 减少带球跑动
Useful: Late on in a game when facing an onslaught.
Take More Risks
Effect: Tell the team to be even more gung-ho when using the overload strategy.
        让球队更加猛烈围攻对手 当已经在用overload心态的时候
Action: Sets forward runs to maximum for support players, through balls to maximum for all players, increases run with ball.
        设置支援职责的队员的前插跑动到最高 设置所有球员的直塞球到最高 增加带球突破
Useful: Late on in a game when absolutely desperate for a goal.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 01:50 | 显示全部楼层
hxscd 发表于 2009-10-27 01:48


 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 01:51 | 显示全部楼层
hxscd 发表于 2009-10-27 01:49

发表于 2009-10-27 01:51 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 01:52 | 显示全部楼层
Touchline Instructions

The touchline instructions or “shouts” are used to modify your ...
4everRed 发表于 2009-10-27 01:50

发表于 2009-10-27 01:52 | 显示全部楼层
一直玩英文版不知道很多中文版采用的术语翻译 刚看到了你帖子里的截图 所以后面一些就用了那些汉化的指令名称了 前面的需要修改
发表于 2009-10-27 01:53 | 显示全部楼层
Tottiseiya 发表于 2009-10-27 01:52

发表于 2009-10-27 01:54 | 显示全部楼层
咱加个qq吧 有空我就帮手 :$
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 01:55 | 显示全部楼层
一直玩英文版不知道很多中文版采用的术语翻译 刚看到了你帖子里的截图 所以后面一些就用了那些汉化的指令名 ...
4everRed 发表于 2009-10-27 01:52

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 01:56 | 显示全部楼层
咱加个qq吧 有空我就帮手
4everRed 发表于 2009-10-27 01:54

发表于 2009-10-27 01:56 | 显示全部楼层
Tottiseiya 发表于 2009-10-27 01:52

    。。。我之前就说我洗完澡翻这个啊 我就google到两篇原文 一个你前面翻的 还有这个你简略翻过的 不知道其他在哪
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 01:58 | 显示全部楼层
。。。我之前就说我洗完澡翻这个啊 我就google到两篇原文 一个你前面翻的 还有这个你简略翻过的  ...
4everRed 发表于 2009-10-27 01:56


发表于 2009-10-27 01:59 | 显示全部楼层
Tottiseiya 发表于 2009-10-27 01:56

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 02:00 | 显示全部楼层
hxscd 发表于 2009-10-27 01:59


发表于 2009-10-27 02:02 | 显示全部楼层

Tottiseiya 发表于 2009-10-27 02:00

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 02:04 | 显示全部楼层
hxscd 发表于 2009-10-27 02:02

发表于 2009-10-27 02:04 | 显示全部楼层

Tottiseiya 发表于 2009-10-27 01:58

    可以考虑等完整版出来后大家分工合作下去 :lol  我之前突然眼皮内发现结石 难受死了  明天还要去复查看能不能马上挑掉
后天晚上就回新加坡 正好我刚刚把网游帐号全处理掉了 以后没事就帮忙翻译东西 做点小贡献 也好培养我的学习毅力哈哈
发表于 2009-10-27 02:06 | 显示全部楼层
我qq83563224 我建个群? 名字叫什么好? 建群功能我都没用过 白给腾讯钱了
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-27 02:06 | 显示全部楼层
可以考虑等完整版出来后大家分工合作下去 :lol  我之前突然眼皮内发现结石 难受死了  明天还要去复查看能不能马上挑掉
后天晚上就回新加坡 正好我刚刚把网游帐号全处理掉了 以后没事就帮忙翻译东西 做点小贡献 也好培养我的学习毅力哈哈
4everRed 发表于 2009-10-27 02:04


发表于 2009-10-27 02:06 | 显示全部楼层
可以考虑等完整版出来后大家分工合作下去   我之前突然眼皮内发现结石 难受死了  明天还要去 ...
4everRed 发表于 2009-10-27 02:04

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